Nuclear Arms Race & The Space Race

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Transcript Nuclear Arms Race & The Space Race

By: Renée
What is it/was ?
The nuclear arms race was very important to the Cold War, it was a build up
of weapons, the more weapons you had the more powerful you were.
America and Russia both built up there nuclear weapons massively and each
had allies as well .
How it Started
The Cold War began in 1945 when
hostilities between the USSR and the USA
heated over control of conquered areas in
Eastern Europe in the 1940’s that
The United States were the first and only
initially to posse atomic weapons,
although in 1949 the Soviet Union
exploded an atomic bomb which kick
started the arms race. Both countries
continued building bigger and more
powerful atomic weapons.
Then in 1952 the United States created a new
more powerful weapon the Hydrogen bomb.
The Soviet Union created their own in 1953.
The H-Bomb created by the United States was smaller in size than the
Hiroshima, but it was 2500 times more powerful. Once the Russia created
their on version the world became a seriously dangerous place; which may
just have ended the cold war due to the fear evoked by these weapons of
mass destruction.
The Next Creation
The B52 was a bomber created by the U.S, it was able to fly 6000 miles and
deliver a nuclear pay-load. This budget required massive financial backing
from the government, the Americans were able to afford the costs although
Russia could not; so they continued producing bigger bombs that were cost
Bigger Missiles
The first missile launched into space was
“The Atlas” in 1957 launched by Russia,
which proved they had missiles. (The Atlas
could reach speeds of 16000 mph and go
5000 miles)
Russia continued making a larger number of
missiles than the Americans, would made
fewer but better quality missiles.
ICBMs were also one of the most important
developments in the 1950s.
Close to the mid 20th century the Cold
War began between the two superpowers
the capitalist United States and
communist Soviet Union.
In the 1950’s space became a dangerous
arena for there battle as each fought to
prove their superior firepower and
political economic system.
Space exploration was also another
competition in the Cold War, to launch
artificial satellites, spaceflight around the
moon and voyages to the moon.
The beginning of the Space Race occurred
when the Soviet Union and the United
States gained advances German rocket
More Space Technologies
Finally in 1957 the first object launched into space by an ICMB was by the
Soviet Union who proved they had missiles that were able to reach any part
of the world with the launch of the Sputnik satellite into space. Which still
maintained the appearance of Science and exploration.
During the Feuds
After the Space Race began everyone was terrified and detective arrays
were built to notify incoming missiles and bombers.
Underground bunkers were also constructed to protect leaders and citizens
that were taught how to react to nuclear attacks.
During the 1960s a theory known as (MAD) was created Mutually Assured
Destruction, this meant if one force was to attack the other than the other
would be ready to retaliate so there would be no winners. So this stopped
the nations from attacking each other and slowed the nuclear arms race.
As by 1961 there was enough missiles and bombs to destroy Earth.
The End of the Space Race
In a speech before the President Kennedy in 1963 proposed that the United
States and the Soviet Union join forces in their efforts to reach the moon.
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushcinitially rejected Kennedy's proposal; however,
during the next few weeks he concluded that both nations might realize cost
benefits and technological gains from a joint venture. Khrushchev was
poised to accept Kennedy's proposal at the time of Kennedy's assassination
in November 1963. [67]
The two forces joined together in Apollo-Soyuz Test Project human
spaceflight mission in July 1975.
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