Define communication

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Welcome to MT140
Introduction to Management
Unit 9 Seminar
General Questions and Announcements
Define Communication/ Questions and Answers
Identify Communications Problems to Avoid/
Questions and Answers
Identify methods for handling resistance to
change/ Questions and Answers
Unit Assignment Q & A
Conclusion of Seminar
• The ability to communicate effectively is fundamental to
a manager’s success.
• Communication concepts and practical guidelines are
available to improve communication skills.
• Communication occurs through various channels, each
with advantages and disadvantages.
• Managers have the task of motivating people to keep
changing in response to new business challenges.
Define communication:
-How would you define communication?
-What is the difference between one-way and
two-way communication?
• Communication - the transmission of information and
meaning from one party to another through the use of
shared symbols
• One-Way Communication - a process in which
information flows in only one direction - from the sender
to the receiver, with no feedback loop
• Two-Way Communication - a process in which
information flows in two directions - the receiver
provides feedback, and the sender is receptive to the
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Slide 44
• Gender Communications Quiz
• How much do you know about how men and women
communicate? If you think a statement is an accurate
description of communication patterns, mark it true. If you
think it isn't, mark it false.
1) Men talk more than women.
2) Men are more likely to interrupt women than to interrupt
other men.
3)During conversations, women spend more time looking at
their partner than men do.
4) Nonverbal messages carry more weight than verbal
5) Female managers communicate with more emotional
openness and drama than male managers.
6) Men not only control the content of conversations, they
also work harder in keeping conversations going.
7) When people hear generic words, such as "mankind"
and "he," they respond inclusively, indicating that the
terms apply to both sexes.
8) In classroom communications, male students receive
more reprimands and criticism.
Seminar Item 2
• Identify communication problems to avoid
Interpersonal Communication
• Perception - the process of receiving and interpreting
• Filtering - the process of withholding, ignoring, or
distorting information
Tactics to enhance effective
Verbal Behavior
Nonverbal Behavior
Accurate Interpretation
Design of Message
Verbal Behavior
• Clear, slow speech. Enunciate each word. Do not use
colloquial expressions.
• Repetition. Repeat each important idea using different
words to explain the same concept.
• Simple sentences. Avoid compound, long sentences.
• Active verbs. Avoid passive verbs.
Nonverbal Behavior
• Visual restatements. Use as many visual
restatements as possible, such as pictures, graphs,
tables, and slides.
• Gestures. Use more facial and appropriate hand
gestures to emphasize the meaning of words.
• Demonstrations. Act out as many themes as
• Pauses. Pause more frequently.
• Summaries. Hand out written summaries of your
verbal presentation.
Accurate Information
• Silence. Do not jump in to fill the silence.
• Intelligence. Do not equate poor grammar and
mispronunciation with lack of intelligence
• Differences. If unsure, assume difference, not similarity.
• Understanding. Do not just assume that they
• Checking comprehension. Have colleagues repeat their
understanding of the material back to you.
• Breaks. Take more frequent breaks.
• Small modules. Divide the material to be presented into
smaller modules.
• Longer time frame. Allocate more time for each module
than you usually need for presenting the same material
to native speakers of your language.
• Encouragement. Verbally and nonverbally encourage
and reinforce speaking by nonnative-language
• Drawing out. Explicitly draw out marginal and passive
• Reinforcement. Do not embarrass novice speakers.
• Identify methods for handling resistance
to change
-In your opinion, do you think that people are
generally resistant to change?
-What are some factors that impact a person’s
degree of acceptance to change?
Approaches to Encourage Cooperation
Education and communication
Participation and involvement
Facilitation and support
Negotiation and rewards
Manipulation and cooptation
Explicit and implicit coercion
Managers must lead change.
Methods for Managing Resistance to Change
• Which of these is NOT an advantage of written
Which one?
• The message stays the same even when relayed
through many people
• It is less expensive than oral
• The message can be revised
• It is a permanent record
• Face-to-face discussions, telephone conversations and
formal presentations are examples of:
Which One?
Written communication
Oral communication
Non-verbal communication
One-way communication
• The memos and reports that a manager receives are
examples of which communication channel?
Which one?
• The more information/cues a medium sends to the
receiver, the ____ the medium is considered.
Which One?
• Which type of communication is the richest medium
because it offers a variety of cues in addition to words?
Which one:
• In this seminar, we have discussed:
-Define Communication/ Questions and Answers
-Identify Communications Problems to Avoid/
Questions and Answers
-Identify methods for handling resistance to change/
Questions and Answers
Assignment Questions and Answers
There are four graded assignments in Unit 9:
1.Review Quiz
2.Discussion Assignment
3.Dropbox Assignment
4.Seminar Quiz
Are there questions concerning how you are expected to
complete and submit these assignments?
• This week's required reading consists of portions of two chapters.
The first reading is from Chapter 12 in the Bateman and Snell text
pp. 263- 272. The second reading is from Chapter 14 in the
Bateman and Snell text pp. 322-330.
• Effective communication is a fundamental aspect of job
performance and managerial effectiveness as we will explore in
Chapter 12, Communicating. Managing change represents a major
challenge for business managers. The reading in Chapter 14 will
examine change and techniques for managing it.
• Jenny received a quick phone call from one of the location managers about
replacing some equipment. She agreed in principle that the equipment should be
replaced but mentioned that Jack was investigating another source for the
equipment and perhaps they should wait until she and Jack had reached a decision.
Two weeks later, Jenny received an invoice for the new equipment! Visibly angry,
she called the manager to inquire why he had ordered the equipment after their
conversation. The manager stated that Jenny had agreed that the equipment
needed to be replaced. He was adamant that this was what he heard Jenny say.
The equipment was expensive and Jack was hoping to order several pieces from
one source to maximize discounts per unit.
Based on the section on “Watch out for communication pitfalls” beginning on
page 265 of the Bateman and Snell text, describe some ways that Jenny could
have avoided this situation.
Sandwich Blitz, Inc. has a great increase in the number of customers!
Employees have been consistently reporting that they are overwhelmed by the volume
of customers and management has noticed that the number of reported errors in
customer orders has increased. Jack and Jenny have decided to adopt an e-customer
order system that will allow customers to input their own orders. This would address the
issue of employees being overwhelmed by the increased pace of the workplace.
Using the process on page 329-330 of the text, describe what the management must do
to lead this change in technology to automated customer service. Address each of the
eight steps in the change process.
Student Checklist:
1. Clearly identify the problem that Jack and Jenny are faced with
2. Explain how each of the eight essential activities for leading change can be
implemented to lead the organization in the adoption of the new technology
3. Discuss what Jack and Jenny have to do to lead their managers, employees, and
customers, to be successful in this new technological venture
An Important Reminder
- check your gradebook for zeros
- submit all past due assignments to the dropbox
- submit your answers to past due discussion questions to
me by email
By TUESDAY at midnight !
Slide 45