The Crusade for Social Order

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The Crusade for Social
Trevor Joireman & Matt Pru
The Temperance Crusade
 Started by women
 Women’s Christian Temperance Union
 Anti-Saloon League
 Eventually led to the eighteenth amendment
 Amendment 18 was later annulled by the 21st amendment
Immigration Restriction in the Early
 Several motivations
 Eugenics
 Madison Grant
 Nativism
 Goals of restriction
 Solve overcrowding
 Lower unemployment
 Fix social services and unrest
 Both temperance and certain aspects of immigration deal
with ethics and morality
 Many current day issues also are ethical decisions that must
be made
The Controversy Over Weed
 Originally made illegal in 1937
 Recently has been legalized in certain states
 Many political reasons support legality
 Many ethical reasons go against legality
Immigration Controversy Today
 Many advantages and disadvantages fuel a heated
controversy over what approach should be taken
 Immigrants taking American jobs
 Arizona SB 1070 is one example of a huge deal
 Main problem is that people do not know how they want to
take action in order to satisfy all