Transcript ppt

Computer Networks
Lecture 13: Future Networks
Prof. Younghee Lee
Prof. Younghee Lee
Future Internet Services – Survey [1]
Findings: agree
– Some 66% of the experts agreed that at least one devastating
attack will occur in the next 10 years on the networked information
infrastructure or the country’s power grid
– 59% of these experts agreed with a prediction that more government
and business surveillance will occur as computing devices
proliferate and become embedded in appliances, cars, phones, and
even clothes.
– 57% of them agreed that virtual classes will become more
widespread in formal education and that students might at least
occasionally be grouped with others who share their interests and
skills, rather than by age.
– 56% of them agreed that as telecommuting and home-schooling
expand, the boundary between work and leisure will diminish and
family dynamics will change because of that.
– 50% of them believe that anonymous, free, music file-sharing on
peer-to-peer networks will still be easy to perform a decade from now.
[1] “In a survey, technology experts and scholars evaluate where the network is headed in the next ten years”, 202-4194500 , January 9, 2005
Prof. Younghee Lee
Future Internet Services – Survey [1]
 Findings:
– Just 32% of these experts agreed that people would use the internet
to support their political biases and filter out information that
disagrees with their views. Half the respondents disagreed with or
disputed that prediction.
– Only 32% agreed with a prediction that online voting would be
secure and widespread by 2014. Half of the respondents disagreed or
disputed that idea.
Prof. Younghee Lee
Future Internet Services – Survey [1]
Findings: In the emerging era of the blog, experts believe the internet will
bring yet more dramatic change to the news and publishing worlds.
They predict the least amount of change to religion.
– Connections across media, entertainment, advertising, and commerce
» Google and Starbucks have a chance to build all-new new distribution models
– Health care is approximately 10 years behind
» boom in the next 10 years
– Government will be forced to become increasingly transparent,
– Digitization and the Internet make for a potent brew
» In the future, everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes in their own reality show
– Hyperlinks subvert hierarchy.
– The ‘always-on’ internet, combined with computers talking to computers
– The next decade should see the development of a more thoughtful internet.
We've had the blood rush to the head, we've had the hangover from that blood
rush; this next decade is the rethink.”
– The dissemination of information will increasingly become the dissemination
of drivel.
» As more and more ‘data’ is posted on the internet, there will be increasingly less ‘information
Prof. Younghee Lee
Future Internet Services – Survey [1]
Findings: Experts are both in awe and in frustration about the
state of the internet. They celebrate search technology,
peer-to-peer networks, and blogs; they bemoan institutions
that have been slow to change.
– What dimensions of online life in the past decade have caught them
by surprise?
» Pleasant surprises: These experts are in awe of the development of the
Web and the explosion of information sources on top of the basic
internet backbone. They also said they were amazed at the
improvements in online search technology, the spread of peer-to-peer
networks, and the rise of blogs.
» Unpleasant surprises: The experts are startled that educational
institutions have changed so little, despite widespread expectation a
decade ago that schools would be quick to embrace change. They are
unhappy that gaps exist in internet access for many groups – those
with low income, those with lower levels of educational attainment, and
those in rural areas. And they still think there is a long way to go before
political institutions will benefit from the internet.
Prof. Younghee Lee
Future Internet Services: summary
Revised summary in terms of technology
– Broadband networks: core (fiber) + access (wireless)
– Rethinking the Internet: improved or new one?
» Security
» Network management..
– Ubiquitous computing
» Smart device, smart space
– Dissemination networks
» Content based networks
– Web based services: Good surprise:
» Web + explosion of information sources
 Search technology, P2P, blog
» What about ad hoc environment or weakly connected environment?
– Applications: summary
» Media (news, publishing, IPTV..), entertainment, advertising, commerce,
telecommuting, home schooling, p2p
» Need more efforts: Healthcare, Education, information divide
» Less impact: politics, on-line voting, religions..
Prof. Younghee Lee
Future Internet Services – Survey [2]
 Findings:
– A global, low-cost network thrives: Agree 56%, Disagree 43%, Did
not respond 1%
– English displaces other languages: 42:57:1
– Autonomous technology is a problem: 42:54:4
– Transparency builds a better world, even at the expense of privacy:
– Virtual reality is a drain for some: 56:39:5
– The internet opens worldwide access to success: 52:44:5
– Some Luddites / Refuseniks will commit terror acts: 58:35:7
Prof. Younghee Lee
Future Internet Services
 Vehicular
Network Applications
– Traffic
– Accident avoid
 Virtual
– Second life
– Meeting in virtual space
 Disaster
 Global
Sensing data
Prof. Younghee Lee
Future Internet Services – Survey
2010 – An improved Internet
– Global Environment for Networking Investigation (GENI)
» Security is main concern
» Content delivery demands
» new naming, addressing and identity architectures for the internet
Enable control and management of other critical infrastructures;
Include ease of operation and usability
Enable new classes of societal-level services and applications.
» "enable the vision of pervasive computing and bridge the gap between
the physical and virtual worlds by including mobile, wireless and sensor
– Leonard Kleinrock: It must be built to handle the boom in internet
demands from sources other than computers, such as cellular phones,
GPS/RFID-type tracking and hand-held organizers
Prof. Younghee Lee
Future Internet Services – wireless [4]
The Internet is becoming wireless
– Laptop sales exceeded desktop PC sales in July 2003
– By 2015, # wireless Internet terminals >> # wired!
– Laptops, cell-phones, PDA’s, Embedded devices (sensors, actuators,
– Wireless access networks must scale and handle new types of
devices (sensors, etc.)
Internet Architecture
– IPv6, QoS, Mobile IP.. : deployment problems
– B-ISDN, 3G ?
– Need to encourage bottom-up transformation without loss of
investment in legacy system
» Evolutionary strategy
» New approaches to protocol standards
» Economic incentives for deployment
Prof. Younghee Lee
Future Internet Services – wireless [4]
Mobile data
– Terminal mobility (authentication, roaming and dynamic handoff), mobile IPv6,
Multicasting, IP multicast, Security, Wireless TCP: R&D during 90’s
Mobile P2P
– Router mobility, delayed delivery, caching and opportunistic data delivery (in
network storage), content-aware/location-aware data delivery
Sensors: Applications:
– Highway safety: accident prevention
» Opportunistic, attribute-based binding of sensors and cars, tight real-time and reliability
– Assisted Living
» Emergency event triggers interaction between object sensors and body sensors and initiate
external communication: Heterogeneous ad-hoc network, Sensors used to detect events and
specify location, Real-time communication with care provider
– Overlay services
» used for content distribution or dynamic binding between sensor devices and servers, agents,
 Use of XML or similar content descriptor
Prof. Younghee Lee
Future Internet Services
 Ubiquitous
– Everything on IP, IP on Everything
– Is it enough for ubiquitous services?
 Web
based services
– Everything on web, IP on everything
– What about ad hoc environment, weekly connected
– Invisibility, personalization?
=> Conceptual architecture and Middleware for
future ubiquitous services
Prof. Younghee Lee
Future Internet Services
User Centric Service Network: Personalization
1 to n, n to n Data dissemination
Peer-to-Peer/Ad-hoc Information dissemination
Heterogeneous devices for various services and information
Constraints of today’s Internet services
– Not reflect user’s preference at network level
– Limitation of TCP/IP
– Need binding information prior to the communication
between the nodes
– IP address based routing
» Do not directly related with service provider/requester
» Service based routing between Service requester – service provider
Prof. Younghee Lee
Future Internet Services
 Applications,
– Limited by our imagination
 How
can we predict future services based upon
the present level of imagination?
 Instead of predicting something = creating
something new for the future will be more feasible
– Make the something that can change future society? Or
Adaptation of IT system for future society?
Prof. Younghee Lee
Future Network?
Future of the Internet?
The Internet
We’re here
– 1st Jan 1983. === Flag day
The Internet
– ARPAnet switched from NCP to TCP/IP
– About 400 machines need to switch.
– As the Internet get bigger, it get much harder to change : Flag day?
– Maybe we reach to almost the summit of the networking system
based on the paradigm of the Internet which are “distributed control,
– New requirements:
– Small improvement, higher cost, complexity…
Future of the Internet?: No revolutionary technologies [5]
– Optimistic view: many new challenges for disruptive technologies
– Pessimistic view: networking research is at the end
– Realistic? View: continuous evolution and change
Prof. Younghee Lee
Future of the Internet?
Virtual world, virtualization of network
Connectivity oriented network -> content oriented network
Service creation by consumer : producer
Context aware networking: user context, environment context
Mobile Internet, multi-sensory information
Virtual real world with emotion [6]
Prof. Younghee Lee
[1] Susannah Fox et al., “In a survey, technology experts and scholars evaluate where
the network is headed in the next ten years”, 202-419-4500 , January 9, 2005
[2] Janna Quitney Anderson, “A survey of technology thinkers and stakeholders shows
they believe the internet will continue to spread in a “flattening” and improving world.
There are many, though, who think major problems will accompany technology
advances by 2020”, 202-419-4500 , September 24,
[3] “ICT-FET FP7 Work Programme: Extract from Work Programme 2007 for ICT –
Information and Communication Technologies under FP7”, 2007 EU
[4] Mario Gerla, “New Service and Architecture Requirements for the Future Internet: The
Wireless, Mobile and Sensor Network Perspective” based on the NSF WMPG report,
Rutgers, Oct 2005, CCW OCT 2005
[5] Mark Handley “The challenge of evolving the Internet” ICT – FP7 Jan 2008
[6] Rahim Tafazolli, “Next Generation 3D Internet (Post-IP) leading to 4D Mobile Internet”, ICT –
FP7 Jan 2008
Prof. Younghee Lee