Transcript 1. dia

Verbal Communcation – It’s what you
say and how you say it
“The newest computer can merely
compound, at speed, the oldest problem
in the relations between human beings,
and in the end the communicator will be
confronted with the old problem, of what
to say and how to say it.”
Edward R. Murrow
“you cannot not communicate”
So if we’re always communicating
– verbally and non-verbally, intentionally
and unintentionally –
it’s important to be mindful of how our
communication is being received.
Let’s start by considering the messages you
send verbally, through your words, tone of
voice, and other qualities of speech.
The basis of communication is the interaction
between people.
Verbal communication is one way for
people to communicate face-to-face.
Some of the key components of verbal
communication are
sound, words, speaking, and language.
Evaluate your verbal communication
While words only account for approximately
7% of the meaning
people ascribe to your communication, tone
of voice accounts for 38% of the
So, it’s obvious that to be a successful
communicator, you need to be
aware of your verbal cues and clues
(e.g., everything from words to sighs, moans,
Inflection refers to
• ups and downs in talking.
Inflection helps you
• signal to your partner what’s important
• and may even indicate your emotional
(especially combined with volume and
Volume indicates
• the degree of loudness to your voice,
• your energetic involvement with a topic
• and gives your spouse clues about your
temperament and mood.
Pacing deals with
• your rate of speech or
• the speed of your talking.
• Matching your rate of speech and your
intensity to that of your partner creates
rapport and connection.
Word choice means what words you use to
convey your message.
Though words may have specific definitions,
our lifetime of experience with a word
means that our meaning for the word
and someone else’s meaning might be
quite different.
“Communication leads to community,
that is, to understanding intimacy and
mutual valuing.”
(Rollo May)
Speaking can be looked at in two major
• interpersonal and
• public speaking.
Since the majority of speaking is an
interpersonal process, to
communicate effectively we must not simply
clean up our language, but
learn to relate to people.
• In interpersonal speaking etiquette is
very important.
• To be an effective communicator one must
speak in a manner that is not offending to
the receiver.
Etiquette also plays an important role in an
area that has developed in most all
business settings: hierarchical
In business today hierarchical communication
is of utmost importance to all members
Public speaking
Some of the major areas of public
speaking are
speaking to persuade,
speaking to inform, and
speaking to inspire or motivate.