BioProc2 - University of Ottawa

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Analog data processing
Part Three
Impact, Work and Force Analysis
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Gait & Biomechanics Laboratory, University of Ottawa
Force transducer calibration
• use Pearson Correlation from Correlation menu
• (new) after correlation and regression coefficients are computed
you are prompted to apply one of the regression equations to
the original data
• use Scaling menu from Analysis menu to scale data to any units
Gait & Biomechanics Laboratory, University of Ottawa
Force platform analyses
use submenu Analyze Force Plate Data from Analysis menu
two plates can be combined (Combine Two Plates)
impulse computed (from integration statistics)
changes in centres of gravity estimated (Centre of Gravity)
Gait & Biomechanics Laboratory, University of Ottawa
Centre of mass calculations
• requires subject to have static initial conditions
• can compute takeoff velocity, height after takeoff, lowest and
highest positions during period of stance for all three directions,
work done and jumping power
• (new) high-pass filtering reduces drift
Gait & Biomechanics Laboratory, University of Ottawa
Angular Impulse
• use Work or Angular Impulse Analysis from Integration Statics
submenu of Analysis menu
• requires data file that contains moments (from Vicon or Visual3D
ASCII export)
• moments must be in the first half of the data file, second half
may contain powers
Gait & Biomechanics Laboratory, University of Ottawa
External, Internal and Total Work
• use Work or Angular Impulse Analysis from Integration Statics
submenu of Analysis menu
• requires data file that contains moment powers (from Vicon or
Visual3D ASCII export)
• powers must be in first half or all of the data file
• average work, sum of positive and negative work and external,
internal and total mechanical work done are computed for each
• sums for each axis and total for all axes are also computed
• calculates percent contributions for each moment
Gait & Biomechanics Laboratory, University of Ottawa
Moment Power Analysis (Work Bursts)
• use Moment Power Analysis from Integration Statics submenu
of Analysis menu
• requires data file that contains moment powers (from Vicon or
Visual3D ASCII export)
• computes work bursts and peak moments and powers
whenever power changes from positive to negative or moment
changes from positive to negative
• set a threshold to eliminate small bursts of power
Gait & Biomechanics Laboratory, University of Ottawa
Impact (GSI and HIC) Analyses
• use GSI and HIC (Impacts) from Integration Statics submenu of
Analysis menu
• needs one channel of acceleration data scaled to g’s or m/s2
• second channel may contain triggering information (no longer
• computes Gadd Severity Index for head impacts only (i.e., uses
• (new) average acceleration, A-3 and HIC, integral, delta g and
time to peak acceleration
• HIC is only done for the maximum allowable time interval
Gait & Biomechanics Laboratory, University of Ottawa