Review - Weebly

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Transcript Review - Weebly

Chapter 11 Unit 10
The Digestive System
• Name the main organs of the digestive system(6)?
• Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine,
and large intestine
• The medical term for a mass of food that has
been chewed at the point of swallowing
• Bolus
• Digested food in the stomach(expelled into the
duodenum)that is changed into a semi-liquid state is
An ulcer in the stomach is called?
A gastric or peptic ulcer
What causes an ulcer?
Excessive aspirin or IBU use
Muscular contractions that move food through the
digestive tract?
• Peristalsis
• This is a structure that controls the flow of food and
water from the stomach to the small intestine?
• Pyloric sphincter
• The first part of the small intestine, it’s a Cshaped segment, about 9 inches long?
• Duodenum
• The second part of the small intestine and is
about 8 feet in length?
• Jejunum
• This is the last segment, about 12 feet long?
• Ileum
Largest gland(organ) in the body that detoxifies, manufactures bile, pulls toxins
from the blood?
This condition is yellow discoloration of the skin caused by excessive bilirubin?
What is the sole purpose of the gallbladder?
Storage of bile
Bile is necessary for digestion of what?
This is a worm-shaped structure about the size of the little finger, acts as a
storehouse for good bacteria?
Appendicitis is considered a medical emergency and can cause?
A burst, or perforate, spilling infectious materials into the abdominal cavity,
requires emergency surgery
Medical term cholelithiasis?
The digestive process is complete by the time it reaches?
The colon
How long does it take the GI system to complete digestion?
36 hours
The first part of large bowel is the right colon called?
Ascending colon
This is the longest and most movable part of the colon?
The transverse colon
This part of the colon extends downward along the left side of the abdomen until
it reaches the edge of the pelvic cavity
Descending colon
This is the part of the large intestine that is closest to the rectum and anus, make
an S shape?
Sigmoid colon
• This serves as a collecting area for the remains of digestion,
and is 6 to 8 inches long?
• Rectum
• This is the endoscopic examination of the large bowel and
the distal part of the small bowel?
• Colonoscopy
• This is an examination of the lining of the esophagus,
stomach, and upper duodenum with a small camera
(flexible endoscope) which is inserted down the throat?
• Esophagogastroduodeoscopy(EGD)
• This is a disease that causes scarring of the liver and poor
liver function, jaundice and eventually liver failure?
• Cirrhosis
• This is a surgical procedure in which a stoma is formed by
drawing the healthy end of the large intestine or colon
through an incision in the anterior abdominal wall and
suturing it into place
• Colostomy
• This is a type of inflammatory bowel disease that may
affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract from mouth
to anus, caused by infection or allergies, diarrhea and
vomiting is very common?
• Crohn’s disease
• This condition causes out-pocketings or pouches of the
intestinal wall?
• Diverticula
• This is a condition in which the stomach contents (food
or liquid) leak backwards from the stomach into the
• Gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD)
• These are painful, swollen or dilated veins in the lower
portion of the rectum or anus
• Hemorrhoids
• This is a condition when the sac comes through a hole
or weak area in the fascia, the strong layer of the
abdominal wall that surrounds the muscle( types:
inguinal, femoral, umbilical, epigastric, hital)?
• Hernia
• Medical term for vomiting?
• Emesis
• This is a rapid test used to check for blood in
the stool(use in a clinic)
• Hemocult card