Topic 3 – Object Oriented Programming and Classes

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Transcript Topic 3 – Object Oriented Programming and Classes

Topic 14 – Networks
and Socket Programming
CISC370/Object Oriented
Programming with Java
“It’s currently a problem of access to gigabits through punybaud.”
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
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Possession of any of these files implies understanding and
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The slides are provided for the use of students enrolled in Jeff
Six's Object Oriented Programming with Java class (CISC 370) at
the University of Delaware. They are the creation of Mr. Six and
he reserves all rights as to the slides. These slides are not to be
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be used by students for the purpose of reviewing the material
covered in lecture. Any other use, including but not limited to, the
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Most of the material in these slides, including the examples, is
derived from multiple textbooks. Credit is hereby given to the
authors of these textbook for much of the content. This content
is used here for the purpose of presenting this material in CISC
370, which uses, or has used, these textbooks.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Network Programming
and Java
A computer network is an interconnected
collection of autonomous computers.
This means that each computer is
independent from each other and some
method of communications exist between
Java abstracts all of the details of the
underlying network, and how the operating
system interacts with it. All of this is hidden
and encapsulated in the package.
This makes network programming quite easy.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Network Addresses
A computer on a network has an address.
This address is used to uniquely identify this
computer (also known as a host) on the
The most common address system in use
today is the Internet Protocol (IPv4)
addressing system. This is a 32-bit address,
typically written as a “dotted-quad” - four
numbers, 0 through 254, separated by dots,
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Each host on the network has a set of ports.
Ports are like mailboxes; the address specifies
the host, the port specifies the application on
the host. Ports range from 1 to 65537.
These ports allow multiple applications to use
the same network interface/address to
communicate over the network.
For example, a web server will communicate
on the network using port 80, while a FTP
server on the same host will have the same
address but use port 21.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
“the network”
FTP server
Telnet server
HTTP server
HTTP client
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Well-Known Ports
Port numbers below 1024 are well-known ports.
These port numbers are assigned to various
applications; for example, a HTTP server is always
connected to port 80, an FTP server is always
connected to port 21, etc…
These well-known ports are assigned to servers.
When a client makes a connection to a server, the
client uses another port (above 1024) to connect to a
server’s well-known port.
There is no technical reason servers must conform to
these standards – it is just a convention so that clients
will always know where the web server is, where the
FTP server is, and so forth.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
A socket is an abstraction of an endpoint of a
two-way communications link.
A socket is created in the application program
that is bound to a remote address and
remote port.
When a socket is created, a port (could be
random) on the host (client) is chosen and a
“connection” is created between the client
using this port and the specified remote
address using the remote port.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Connection-Oriented Service
There are two primary types of services
provided by a computer network.
A connection-oriented service is modeled
after the telephone system. The primary
characteristic of this type of service is that it
acts like a pipe – the sender pushes object
bits into the pipe and then come out of the
receiver in the same condition as they were
pushed in.
This pipe is connected to one port on the
sender and one port on the receiver.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Stream Sockets
The connection-oriented service is
implemented in Java using stream sockets.
Once a stream socket is open on both ends
(the server and the client), and the sockets
connect to each other, there is a pipe
connecting them, providing a reliable byte
One side places bytes into this pipe and they
come out, in the exact same manner, of the
other end.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Stream Sockets
The most popular protocol that implements a
stream, or connection-oriented, service is the
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
This is the protocol that Java uses to
implement stream sockets.
This is a reliable service; when something is
sent from one side to the other, it arrives in
order, in the same state, and is not lost or
duplicated in the network.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Connectionless Service
A connectionless service is modeled after the
postal system. The primary characteristic of
this type of service is that one side sends
messages to the other side.
Each message is independent. Such a service
could lose messages in the network, duplicate
messages, corrupt data during transport. It
is an unreliable service (although most of the
time this bad stuff does not happen!)
One side creates a message and sends it to
the other side.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Datagram Sockets
The connectionless service is implemented in
Java using datagram sockets.
There is no connection between these
sockets. A socket is opened to another
socket, but no connection is actually
made…when a message is passed to the
socket, it is sent over the network to the
other socket. Most of the time it gets there.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Datagram Sockets
The most popular protocol that implements a
datagram, or connectless, service is the User
Datagram Protocol (UDP).
This is the protocol that Java uses to
implement datagram sockets.
This is unreliable. All sorts of things can
happen to the messages during transport in
the network (although most of the time, they
get there just fine).
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Creating a
Java Client Program
Java makes network and socket
programming easy.
The simplest program will connect to a
server (another host on the network),
open a stream to a certain port, and
display what the server sends.
For example…
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
public class SocketTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Socket s = new Socket(
“”, 13);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream()));
boolean more = true;
while (more) {
String line = in.readLine();
if (line == null) more = false;
} catch (IOException exp) {
System.out.println(“Error:” + exp);
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Reading from a Socket
Socket s = new Socket(
“”, 13);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new
The first line creates a socket that
connects to the host with the specified
name at port 13 on that host.
Then, the getInputStream() method is
called on the socket to get a byte
stream that provides input from the
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Reading from a Socket
An InputStreamReader is attached to
this byte stream and a BufferedReader
is attached to this InputStreamReader.
Once this input stream is constructed,
the program reads all characters sent
by the server using the readLine()
method and then displays each line to
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Network I/O and Exceptions
Notice that all of the networking code in this
example is inside of a try block.
A number of things can go wrong with network
communications, from a power failure knocking
out an intermediate router or switch, to a
misconfiguration, to someone tripping over a
If any of these errors are detected, an
IOException is generated, so any program
performing such functionality should handle
such conditions.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Host Names and IP Addresses
Notice that a name is provided to the socket
constructor, not an IP address.
This name is a host name. Java will use the
Domain Name Service (DNS) to resolve this
name into an IP address and then connect to
the host using that IP address.
Usually, you will not have to work directly
with IP addresses. However, it is possible to
directly lookup the IP address of a host.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Host Names and IP Addresses
This is accomplished by the
InetAddress class’s static method,
For example,
InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(
will return an InetAddress object that
encapsulates the sequence of four
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Multiple IP Addresses per Host
Sometimes, a host can have more than one
IP address.
This is frequently done to facilitate loadbalancing. For example,
currently corresponds to three different IP
addresses; one is picked at random whenever
the host is accessed.
To determine all of the IP addresses of a
specific host, call getAllByName()…
InetAddress[] addresses = InetAddress.getAllByName(
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
The Loopback Address
and localhost
As sometimes it is necessary to get
information about the machine the program is
running on, the hostname localhost always
represents the local host.
This hostname always corresponds to the IP
address, which is known as the
loopback address.
This is a special IP address which means “the
computer connected right here.”
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Determining the Local Address
If the program calls getByName() with
localhost, the returned IP address is
In order to get the actual IP address of the
host, call getLocalHost(). This will return the
actual IP address of the host on the network.
For example…
InetAddress address =
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
A Bi-Directional Client
The simple client program just seen would
connect to a server and display what the
server sent back. Once the server was done,
the client would disconnect.
This is not the most useful situation…often
the client will want to send data to the server,
as well as receive data from the server.
As stream sockets are bi-directional, this is
not a problem; we simply need to open an
output stream on the socket.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Now, this test program opens both input and output streams
on the same socket – to both read from, and write to, the server.
public class BiDir_SocketTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Socket s = new Socket(
“”, 13);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream()));
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(
s.getOutputStream(), true)
// auto-flush
// read from in (input – received from server)
// write to out (output – send to server)
} catch (IOException exp) {
System.out.println(“Error:” + exp);
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Clients and Servers
So far we have seen how to implement
clients, programs which connect, over the
network, to other machines. When we open
this connection, it is made to a host at a
certain address to a certain port.
For this to work, the server on the remote
host must be listening to that port and wait
for a client to connect, or attach, to that port.
Once this happens, the server obtains a
socket that is an abstraction of its end of the
stream, connected to the connecting client.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
The ServerSocket Class
Server programs (programs which listen to a
port for a connection request) are
implemented using the ServerSocket class.
A ServerSocket object is created by specifying
the port number to listen for connections on…
ServerSocket svr1 = new ServerSocket(1998);
This creates a server socket on port 1998
(notice this is not a well-known port number
as it is greater than 1024). This server object
will listen for connection requests on this
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Accepting a Connection
Once this server has been established, the
program can wait for a client request to
connect on that port by calling the accept()
This is a blocking method that waits indefinitely
until a client attempts to connect to the port.
When this happens, the accept() method
returns a Socket object, which is how the
server can then communicate with the client…
// will block until a client connects
Socket incoming = svr1.accept();
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
An Example: An Echo Server
As an example, let’s create a simple server
which will wait for a client to connect. When
a client connects, the server will read a line
from the client and then return a line identical
to what it has received.
This is known as an echo server, as it simply
echoes back what it receives from the client.
As an added twist, this echo server will echo
back what it receives in all capital letters.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
public class CapsEchoServer {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
ServerSocket svr1 = new ServerSocket(1998);
Socket incoming = svr1.accept();
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(
incoming.getOutputStream(), true);
out.println(“CAPS Echo Server. Type BYE to exit”);
boolean done = false;
while (!done) {
String line = in.readLine();
if (line == null) done = true;
else if (line.trim().equals(“BYE”)) done = true;
else out.println(“Echo:” + line.trim().toUpper();
} catch (IOException exp) {
System.out.println(“Error:” + exp);
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
An Example: An Echo Server
The entire purpose of a ServerSocket
object is to wait for connections. When a
client connects, it generates a new
Socket object, which is the server’s
endpoint of this connection, and returns
it from the call to accept().
In this example, we have a problem
though. Suppose we would like to allow
multiple clients to connect to this echo
server at the same time.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Servers and Multiple Clients
Normally, servers handle multiple clients
at once. If a server only allowed one
client to connect at any given time, any
client can monopolize the service by
remaining connected to the server for a
long time.
This situation can be improved upon by
allowing multiple clients to connect at
This is surprisingly easy in Java, thanks to
the built-in multithreading support.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Servers and Multiple Clients
Once the server has established a new
connection, it will return from accept() and
provide a Socket object, representing the
server’s endpoint of this new connection.
When this occurs, the server program can
start a new thread to handle the connection
between the server and this client, using the
Socket returned by accept().
The main server program can go back and
call accept() again, waiting for a new client to
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
A Multithreaded Server
This is quite easy to write by modifying
the main loop of the server to look like…
while (true)
Socket incoming = svr1.accept();
Thread clientThread =
new ThreadedEchoHandler(incoming);
The ThreadedEchoHandler class derives
from Thread and has the client
communication loop in its run() method…
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
class ThreadedEchoHandler extends Thread {
ThreadedEchoHandler(Socket incoming)
{ this.incoming = incoming; }
public void run() {
try {
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(incoming.getInputStream()));
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(
boolean done = false;
while (!done) {
String line = in.readLine();
if (line == null) done = true;
else if (line.trim().equals(“BYE”)) done = true;
else out.println(“Echo:” + line.trim().toUpper();
incoming.close(); } catch (IOException exp)
{ System.out.println(“Error:” + exp); }
Socket incoming;
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
A Multithreaded Server
As each connection starts a new thread,
multiple clients can connect to the server at the
same time.
As soon as a client connects, the accept()
method returns a Socket that encapsulates this
new connection. This socket is passed into a
new thread to handle that connection.
That thread is then started and deals with the
connection from that point forward.
The main thread goes back to waiting for a new
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Other Types
of Network Streams
So far, we have connected BufferedReaders
and PrintWriters to our socket’s input and
output streams. This was done as we wanted
to receive and send text from the streams
and that is what the Reader/Writer classes
Suppose we wanted to exchange typed data
over a network socket. This is very easy;
simply attach a DataInputStream object and
a DataOutputStream object to the socket.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Typed Data Network Streams
For example, for a client program, we first
create a Socket object, obtain the input and
output streams associated with that socket,
and then attach DataInputStream and
DataOutputStream objects…
Socket skt1 = new Socket(
DataInputStream in =
new DataInputStream(skt1.getInputStream());
DataOutputStream out =
new DataOutputStream(skt1.getOutputStream());
doubleData1 = in.readDouble();
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Object Network Streams
We can follow a similar approach if we want
to transfer objects over the network
(remember that the objects must be
Socket skt1 = new Socket(
ObjectInputStream in =
new ObjectInputStream(skt1.getInputStream());
ObjectOutputStream out =
new ObjectOutputStream(skt1.getOutputStream());
employeeObj1 = (Employee)in.readObject();
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Socket Timeouts
In a real-life situation, simply reading from a
socket is a bad idea, as the network could go
down, causing the program to wait on the
socket forever.
Java support a timeout value for just such an
occurrence. If the program has been waiting
for the socket for the specified timeout
interval, a InterruptedIOException is
generated, indicating the timeout.
This timeout value is set by calling the
setSoTimeout() method of the socket.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Socket Timeouts
For example…
Socket sckt1 = new Socket(. . . );
sckt1.setSoTimeout(10000); // 10 second timeout
try {
String line;
while ((line = in.readLine()) != null)
{ process received data }
catch (InterruptedException)
“The socket timeout has been reached.”);
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Socket Timeout Limitations
There is one problem with this approach. You
need to have a Socket object established in order
to call setSoTimeout(), but the Socket constructor
will block until the socket is initially connected.
If there is a possibility that the host your program
wishes to connect to will not respond, the ability to
create a timeout on the socket constructor was
added in Java 2 1.3.
If we didn’t have this ability, the best solution
would be to attempt to construct the socket in a
separate thread and then wait for that thread to
either complete or timeout.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Socket Construction Timeouts
In order to accomplish this, let’s construct a
new class, SocketOpener.
This class will have a static method,
openSocket() which will attempt to open a
stream socket to a specified host and port
number, for up to a specified timeout interval.
It will either return a socket, or a null Socket
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
class SocketOpener implements Runnable {
public static Socket openSocket(String host,
int port, int timeout) {
SocketOpener o = new SocketOpener(host, port);
Thread t = new Thread(o);
try { t.join(timeout); }
catch (InterruptedException exp) { }
return o.getSocket(); }
public SocketOpener(String host, int port) {
socket = null; = host; this.port = port; }
public void run() {
try {
socket = new Socket(host, port);
} catch (InterruptedException exp) { } }
public getSocket()
{ return socket; }
private String host; private int port;
private Socket socket;
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
The SocketOpener Class
When the static openSocket() method is
called, the SocketOpener class starts a new
thread which attempts to open the socket.
This new thread calls the blocking constructor
for the socket.
The main thread then calls join() on the new
thread, causing it to wait for either the new
thread to complete (returning the newly
created socket) or the timeout to expire
(where the new socket reference is null).
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
The SocketOpener Class
Therefore, the SocketOpener class
successfully implements a timeout-enabled
socket creation mechanism.
This provides the ability to timeout a socket
construction, a capability not natively possible
in the Java language.
This class can be very useful, if the possibility
exists that a connection to the server could
not be successfully established.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Datagram Communications
So far, we have looked at connectionoriented, stream-based, network
Let’s look at connectionless communications
using datagrams.
Recall that this type of network
communication specifies the creation of
individual messages, called datagrams, which
are transmitted, one at a time, from one host
to the other.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Datagram Communications
There are two primary classes that deal with
datagram communications in Java,
DatagramPacket and DatagramSocket.
Notice that there is no server socket class, as
there was for stream sockets. This is
because there are no connections in
datagram communications…packets are
simply transmitted from one host to another.
In order to transmit a datagram, the program
should first construct a DatagramPacket
object and then deliver it to a
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Constructing a Datagram
A datagram packet object is very easy
to construct, simply call the constructor
for DatagramPacket, passing it four
pieces of data:
a byte array of data to be transmitted
the number of bytes of data
the internet address of the host to send
the data to
the port number to send the data to on the
receiving host.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Constructing a Datagram
To construct a datagram packet with data
contained in a byte array named byte_array,
of 50 bytes, that will be transmitted to a host
with hostname at
port number 1998…
InetAddress client_addr = InetAddress.getByName(
DatagramPacket DGtobeSent = new DatagramPacket(
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Constructing a Datagram
Constructing a datagram socket is just
as easy, simply call the constructor by
passing it the port number that socket
will be associated with…
DatagramSocket sck1 = new DatagramSocket(1998);
A datagram socket can also be
constructed without passing it a port
number. This will allow the system to
pick a random port number…
DatagramSocket sck1 = new DatagramSocket();
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Sending a Datagram Packet
Once a datagram socket has been
constructed, datagram packets can be
sent using this socket.
Simply call the send() method on the
datagram socket and pass this method
the datagram packet that is to be sent…
// send the datagram packet using
// the datagram socket
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Receiving a Datagram Packet
Just as a datagram socket can send a
datagram packet, it can also receive a
datagram packet.
To do so, simply construct a
DatagramPacket object and then call the
receive() method of the datagram socket.
This method will receive a datagram
packet directed to the port associated with
the socket and copy the received packet
into the specified DatagramPacket object.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Receiving a Datagram Packet
For example…
// open a socket
DatagramSocket sck1 = new DatagramSocket(1998);
// setup the packet
byte buffer[] = new byte[ 1000 ];
DatagramPacket received = new DatagramPacket(
buffer, buffer.length);
// wait for a packet to arrive
// now, process the packet
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
An Example: An Echo Server
As an example, let’s construct a
program that will listen for datagram
packets on port 1998 and then echo the
packets back to the host they originated
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
DatagramSocket sck1 = new DatagramSocket(1998);
while(true) {
try {
// receive a datagram packet
byte buffer[] = new byte[500];
DatagramPacket received = new DatagramPacket(
buffer, buffer.length);
// create an echo packet and sent it
DatagramPacket tobeSent = new DatagramPacket(
} catch (IOException exp1) {
System.out.println(“Error:” + exp1);
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Higher Level
Network Programming
Socket-level programming is quite powerful as
your application directly controls what is sent
and directly receives what is received.
This is not very convenient to transfer network
files using a well-known protocol such as HTTP
as your application would need to implement
the HTTP protocol (i.e. generate headers and
correctly format the HTTP packets).
Bearing this in mind, Java introduces URL-based
network communications.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
URLs has two main components…
the protocol name
the resource name
For example, to specify the file named
index.html on the host, and that
HTTP should be used on this file to retrieve it…
To retrieve the same file using FTP…
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
URL Resources
The format of the resource field in a
URL is dependent on the protocol being
used, but most (including HTTP) include
the following components…
host name the resource is located on
filename (full pathname to the resource on
the host)
port number to connect to (typically
a reference (such as a tag in an HTML file)
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Creating a URL Object
Java abstracts the URL in the URL class.
To create an object representing a URL,
simply pass the string of the URL to the
URL javaPage = new URL(“”);
URL file2get = new URL(
URL file2put = new URL(
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Relative URLs
Relative URLs are URL objects constructed
relative to another URL object.
For example, suppose your program needs to
create URL objects for these two network
This could be done by creating a common
URL and then relative URLs for differences…
URL baseURL = new URL(“”);
URL file1URL = new URL(baseURL, “file1”);
URL file2URL = new URL(baseURL, “file2”);
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Relative URLs
Relative URLs are also very useful when a
certain resource has a reference contained in it
(such as an anchor in an HTTP document).
Suppose the index.html file at
has an anchor named DOWNLOADS in it. To
construct the appropriate URL…
URL javaURL = new URL(“”);
URL indexURL = new URL(javaURL, “index.html”);
URL downloadsURL = new URL(
indexURL, “#DOWNLOADS”);
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
URLs with Specific Ports
It is also possible to construct a URL for a
specific port number…suppose a certain host
has two web servers, one on the traditional
port 80 and another on port 8080. To
retrieve the file index.html from the port 8080
web server…
URL newURL = new URL(“http”,
“”, 8080, “index.html”);
This constructs a URL of…
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
URLs and Exceptions
Creating a URL object can throw a
MalformedURLException if any of the
constructor arguments are null or refer to an
unknown protocol.
So, such construction must be placed inside a
try/catch block…
try {
URL myURL = new URL ( . . . );
catch (MalformedURLException exp) {
handle the malformed URL exception here
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
URL Parsing
Once a URL object has been constructed, the
URL class’ accessor methods allow all of the
various information about the resource it
represents to be obtained in a straightforward
getProtocol() returns the URL’s protocol
getHost() returns the URL’s host
getFile() returns the URL’s filename
getPort() returns the URL’s port
getRef() returns the URL’s reference
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
For example…
URL complexURL = new URL(
+ “:8080/users/jeffsix/testfile1.html#BOTTOM”);
// returns “http”
// returns “”
// returns “/users/jeffsix/testfile1.html”
// returns 8080
// returns “BOTTOM”
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Reading Directly from a URL
Once a URL object has been created, the
program can read the resource represented
by the URL; simply call the openStream()
method to obtain an InputStreamReader
As a simple example, we can construct a URL
object to index.html at, open
an InputStreamReader on that resource (file),
attach a BufferedReader to that reader, and
then read the index.html file, copying
everything that is read to the standard output
stream (the screen).
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This program will display the contents of the file index.html
located at to the default output stream.
public class URLReader {
public static void main(String[] args) {
URL yahoo = new URL(“”
+ “index.html”);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(
String inputLine;
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
URL vs. Socket Programming
Notice that this program could be written
without using the URL classes.
The program could parse the URL string,
lookup the hostname, open a socket and
connect to the host using the appropriate
port, generate appropriate commands to go
to the HTTP server on the host, open a
receive stream, and then process the
incoming data.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
URL vs. Socket Programming
These details (specifically those of the HTTP
protocol) are all handled by the URL class. It
encapsulates all of these socket-level details
and ensures the programmer doesn’t have to
write them.
This same approach could be used to retrieve
files using the FTP protocol as well. The URL
class knows about the HTTP and FTP
More General URL
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We have seen a very straightforward way to
read a URL, calling openStream() on the URL.
This connects to the host, uses the specified
protocol on the specified filename, and
retrieves the file through the stream reader.
This is very simple, but becomes more
complex when we want to do both reading
and writing to a URL.
Why would we want to write to a URL?
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HTML Forms
Traditionally, a user would fill out a form to send
data to a web server.
This entailed seeing a number of text boxes,
combo boxes, and other UI components on a web
page. When the user clicks the “Submit” button,
the contents of the text fields and the settings of
the combo, check, and radio buttons, are sent to
the server to be processed by a program (CGI,
servlet, Active Server page, etc).
The program/script on the server that should
process this data is indicated in the ACTION
attribute of the HTML FORM tag.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Active Content Programs
These programs reside on the server.
When the server receives the form data, it
launches the program and feeds it the
The program processes the form data and
produces another HTML page that the web
server then sends back to the browser.
The response page can contain new
information (usually based on the form
data received), or could simply be an
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
HTTP Parameters
Data / parameters are always passed to
active content programs in a name and value
pair (similar to a hashtable).
For example, the web server has a script “”.
This script requires two parameters,
bookname and location.
Let’s look at the two different methods of
transmitting these parameters to the script.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
The GET Method
The GET method of passing data to a active
content program simply attaches the
parameters to the end of the URL.
To encode the parameters…
Replace any spaces with a ‘+’.
Replace all non-alphanumeric characters with a
‘%’ followed by the 2-digit hexadecimal ASCII
code of the character.
This encoding method is known as URL
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
The GET Method
As an example, to encode the parameter
bookname equal to “Mastering C++” and the
parameter location equal to “Newark DE” and
pass these parameters to at, simply request the
following URL…
Notice that the parameter list starts with a ‘?’
and the individual parameters are separated
with a ‘&’.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
The GET Method
Here is what the HTTP request looks like…
Mastering+C%2b%2b&location=Newark+DE HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/html, */*
Accept-Language: en-us
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Java Programming and GET
Programming a Java program to transmit
information to a active content program and
then receive the HTML document that is
returned by the program is very simple.
Simple construct a URL object that represents
the program and have the parameters the
program wants to pass to that script encoded
in the URL.
Then, connect to that URL and read from it
just as before. For example, to code the
previous example and display the returned
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
This program uses the GET method and then reads what the
program returns and displays it to the standard output stream.
public static void main(String[] args)
URL CGIscript = new URL(
URL post2CGI = new URL(
“?bookname=” + “Mastering+C%2d%2d”
+ “&location=” + “Newark+DE”);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(
String inputLine;
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
The POST Method
The POST method of passing data to an
active content program opens an output
stream to the URL connection and
writes name/value pairs to that stream.
So, first a connection is established to
the resource represented by the URL
(the program) and then the name/value
pairs are sent to the program through
an output stream.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
The POST Method
Here is what the HTTP request looks like…
Accept: text/html, */*
Accept-Language: en-us
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Opening a URLConnection
It is a little less straightforward to code this in
When a URL object is created, no connection
is made. Previously, we have seen that when
the openStream() method of the URL class is
called, a connection is made to the resource
represented by the URL and then an
InputStream is constructed and returned.
This allows the client to receive information
from the resource (the web page or CGI
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Opening a URLConnection
If more than a simple InputStream is required,
a connection must first be manually
established. To do this, simply call the
openConnection() method of the URL class.
This returns a URLConnection class object,
which is an abstraction of an open, established,
For example, to open a connection to the
example CGI script…
URL CGIscript = new URL (
URLConnection connection =
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Getting an InputStream
Previously, we obtained an input stream (that
the client could use to receive data from the
server) using the openStream() method of
the URL class.
Once we have a URLConnection object
(representing an open connection), we can
get the same InputStream using the
getInputStream() method of the
URLConnection object.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Getting an Input Stream
Therefore, the following two code fragments
perform the same function…
URL CGIscript = new URL(
InputStream in = CGIscript.openStream();
. . . . .
URL CGIscript = new URL(
URLConnection openConn = CGIscript.openConnection();
InputStream in = openConn.getInputStream();
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
Getting an Output Stream
As we can get an InputStream without
manually connecting to the resource, we only
need to construct a URLConnection object
when we need an OutputStream (used to
allow the client to send data to the server).
To do so, simply construct the URLConnection
object (which connects to the resource), and
then call the getOutputStream() method.
This will return an OutputStream which will
allow the Java program to send data to the
active content program.
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
The POST Method
Recall that the POST method sends HTML
form parameters to the active content
program using this approach.
The POSTed data must still be URL encoded
and be separated using the ‘&’ character.
So, as an example, suppose is also
on and it is the same as, except that it receives it
parameters via a POST method and not a
GET method.
We can modify our example program to do
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
This program uses the POST method and then reads what the
CGI script returns and displays it to the standard output stream.
public static void main(String[] args)
URL CGIscript = new URL(
URLConnection openConn = CGIscript.openConnection();
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(
out.print(“bookname=” + “Mastering+C%2d%2d” + “&”);
out.print(“location=” + “Newark+DE” + “\n”);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(
String inputLine;
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
URL Encoding
The URLEncoder class has a static method,
encode(), which takes a String and returns a
URL encoded String.
This, your program does not have to
manually replace spaces and nonalphanumeric characters.
We can modify our program to interpret the
first command-line argument as the
bookname and the second command-line
argument as the location, instead of using
hard-coded fields…
CISC370 – Object Oriented Programming with Java / © 2003 J. Six
This program now sends the first two command-line arguments,
correctly URL encoded, as the parameters to the CGI script.
public static void main(String[] args)
URL CGIscript = new URL(
URLConnection openConn = CGIscript.openConnection();
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(
out.print(“bookname=” + URLEncoder.encode(args[0]) + “&”);
out.print(“location=” + URLEncoder.encode(args[1]) + “\n”);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(
String inputLine;
while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)