Chapter 29 “The Path of Empire” - Mr. Carnazzo`s US History Wiki

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Transcript Chapter 29 “The Path of Empire” - Mr. Carnazzo`s US History Wiki

Chapter 27
“Empire and Expansion”
“Expand or Explode”
From the end of the Civil War to the 1880s, the United States was very
isolationist, but in the 1890s, due to rising exports, manufacturing capability,
power, and wealth, it began to expand onto the world stage, using overseas
markets to send its goods.
Safety Valve Theory
“Yellow Journalism” – Hearst and Pulitzer
Anglo-Saxon Superiority
Aggressive leadership – Theodore Roosevelt, Henry Cabot Lodge
Darwinism – Survival of the fittest
Alfred Thayer Mahan – “The Influence of Sea Power Upon History”
“Keeping up with the Joneses” - other countries were doing it why cant we?
A cartoon showing the U.S. growing up and growing girth. Illustration from "The
Forbidden Book" by T'boli Publishing, San Francisco.
William Randolph Hearst
William Randolph Hearst
Hearst Castle
Hearst Castle
Joseph Pulitzer
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Alfred Thayer Mahan
Violations of the Monroe Doctrine
British Guiana and Venezuela had been disputing their border for many
years, but when gold was discovered, the situation worsened.
U.S. Sided with Venezuela and told Great Britain they were in violation of
the Monroe Doctrine and threatened them with war.
Britain backed down
The result was that the Monroe Doctrine was strengthened, and
Britain sought better relations with the U.S. afterwards, since it
had many enemies in Europe (Great Reproachment)
Strategic port for the
U.S. Between America
and Asia.
Hawaiian Sugar and Pineapple
In 1820 New England missionaries
settled in Hawaii.
Sugar cultivation went sour in 1890
due to the McKinley Tariff.
America moved to annex Hawaii.
In 1893 American troops landed on
Hawaii and removed Queen
Liliuakalani from power
Grover Cleveland became
president, investigated the coup,
found it to be wrong, and delayed
the annexation of Hawaii until he
left office.
Nine years later Hawaii was
1st ever imperialistic debate in
Cubans Rise in Revolt
Cuba controlled by Spanish
Wilson-Gorman Tariff hurt Cuba’s production
and sale of sugar
Cubans claimed Spanish atrocities – Cubans
instituted a “scorched earth policy”
Spanish sent General “Butcher” Wayler and put
Cubans in concentration camps
Cleveland against war – Anti-jingoist
Jingo – pro-war and pro expansion
McKinley and War
Yellow Journalism – Hearst vs Pulitzer
Explosion of the Maine in Havana Harbor –
260 Americans dead.
Remington Paintings
De Lome Letter – Criticizing McKinley
American Demand for War
Explosion of the Maine
Yellow Journalism
“The white-livered occupant of the White House doesn’t
have the backbone of a chocolate éclair” – Theodore
Spanish-American War
Teller Amendment - proclaimed that when the U.S. had overthrown
Spanish misrule, it would give the Cubans their freedom.
On February 25, 1898, Roosevelt cabled Commodore George Dewey,
commanding the American Asiatic Squadron at Hong Kong, and told him
to take over the Philippines.
On August 13, 1898, American troops arrived and captured Manila,
collaborating with Filipino insurgents, led by Emilio Aguinaldo.
U.S. annexed Hawaiian July 7, 1898
The “Rough Riders,” a regiment of volunteers led by Theodore
Roosevelt and Colonel Leonard Wood, rushed to Cuba and battled at El
Caney San Juan Hill.
Roosevelt and the Roughriders
Frederick Remington
Treaty of Paris
U.S. Obtained
Puerto Rico
Philippines – Paid $20 million
“Splendid Little War” – only 113 days with few deaths
and a lot of territory won
U.S. emerged as a world power
Finally unity between North and South
Unity Between North and South
Anti-Imperialist Debate
Presidents of Stanford and Harvard
Mark Twain
Samuel Gompers
Andrew Carnegie
“despotism abroad might well beget despotism at home”
3 periods of imperialistic debate
Louisiana Purchase
Mexican Cession and Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Spanish-American War
Puerto Rico
Welcomed American Intervention
Poor country that appreciated help
Foraker Act – Passed in 1900 and gave
Puerto Rico limited degree of popular
Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens but they
don’t vote and have no representation in
Puerto Rico
America could not improve Cuba that
much, other than getting rid of yellow
fever with the help of General Leonard
Wood and Dr. Walter Reed.
Platt Amendment said that the U.S. could
intervene and restore
order in case of anarchy,
that the U.S. could trade
freely with Cuba, and
that the U.S. could get
two bays for naval
bases, notably
Guantanamo Bay.
Insurrection against U.S. rule in
Philippines led by former U.S. friend
Guerilla warfare
U.S. set up school, built roads, bridges
and hospitals
Filipinos desperately wanted their freedom
Future President William Howard Taft was
the governor.
Philippine-American War
Filipino casualties on the first
day of Philippine-American
War, February 5, 1899. The
original caption was,
"Insurgent dead just as they
fell in the trench near Santa
Ana, February 5th. The trench
was circular, and the picture
shows but a small portion."
The war lasted until 1913 and
resulted in the colonization of
the Philippine Islands by the
United States.
Imperialism in China
Famous French political cartoon from
the late 1890s. A pie represents China
and is being divided between
caricatures of Queen Victoria of Great
Britain, William II of Germany (who is
squabbling with Queen Victoria over a
borderland piece, while thrusting a
knife into the pie to signify aggressive
German intentions), Nicholas II of
Russia, who is eyeing a particular
piece, the French Marianne , and the
Meiji Emperor of Japan, carefully
contemplating which pieces to take. A
stereotypical Chinese official throws
his up his hands to try and stop them,
but is powerless.
It is meant to be a figurative
representation of the Imperialist
tendencies of these nations towards
China during the decade.
Weak militarily and had vast resources tht
were not being utilized thus became a prime
target for counties practicing imperialism
Countries such as Russia, Germany, Great
Britain and Italy carved out “spheres of
influence” in China
Open Door Policy – Sec of State John Hay
wrote that countries must respect China’s
cultural integrity
Boxer Rebellion – Many Chinese resented
Hay’s policy and attempted to stop
foreigner invasion so they rebelled and
rioted in the streets of Bejing
Chinese government asked for help in
stopping boxers
Multi-national force stopped them and
charged China $300 million
U.S. share was $24.5 million but gave back
$18 million
Set up good relations between U.S. and
Multi-National force stopping the rebellion
Election of 1900
Republicans - William McKinley
Platform – prosperity, gold
standard and overseas
Democrats – William Jennings
Platform – free and unlimited
coinage of silver, antiimperialism and anti-Trust
Death of McKinley
Shot by Leon Czolgosz
Funeral Procession
Robert Todd Lincoln, son of Abe Lincoln,
was present at the assassinations of three
Presidents: his father's, President
Garfield's and President McKinley's. After
the last shooting, he refused to attend any
State affairs. He would not have been
present at these events if it hadn't been
for the brother of John Wilkes Booth, who
saved his life years earlier.
Theodore Roosevelt
Youngest President in history of
United States – Age 42
Big advocate of a strong military
and naval preparedness
“Speak softly and carry a big stick
and you will go far.”
Big Stick = Navy (Great White
Former Leader of the Roughriders
Theodore Roosevelt.
"It's not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the
strong man stumbled, or where the doers of deeds could have done
them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the
arena, whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood, who
strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again...who
knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions and spends
himself in a worthy cause, who at best, know in the end the triumph
of high achievement, and who at the worst if he fails, at least fails
while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold
and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."
Panama Canal
America saw a need for a canal.
Fast travel
Protection of Hawaii, Puerto Rico and Philippines
Two possible sites were Nicaragua and Panama
U.S. signed an agreement with the French to purchase the rights to dig the
Columbia, who owned Panama refused to lease land to U.S.
Roosevelt was angry so he instituted a coup by Panama against Columbia.
U.S. backed Panama and they won their freedom and signed an agreement
with the U.S. allowing them to dig the canal.
Yellow fever was conquered by Dr. Gorgas
TR became 1st president to leave American soil and visit another country
when he traveled to Panama
Canal finished in 1914
2 Canal Proposals
The Canal Zone
Canal Lock
Panama Canal
Exit to Gatun Lake
U.S.: Policeman of the Western
Roosevelt Corollary
Theodore Roosevelt
announced an addition to the
Monroe Doctrine. He stated, in
referring to South and Central
America, that the United
States had the right and the
need to intervene in the
internal affairs of states in the
Western hemisphere if they did
not get their own affairs in
The U.S. Declaration of
Preemptive intervention
Roosevelt Diplomacy
Russo-Japanese War
Russia and Japan fought a war after Russia attempted to take over
Manchuria in China
Japan was close to victory but was dangerously close to running out
of supplies
Japan secretly asked U.S. and TR to broker a peace agreement
1905 Russia, Japan and TR met at Portsmouth New Hampshire and
signed a peace treaty
Both Russia and Japan unhappy with peace treaty
TR won Nobel Peace prize for stopping the war
U.S benefited because a strong Russia and a strong Japan were
desirable for peace in the area
Treaty of Portsmouth
Gentleman’s Agreement
After the war, many Japanese immigrants poured into California,
and fears of a “yellow flood” arose again.
The showdown came in 1906 after the San Francisco earthquake
when the city decreed that due to lack of space, Japanese
children should attend a special school.
Gentleman’s Agreement – TR allowed Japanese children to
attend American schools but forbade unskilled Japanese from
entering the United States. Unskilled Japanese were able to
settle in Hawaii.
To impress the Japanese, Roosevelt sent his entire battleship fleet
around the world for a tour, and it received tremendous salutes in
Latin America, New Zealand, Hawaii, Australia, and Japan.
Great White Fleet
Root-Takahira Agreement
Signed on 30 November 1908, the agreement consisted of an
official recognition of the territorial status quo as of November
1908, affirmation of the independence and territorial integrity of
China (i.e. the "Open Door Policy" as proposed by John Hay),
maintenance of free trade and equal commercial opportunities,
Japanese recognition of the American annexation of the Kingdom of
Hawaii and the Philippines and American recognition of Japan's
position in northeast China.
Great White Fleet
President Roosevelt, who believed
in grand flourishes, dreamed up
such a gesture to impress the
world, and especially the
Japanese, with American power.
He planned to send the entire
American battle fleet on a voyage
around the world. Critics protested
that it would provoke war, or
alternately leave the American
east coast unprotected.
Roosevelt went ahead, and on
December 16, a fleet of 16
American battleships set sail. They
were met with a tumultuous
response wherever they went -including Japan. The trip
underscored the growing power of
the United States.
Great White Fleet in Monterey
With their white hulls and buff
upper works, the battleships of
the U.S. Navy must have looked
much like a parade of gargantuan
wedding cakes as they sailed into
Monterey Bay on May 1, 1908.
"Speak softly, but carry a big
stick," was a favorite aphorism of
President Theodore Roosevelt, a
onetime Assistant Secretary of the
Navy and staunch advocate of
American sea power. He
underscored the United States'
status as a force to be reckoned
with by sending 16 battleships of
the U.S. Atlantic Fleet on a voyage
around the world.