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What to Eat When You Quit
• You may not believe it but it’s been
established that certain foods and beverages
can help you kick the smoking habit.
• Smoking cessation is a change in routine
which must be accompanied by several
changes (including a change in diet) to prevent
a relapse. A study, reported in the April 2007
issue of the journal Nicotine and Tobacco
Research, agrees with this assertion.
Study on Foods and Quit Smoking
• It states matter-of-factly that certain foods boost
the taste of cigarettes while other foods make
cigarettes taste awful. Basically, this means,
you’re less likely to desire a cigarette after
consuming certain foods. While certain foods will
entice you to smoke right after taking them.
• The study, which involved 209 smokers, was
conducted at Duke University to examine the
taste – modifying effects of food and beverages
on cigarette deliciousness.
Study on Foods and Quit Smoking(2)
• At the end of the day, the following conclusion
was reached:
• These 4 foods make cigarettes taste horrible:
• Non-carbonated beverages (like water and
fruit juice)
• Fruits (like apples and bananas)
• Dairy Products (like milk and cheese)
• Vegetables (like carrots and celery sticks)
Study on Foods and Quit Smoking(3)
• These three foods make the taste of cigarette
enticing (avoid them!):
• Coffee
• Alcoholic beverages
• Meat
• Having mentioned these foods, I’d like to
segment the foods that help smoking
cessation in the following sub-sections:
Foods that Help to Overcome Cravings
• Eat Oats Regularly
• Oats are popularly known for lessening nicotine
cravings; so, incorporate it into your diet
regularly. For maximum effect, take one
tablespoon of ground oats (not to be mistaken for
oatmeal) and add it to two cups of boiling water
and leave it overnight. The next day, drink a
portion of this blend few hours after each meal.
Do not consume it after 8 p.m. It is one of the
most effective quit smoking home remedies
Foods that Help to Overcome
• And there is scientific proof from India’s
medical system which has for many years
been using oat bran and oatmeal to battle
opium dependence. More recently,
investigators in Glasgow, Scotland, found that
smokers who devoured an extract of fresh
oats were more prone to facing lessened
cigarette cravings than smokers who had the
placebo applied on them.
Foods that Help to Overcome
• This discovery was substantiated by another
research performed in Japan recently. In the
Japanese study, investigators discovered that
smokers who got a daily supplement of an
oats herb extract reduced the number of
cigarettes they puffed in one day by almost
Foods that Help to Overcome
• Consume Lots of Oranges
• Cultivate the habit of consuming an orange
each time a craving hits you. Having oranges
easily accessible is one of the most effective
ways to fend off cigarette urges. Cravings for
nicotine normally last between three to five
minutes. Consuming oranges can take your
mind off the irritating need to light a cigarette.
Foods that Help to Overcome
• Whether taken raw or in juice form, oranges
play a vital role in smoking cessation. Its’ smell
can distract your senses from desiring a
cigarette. When taken in a juice form, it also
acts as a cleanser. Incorporate orange
consumption into a broader plan to help you
quit but please check for spoilage before using
Foods that Help to Overcome
• And there is scientific proof for this. A research
group in Britain conducted experiments with
smokers and oranges. The results were
outstanding. After 21 days, the smokers who
consumed oranges smoked 79% less cigarettes
than they normally would have and 20% dropped
off cigarettes completely. This results sparks off
one question: does eating citrus fruit have a kick
similar to that of smoking? Alight House tries to
answer the question.
Foods that Help to Overcome
• Some ex-smokers have even asserted that a
blend of orange juice (one glass) and cream of
tartar (one half of a teaspoon) can quickly
eliminate the nicotine out of your system,
thereby diminishing your desire to smoke.
They say the best time to drink the mixture is
just before going to bed. Aside oranges, fruits
and vegetables have been proven to assist
smoking cessation.
Foods that Help to Overcome
• Spinach, Brown Rice, Pastas, etc
• In another study examining whether certain
foods can battle cravings, David Daughton,
Ph.D., a pulmonary specialist at the University
of Nebraska Medical Center, discovered that
foods with high alkaline properties essentially
kept nicotine circulating in the body, thereby
maintaining a high level of the addictive stuff.
Foods that Help to Overcome
• This greatly reduced the need to consume any
more. High alkaline foods include beet greens,
dandelion greens, raisins, figs, spinach, millet,
quinoa, whole-grain breads and pastas, brown
rice, almonds and starchy vegetables such as
potatoes, squash and corn.
Foods that Help to Overcome
• Tomato
• The scent of tomato helps to reduce the
appeal of cigarettes. Using tomato juice also
gives you the same effect smoking gives but
without the harmful elements. This may be
due to the fact that tomato and tobacco
plants belong to the same family (solanaceae
family, commonly known as the nightshade
Foods that Help to Overcome
• Tomato sauce is also an excellent source of
lycopenes. Lycopenes are nutrients in the
carotenoid family that purportedly prevent
lung cancer. Lycopene’s cancer protection is in
part due to its anti-oxidant properties.
Lycopenes are plentiful in tomatoes that have
been processed than in raw tomatoes. Tomato
sauce, tomato juice, and ketchup are good
sources. Try to incorporate more of these
lycopene-rich foods into your meals.
Foods that Help to Clean the Lungs
and Body after Quitting
• Water
• Drinking lots of water is very helpful when you’re
trying to quit cigarettes. Not only is it listed
among the foods and drinks that make cigarettes
taste awful, it is calming, curative and detoxifying.
It can help you get over the urges and touchiness
that come with smoking cessation. Carry a bottle
of water everywhere you go, especially when you
know you’ll be tempted to smoke.
Foods that Help to Clean the Lungs
and Body after Quitting(2)
• Not only does water cleanse the inside of the
body, it purifies the outside of the body too.
Aside drinking, splattering your face with cold
water, soaking in warm or hot showers,
swimming in cold natural springs and
drenching your feet in warm water are all
known to be efficient stress and cravings
busters. Water basically has the miraculous
capacity to make us feel better, inside and out.
Foods that Help to Clean the Lungs
and Body after Quitting(3)
• Including a selection of water therapies in
your quit smoking plans will surely help!
• Fruits and Vegetable Juices
• Just like water, fruits and vegetable juices can
help cleanse the body after cessation. They
eliminate the toxins occasioned by smoking
from the body and lungs and keep the blood
nicotine-free. This helps to get rid of cravings
and prevent a relapse.
Foods that Repair the Damage Caused
by Smoking (or Chewing Tobacco)
• It’s amazing how the body recovers
immediately after quit smoking. Even though
the healing doesn’t manifest overnight (the
smoking damage took years), maintaining a
healthy and balanced diet provides your body
the necessary minerals, vitamins, antioxidants
and phytochemicals to fix the damage caused
by smoking. Below are some foods that can
help in this regard:
• Bananas can be eaten raw to reduce and
repair the damages caused by smoking
cessation. They are one of the best fruits you
can consume in the first few weeks of smoking
cessation. This because they contain vitamin
B6 alongside other nutrients like potassium,
which assists the body recuperate from the
symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.
• They also contain tryptophan, an amino acid
that helps the body to produce serotonin, a
chemical in the brain responsible for perking
up your mood and boosting your lightheartedness. Rich in vitamins B6, B12,
potassium, and magnesium, bananas assist
people trying to quit pull through the effects
of cigarette withdrawal.
• The B-vitamins are known to boost nerve
function while potassium normalizes the
heartbeat and regulates the body’s water
balance. Experiencing high stress reduces our
body’s potassium levels speedily; bananas
assist to raise those levels back to normal.
• In a 2007 study, UK researchers discovered
that people who consume apple had better
lung function than those who did not. After
examining the fitness and nutritional records
of 2,512 men, investigators found a strong link
between improved lung function and the
number of apples consumed per week.
• Apples contain antioxidants that strengthen
lung capacity and lower the incidence of
coughing and breathlessness. They also help
victims of chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) who have difficulty in
• This is further proof that an apple a day, truly
keeps the doctor away!
Breads, Nuts, and Whole Grains
• Another important substance is vitamin E,
which is found in breads, nuts, whole grains,
wheat germ, mustard greens, tomatoes and
almonds. Vitamin E has been found to help
lessen the risk of smoking-related lung cancer.
Fish, Liver and Mushrooms
• Selenium aids the assimilation of vitamin E in
the body. It also battles malignant diseases
that may be occasioned by smoking. Selenium
is found in fish, liver and mushrooms.
• Aside a balanced diet, exercise is also essential
for permanent cessation. It reduces the anxiety
and stress that nicotine withdrawal symptoms
bring. It also produces the same exciting effect
that nicotine elicits in the brain, thereby making
the smoker happy and fulfilled when puffing a
cigarette. Exercise also prevents quit smoking
weight gain.
• Above all, having an effective smoking cessation
strategy can go a long way to help you quit
Thanks for Reading!!!
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