Roman Empire - Gilbert Public Schools

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Roman Republic
Republic takes shape
• Geography of Italy much easier for unification
• Probably settled by Etruscans
– Romans borrowed their alphabet
• Etruscans borrowed from Greeks
• Driving out of Etruscan leader in 509 B.C.
marks beginning of Roman State.
Roman Republic
Roman Alphabet (Latin)
The Roman Republic
• Republic – ‘that which belongs to the people’
– Citizens choose some of their leaders
• The Senate:
– Made up of 300 citizens, originally all patricians, wealthy
land owners
• Eventually Plebeians, lower class citizens who make up
most of population, are allowed in senate.
– They chose tribunes to protect their interests
• Could eventually veto any law that was unfair to them
• Common people gain power without war or revolution
Roman Society
• Women had more freedoms and power than
Greek women
• Both girls and boys from all social classes
learned to read and write
• Religion was polytheistic
– Many festivals and temples to honor Gods
Military in Rome
• Legions, basic military unit
– Comprised of about 5000 Roman Citizens
– Soldiers shared rewards of conquest yet suffered
strong disciplinary actions
• Fight series of 3 battle against Carthage
– Punic Wars
– Rome conquers, enslaves or kills all survivors
• Salts ground so nothing can grow
Roman Legionary
Civil Wars
• Popular political leaders threaten power of
– Julius Caesar forces senate to make him dictator
• Keeps senate in place but with no real power
• Caesar implements many reforms
– Makes more Romans citizens
• Caesar is killed by members of senate
• Octavian takes control
Julius Caesar
Empire begins
• Octavian is given title of ‘Augustus’ and
becomes emperor.
• 200 year period between Augustus and
Marcus Aurelius know as ‘Pax Romana’
– Roman Peace