Video and Text Conferencing
Transcript Video and Text Conferencing
Video and Text Conferencing
Isaac Roybal and Pancho Garcia
Video and Text Conferencing
What is Video and Text conferencing and
how it works
How does it work-An in-depth look
Why and Where it is used
How it affects your network
What is Video and Text
Conferencing ?
Video conferencing- Communication of video, audio, and
alphanumeric text in a real time environment.
Uses hardware and certain types software to relay the
data over a network.
Microsoft NetMeeting, ICQ, Cu See ME, and Web phoneExamples of standard video and/or text conferencing
software that may be download over the Internet.
Corporations have own conferencing software developed
witch can be very expensive.
How it works
An in-depth look
The three basic ingredients needed- Input,
Output, and Processor
Where it stands on the OSI model
It’s requirements and standards
What types of technology it uses
Input, Output, and Process
Input- Usually the camera, microphone, and
Out put- Monitor and Speakers
Process- Software package and
CODEC(coder/decoder). The CODEC is used for
video digitization
OSI model and Video/Text
Video and Text would fall in levels 3 and 4
on the OSI Model.
Level 3 would be in use because IP’s are
used to make the connection between the
PC’s, being point-to-point or client/server.
Level 4 would be in use because a Host-toHost connection is made and also uses TCP.
Requirements and Standards
Video uses frames/second to deliver the video data to be shown.
A frame is defined as the number of rows and columns of pixels
Required bandwidth for basic 30 frame/second video conferencing is
usually about 80.64 Mb/s or two T-3 lines
H.261 standard-resolves video resolution formats, such as
CIF(352x288) and QCIF(176X144) Needs less bandwidth.
MUX’s, MCU’s, and CSU/DSU- Multiplexers, Multipoint control units(
Video router) , and CSU/DSU’s used in WAN Video Confrening.
H.243 standard deals with the interface between the MCU’s and the
What technologies are being
Video Compression-most important part of Video
Conferencing to save bandwidth. Turns the need for two T3 lines to the minimum of a dedicated 56k line.
Video Compression-Interframe coding and Motion
compensation. Interframe coding just changes parts of
the frame that change, cuts down of over head.
Multicast vs. Unicast- This is the way data is transported.
Multicast is the transportation of data all at once to
several different users, where unicast is only the on user
at a time.
Why and Where
is Video Conferencing used?
Video conferencing
is used to bring
people together
whether it be
business, personal,
or educational
How Does all this affect a
Bandwidth, Bandwidth, Bandwidth- Video
and Audio requires a steady and constant
This can affect you two ways-One Network
efficacy or Two cost of new leased lines
and equipment.
Video conferencing can be very strenuous
and high in cost on your network.
So weight the Pros and Cons very carefully
to see if it is right for your network.
Thank You!