respiratory and digestive system notes

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Transcript respiratory and digestive system notes

The Respiratory System
Respiration-Exchange of gases between your
body and the environment.
2 Types:
1.____________________-Oxygen moves from lungs into
the blood; CO2 moves from blood into the lungs.
2.____________________-Oxygen moves from blood into
the cells; CO2 moves from cells into the blood.
Structure and Function:
1._________________________-Muscles between ribs and
diaphragm (muscle that separates the chest cavity
and the abdominal cavity) contract to make chest
bigger and air rushes in from higher pressure
outside to lower pressure inside
-Air enters either through the _____________ or
-_________________is better because it is filtered, cleaned,
and warmed by mucous membranes and cilia.
-After the nose it goes through the ______________________ and
into the trachea (windpipe), which also has mucous
membranes and cilia
-At the beginning of the trachea is the __________________
-The trachea branches into 2 ____________________ that lead
into each lung ; each lung has sections called
-The bronchi are divided into a network of
-At the end of each bronchiole is a cluster of
____________________. These are covered with capillaries that
allow exchange of O2 and CO2
2.__________________________Rib muscles/diaphragm relax
making the chest smaller; this creates higher pressure
on inside forcing air outside
Care/Problems of the Respiratory System
Common place for infection due to easy access
1._______________________-inflammation of bronchi
(wheezing, shortness of breath, cough); excessive amt.
of mucus. Caused by irritants such as tobacco smoke or
air pollution
2._______________________-trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles
become narrowed, causing difficulty breathing. Inhaler
dispenses medication that dilates airways
3._______________________-inflammation of lungs caused by
bacterial or viral infection. Cough, fever, chills, and chest
4._______________________-disease that progressively
destroys the walls of the alveoli; tissue damage is
permanent; caused by smoking
5._______________________-inflammation of the tissues that
line the sinuses; can result from allergies or fever
The Digestive System
3 Functions of the Digestive System
1. Digestion
2. Absorption
3. Elimination
Structure and Processes of the Digestive System
_______________-Taking food into the mouth
_______________-Chewing; done by teeth
____________________-Starts the digestive
process; starts to dissolve and lubricate the food
to be swallowed
_______________-Forms food into a ball to be
_________________-Tissue (flap) that covers the
throat; prevents food from entering trachea
_________________-Tube that takes the food
from the mouth to the stomach
_________________-Involuntary muscle
contractions moving food along; Pyloric(Sphincter)
Valve keeps food from backing up
Digestive Process (cont.)
________________________-Continues the breakdown of
food by mixing it with gastric juices; stores food
temporarily until ready to enter small intestine
_____________________-Mixture of food and gastric
juices; as it leaves the stomach
_________________________-20-30 ft long, but only about
an inch in diameter; peristalsis moves the chyme
____________________-Lines the small intestine; absorbs
nutrients into the circulatory system(to be used by
the body)
____________________________-5-6 feet long; 2.5 inches in
diameter; where unabsorbed chyme enters, water,
vitamins, and minerals are absorbed into
circulatory system; what is left is eliminated as
Organs That Assist Digestion
________________-Regulates the levels of chemicals
in blood and absorbs drugs and other poisonous
substances and changes them into bile which
goes to gall bladder
_____________________-Stores bile until it is needed
to be released into the small intestine to help
breakdown of fats
____________________-Part of the endocrine system
(produces insulin), but also produces 3
digestive enzymes to break down ________________,
________________, and
Problems of the Digestive System
1. Heartburn
2. Diarrhea
3. Constipation
4. Appendicitis
5. Ulcer