The Great War

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(World War I)
The Great War
World War I
World War I began when Austria-Hungary’s soon to
be king was assassinated by Serbian Nationalists
when he visited Bosnia.
Serbia wanted Bosnia to join their “team” or form an
alliance them, NOT with Austria-Hungary.
So… …
Austria-Hungary threatened war on Serbia and new
alliances were developed throughout Europe
Austria-Hungary vs. Serbia, Russia
Great Britain, France
Newly Developed Alliances:
The Central Powers:
The Triple Entente:
Great Britain
Who was President of the United States during
WWI? Woodrow Wilson
Why did America get
involved in WWI?
German submarines or U-boats were sinking
passenger ships from America. Germany
suspected these ships were carrying supplies
and weapons to Russia, Great Britain, and
What passenger ship did Germany sink?
Were Germany’s suspicions correct? Was the
U.S. really sneaking supplies on the Lusitania?
Zimmerman Telegram
Arthur Zimmerman, Germany’s foreign minister, sent
a secret telegram to Mexico.
What did the telegram ask Mexico to do?
Germany asked Mexico to attack the United States if
the U.S. ever attacked Germany.
What did the telegram promise Mexico?
Germany promised Mexico they would help them
take back the land Mexico lost to the United States.
Victory in Europe
The first U.S. soldiers reached Europe in 1918 and
Germany knew they could not win the war once America
got involved.
An armistice, or an agreement to STOP fighting was
signed in November 1918.
Treaty of Versailles – forced Germany to take total
blame, pay for the war, and decrease the size of its
America did not ratify the treaty because they feared it
would lead to future wars…Do you think it did? WWII maybe???