Green tea is a product made from the Camellia sinensis
Transcript Green tea is a product made from the Camellia sinensis
Green tea is a product made from the Camellia sinensis
plant. It can be prepared as a beverage, which can have
some health effects. Or an “extract” can be made from
the leaves to use as medicine.
Green tea would be very beneficial to anyone wanting to
conceive as it helps fertility levels greatly, in both men and
Many alternative medicine health care providers feel that
using certain herbal teas during pregnancy is a great way
to support optimal pregnancy health. Herbal teas can
often provide an additional source of nutrients such as
calcium, magnesium, and iron.
Green Tea &
Are you or anyone you know trying to get pregnant? Well
if the answer is yes, you might be pleasantly surprised to
know that using green tea can help with getting a
woman pregnant.
The research that links green tea to increased fertility has
been substantial, one of the major factors it has shown
suggests polyphenol and hypoxanthine, which are the
two main ingredients of green tea, can cause an
increase in higher percentage of viable embryos.
Polyphenols also act as antioxidants which can help get
rid of unwanted toxins in the bod
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1. Doubles your
chances of conceiving
If you enjoy green tea, there's no harm in drinking a
cup or two a day while you're trying to conceive.
It is also possible to double the chances of conceiving
by drinking half a cup or more of green tea. In
addition, the maturing of eggs can also be increased,
and the eggs may even become more fertile. These
are all great ways in which women can become more
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2. Helps an egg
mature properly
When it comes to fertility and green tea, it’s not just what
it contains, but also what it does not contain, compared
to some products you may be consuming, for instance
those which contain caffeine. Since regular tea has
more caffeine than green tea, it would be the most
beneficial for you to consume green tea, as caffeine
can have a lot of negative effects on the body when
trying to conceive.
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3. Prepares your body to make
sufficient cervical mucus
A lot of women do not get enough fluids and water each
day therefore their bodies don’t produce enough
cervical fluid known as cervical mucus that help sperm
travel through the reproductive tract to the egg as well
as keeps the sperm viable for up 5 days. This is where
green tea can be beneficial as it helps hydrate the body
so that it can be prepared to make sufficient cervical
mucus that the female body needs to get pregnant
more easily.
4. Decaf as an option
Now, you may be thinking, doesn’t green tea contain
caffeine and even though it is at a low amount, won’t it
still cause damage? But don't throw away that teapot
just yet. Green tea contains significantly less caffeine
than black tea or coffee. Though the caffeine count
varies, an average cup of green tea contains only about
20 milligrams (mg) of caffeine, while a cup of tea
contains about 50mg.
Well if you are worried about this, there is also an option
to buy decaffeinated, which is great. Green tea also
comes in liquid and capsules form, which will give you
the same benefits.
5. Green Tea in
Moderation is OK
It is fine to drink green tea in moderation. Two to three
cups of green tea a day is considered as the safe amount
for pregnant women. Because of the potential risk of
green tea affecting your folate levels, you should avoid
drinking green tea in the first trimester. It should be safe in
the second and third trimesters in moderation, of course.
If you love green tea, make sure you eat plenty of folaterich foods – like leafy green vegetables. All pregnant
women should take a daily supplement of folic acid, or a
daily prenatal vitamin with at least 400-600 micrograms of
folic acid.
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Benefits of Green tea
in Pregnancy
Green tea is rich in antioxidants – which are chemical compounds
that help prevent free radicals from damaging the cells in our
For pregnant women, high blood pressure (hypertension) can
become a serious pregnancy complication called preeclampsia,
which can put the pregnancy in danger. For this reason, the ability
of green tea to regulate high blood pressure makes it beneficial for
pregnant women.
As an antioxidant, green tea can help speed up your metabolism
rate and could possibly help stabilize your mood swings. Since
your immune system in pregnancy is suppressed, drinking green
tea can help you fight off more illnesses.
There are a number of studies that suggest that drinking green tea
can also improve your oral health and your bone strength. Good
oral health is important in pregnancy, since pregnant women can
be plagued with gingivitis due to their changing hormonal levels.
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Potential risk of Green
Tea in Pregnancy
Despite all the benefits of green tea, this drink remains
controversial. Some experts warn expectant mothers from
drinking green tea. One of the major disadvantages of
green tea is the fact that it is a caffeinated drink.
Although green tea does not have as much caffeine in a
single cup than a traditional cup of Java, it’s important
that pregnant women pay attention to their caffeine
intake every day.
So overall, green tea would be very beneficial to anyone
wanting to conceive as it helps fertility levels greatly. It’s
best to take the supplements or drink the tea in between
Healthbuddy green
So overall, green tea would be very beneficial to anyone
wanting to conceive as it helps fertility levels greatly. It’s
best to take the supplements or drink the tea in between
Have a sip of Healthbuddy Green Tea and stay well. As far
as pregnancy is concerned, consult a doctor to check out if
you should have it or not during that period of time.
Healthbuddy green tea available in –,,,