Industrialization Unit

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Did Industry Improve Society?
Many factors promoted industrialization,
including cheap labor, new inventions and
technology, and plentiful raw materials.
Railroads rapidly expanded, while
government policies encouraged economic
• What changes in lifestyle do you think occurred because of
• How do you think industrialization changed American politics?
The Rise of Industry
What economic policies allowed industries to expand
after the Civil War?
The Railroads
How did the railroads encourage the settlement of the
Plains and the West?
Big Business
Why did captains of industry such as Andrew
Carnegie expand their businesses through new ways
of organization?
Why did workers form unions?
Big Ideas
Government and Society The United States
government adopted a policy of laissez-faire
economics, allowing business to expand.
The United States Industrializes
Natural resources and a large labor
force allowed the United States to
industrialize rapidly.
New Inventions
During the late 1800s, inventions such
as the telephone and the lightbulb
spurred economic development.
Free Enterprise
Laissez-faire economics promoted
industrialization, but tariffs protected
American companies from competition.
Big Ideas
Science and Technology The growth of railroads
encouraged development of the Plains and Western
Linking the Nation
After the Civil War, the rapid
construction of railroads accelerated
the nation’s industrialization and
linked the country together.
Robber Barons
The government helped finance
railroad construction by providing land
grants, but this system also led to
Big Ideas
Economics and Society Business people such as
Andrew Carnegie developed new ways to expand
The Rise of Big Business
Corporations could produce goods
more efficiently, which allowed the rise
of big business.
Consolidating Industry
Business leaders devised new and
larger forms of business organizations
and new ways to promote their
Big Ideas
Struggles for Rights Unions grew and labor unrest
intensified as workers fought for more rights.
Working in the United States
Low wages, long hours, and difficult
working conditions caused resentment
among workers and led to efforts to
organize unions.
Struggling to Organize
Workers began to form unions to fight
for better wages and working
conditions but had few successes.
New Unions Emerge
The AFL fought for skilled workers;
new unions tried to organize unskilled
Causes of Industrialization
• Abundant natural resources
• Cheap immigrant labor force
• High tariffs reduce the import
of foreign goods
• National transportation and
communication networks
Causes of the Growth of Big Business
• Little or no government
• Development of pools,
trusts, holding companies,
• Small businesses could not compete
with economies of scale of larger businesses
• Practices of some big businesses sometimes limited
Effects on the Workplace
• Rural migration and immigration
created large, concentrated
• Low wages, long hours, and
dangerous working conditions
were common in large-scale
• First large unions formed but
had little bargaining power
against larger companies