Nutritional Assessment
Transcript Nutritional Assessment
Nutritional Assessment
The study of fundamental principles of
normal nutrition as they relate to human
life and growth from conception through
senescence, interpretation of current
nutrition information, and application of
nutrition knowledge in the establishment of
good eating habits in health and disease.
Course Objectives
Upon completing this course, you will be able to:
• 1. Identify fundamental concepts of nutrition and discuss the application of these
concepts in
• promoting good health and preventing disease.
• 2. Describe physical and chemical properties of nutrients and discuss how these
• function in the body.
• 3. Identify important food sources of major nutrients.
• 4. Trace the digestion, absorption, metabolism and excretion of major nutrients.
• 5. Describe the interdependence of nutrients.
• 6. Determine nutrients needs for pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood,
• adulthood and the aged.
• 7. Evaluate dietary intakes using food composition tables and plan food intakes to
meet the
• energy and nutrient needs.
• 8. Identify reliable sources of nutrition information.
• 9. Integrate the role of nutrients as they relate to nutritional status in health,
performance and
• disease.
• 10. Identify the need and techniques used for nutritional assessment and monitoring.
Dietary Assessment
A patient’s nutritional status can be evaluated by
using and integrating information obtained from
a past medical history, family history and a social
history. It is worthwhile to assess the nutritional
status of every patient. Many complaints such as
fatigue, headaches, and digestive disturbances
can be improved by simple changes in diet.
Nutrition also plays a pivotal role in prevention.
Nutritional assessment becomes especially
important when the patient has certain nutritional
"red flags", such as:
No regular exercise regime and/or sedentary lifestyle
Recent loss of 10% or more of usual body weight
Taking drugs such as steroids, immunosuppressants
Infection, protracted fever, trauma
Malabsorption syndromes, draining abscesses, renal
• Receiving simple intravenous solutions without oral
intake for >10 days
Past Medical History
• Immunizations, hospitalizations, operations,
major injuries, chronic illnesses, and significant
acute illnesses
• Current or recent prescription medications,
vitamins and minerals, laxatives, topical
medications, OTC medications, and nutritional
• Potential drug-nutrient interactions, such as
those caused by potassium-wasting diuretics
• Food allergies or lactose intolerance
Family History
• Family history of cancer, diabetes, heart
disease, hypertension, obesity, and
• Parents, siblings, children, spouse: include
ages, current health status, and cause of
death if deceased
Social History
• Occupation, daily exercise pattern, marital
and family status
• Economic status, educational level,
residence, emotional response to illness
and coping skills
• Duration and frequency of use of
substances, including tobacco, alcohol,
illegal drugs, and caffeine
Assessing Your Patient’s Dietary
24-hour Recall
• An informal, qualitative method in which you ask the patient to
recall all of the foods and beverages that were consumed in the
last 24 hours, including the quantities and methods of
• An advantage of this method is that dietary information is
easily obtained. It is also good during a first encounter with a
new patient in which there is no other nutritional data. Patients
should be able to recall all that they have consumed in the last
24 hours.
• A disadvantage of this method is that it is very limited and may
not represent an adequate food intake for the patient. Data
achieved using this method may not represent the long-term
dietary habits of the patient. Estimating food quantities and
food ingredients may be difficult especially if the patient ate in
Usual Intake/Diet History
• This method asks the patient to recall a typical daily intake pattern,
including amount, frequencies and methods of preparation. This
intake history should include all meals, beverages and snacks.
• Advantages of this method are that it evaluates long-term dietary
habits and is quick and easy to do. Based on the information acquired,
you may identify patients who would benefit from meeting with a
registered dietitian.
• A disadvantage of this method is that a limited amount of information
on the actual quantities of food and beverages is obtained. Also, this
method only works if a patient can actually describe a "typical" daily
intake, which is difficult for those who vary their food intake greatly. In
these patients it is would be advisable to use the 24-hour recall
method. Another disadvantage is that patients may not include foods
that they know are unhealthy.
• An excellent method to better understand a patient’s nutritional status
is to use a usual intake and lifestyle recall. This consists of asking the
patient to run through a typical day in chronological order, describing
all food consumption as well as activities. This method is very helpful
because it may reveal other factors that can affect the patient’s
nutritional and overall health. [For example: (1) the patient sits in
traffic for a 3-hour round trip each day; (2) the patient comes home
from work late and eat dinner just before bedtime; or (3) the most
exercise the patient gets is walking to and from the parking lot at
Food Frequency Questionnaire
• This method makes use of a standardized written
checklist where patients check off the particular
foods or type of foods they consume. It is used to
determine trends in patients’ consumption of certain
foods. The checklist puts together foods with similar
nutrient content, and frequencies are listed to
identify daily, weekly, or monthly consumption.
• An advantage of this method is that it makes it
possible to identify inadequate intake of any food
group, so that dietary and nutrient deficiencies may
be identified. The questionnaire can be geared to a
patient’s pre-existing medical conditions.
• Disadvantages include patient error in filling out the
questionnaire and no way to find out how foods are
prepared. Patients may over- or under-estimate food
Dietary Food Log
• This method asks the patient to record all food, beverage and
snack consumption for a one- week period. Specific foods and
quantities should be recorded. The data from the food log may
later be entered into a computer program, which will analyze
the nutrient components of the foods eaten according to
specific name brands or food types. Patients are asked to enter
data into the food log immediately after food is consumed so
they do not forget.
• The most important advantage of this method is that a
computer can objectively analyze data obtained. Data on
calorie, fat, protein and carbohydrate consumption can be
obtained. Also, since patients are asked to enter data
immediately after eating, the data is more accurate than other
• Disadvantages include patient error in entering accurate food
quantities. In addition, it is possible that the week long food log
does not accurately represent a patient’s normal eating habits
since they know the foods they eat will be analyzed and
therefore may eat healthier.
Generic Nutrition Questionnaire
• Would you describe you appetite as hearty, moderate, or
• Are you on a special diet? Specify the type of diet. Who
recommended the diet? If you have been on a special
diet in the past, define it.
• Have you ever had any problems with weight?
Underweight or overweight?
• Do you eat at approximately the same time every day?
• Do you skip meals? If so, when?
• Do you usually eat between meals? What do you snack
on most often?
• Are there any foods you do not eat because you don’t
think they are good for you? If yes, what?
• Are there any foods you do eat regularly because you
think they are good for you? If yes, what?
• Are there any foods you cannot eat? What happens
when you eat this food?
• Are there foods you avoid because you don’t like them?
• How is your food usually prepared, e.g. baked, broiled,
• Are you on a diet now to lose or gain weight? If yes,
what kind? Who recommended it?
• How do you feel about your weight?
• Are you taking any vitamin or mineral supplements?
What and how often?
• Do you smoke? How many cigarettes (cigars or chewing
tobacco) per day?
• Do you drink any alcohol? How much per day and
• How often do you exercise? What types of exercise do
you do?
• Who in the house plans the meals? Buys the food?
Prepares the food?
• Are there times in the month when there isn’t enough
money for food or you run out of food?
• How many of your meals are eaten at home? School?
Work? Restaurants?
• How many hot meals do you eat per week?
• What condiments do you use? Examples include butter
on bread, sugar on cereal, salad dressing, gravy, etc.
Assessment of Nutritional Status
for Adults, Using Weight and Height
Take action when there is:
• Unintended weight loss of 6 to 7 Kg within
a month (even without calculating BMI).
• Continued unintended weight loss for
more than 2 months
• BMI below 18.5 • BMI 30 and above
• Do not use BMI for pregnant women
1. Measure weight:
• Make sure the scale pointer is at zero before
taking a measurement.
• The person is required to dress in light
clothes and take off shoes. Women should
remove scarf.
• He/she must stand straight and unassisted
on the centre of the balance platform.
• The weight should be recorded to the nearest
2. Measure height:
• The person is required to remove his/her
shoes, stand erect, looking
straight in a horizontal plane with feet
together and knees straight. The
heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and the
back of the head should touch
against the wall.
3. Calculate Body Mass Index (BMI):
• Convert cm to meters ( 1 metre = 100 cm)
• Calculate BMI using this formula: BMI =
Weight in kilograms
(Height in m)2
BMI references:
• <18.5 = Underweight
• 18.5-24.9 = Normal weight
• 25-29.9 = Overweight
• 30 and above=Obese
(Source: WHO, 1995)
Do large doses of vitamin C
prevent the common cold?
There is little in well-designed, placebocontrolled, double-blind studies to support
the claims that vitamin C prevents the
common cold. Studies done with
numerous individuals showed that vitamin
C supplementation did NOT reduce the
incidence of colds but the number of days
with symptoms of a cold was slightly less.
A 500 mg dose is no more effective than a
much larger dose.
Will pantothenic acid restore my
gray hair to its original color?
Only if you are a rat. A pantothenic acid
deficiency in a rat produces gray hair, but
gray hair in a human is not affected by this
B vitamin.
Why don't people in Mexico develop pellagra
since their diet is high in corn?
The staple, tortillas, are made from masa
harina. Masa is corn meal that has been
soaked in an alkaline solution. This alkali
soaking permits the corn meal to be
manipulated (with water) to form tortillas,
but it also releases the niacin bound in
Is a raw egg in orange juice a healthy
breakfast drink? (Remember the movie
NO, for two reasons. First uncooked egg
white has a protein, avidin, which binds to
biotin, a B vitamin. Large quantities of raw
egg can produce a deficiency of this
vitamin. Second, raw eggs may carry
salmonella and E. coli bacteria that are
known to cause food intoxication. So cook
your eggs until the yolks are slightly firm
Is it best to give a one-year-old child
skim milk rather than whole milk?
Absolutely not. Young children need fat and
cholesterol for growth and brain
development. The importance of fat for an
infant is shown by the fat content of breast
milk, which accounts for about HALF its
Is honey a natural product that is
useful for curing hiccups in infants?
No. Infants should never be given honey, as
the botulism spores that it contains may
cause botulism. Try a teaspoon of freshly
made sugar syrup instead to stop hiccups.
Is tomato sauce a healthy food for
Yes, especially for men. High dietary intake
of lycopene, the red pigment found in
tomatoes, has been associated with a
reduced incidence of prostate cancer
Can you can eat as many high fiber foods as
you want because dietary fiber does not
contribute any calories to our diet?
No. We used to think this was true, but now
we know that some forms of soluble fiber
are partially broken by bacteria. It is
estimated that 10-15% of the calories in
our diet may be from fiber.
Should sugar be avoided in the diet
because it causes hyperactivity, heart
disease, and obesity?
No. Sugar has been shown NOT to be related to
any specific disease. The concern is that sugar
provides calories without other nutrients (it has
low nutrient density). Also sucrose is a food for
bacteria on the teeth. So if you eat sugar, floss
your teeth afterwards and make sure that it does
not substitute for nutrient dense foods.
Is margarine better for you than
It is best to use small quantities of both.
Butter has saturated fats which raise
cholesterol. But the trans fatty acids that
are formed in margarine when it is
hydrogenated raise the LDL (bad)
cholesterol and lower the HDL (good)
Are olive and canola oils better for you
than corn and soybean(vegetable) oils?
This is probably true. The omega-6 fatty
acids from the latter increase the risks of
developing certain cancers
Is a supply of 300 mg dietary cholesterol the
only cholesterol that your body needs is?
No. Cholesterol is needed to make bile acids
(to help digest food), sex hormones,
adrenal hormones, and vitamin D. Your
body makes about 800-1500 mg/day
because it is so essential.
Is liver a terrific food that should be
consumed at least once a week?
No, liver is high in cholesterol. In addition, it
serves as a detoxifying organ for the body.
It will store pesticides and heavy metals if
they are ingested.
Is it o.k. to eat a lousy diet as long
as you take a vitamin pill each day?
We wish this were true. Natural foods
contain many substances which have not
yet been identified. For example, 20 years
ago we did not know about the importance
of various phytochemicals in fruits and
vegetables in the protection against
cancer. The only way to really protect
yourself is to eat a wide variety of
nutritious foods.
Is zinc a critical nutrient for
adolescent boys?
You better believe it. Zinc deficiency in
young men in the Middle East was found
to result in impaired sexual development
and growth failure.
Can too many alcoholic drinks at
one time can kill you?
Yes! Yes! Yes! Fortunately, most people will
pass out before drinking a lethal dose
(0.5% blood concentration or about 25
shots) but this is dependent on your body
size, recent food intake, genetics, sex,
age, and drinking habits. What may
happen is that you asphyxiate on your
vomit while you are passed out.