Smoking & Alcohol….again

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Transcript Smoking & Alcohol….again

We know this isn’t the first time you’ve heard about
this, but keep an open mind
Smoking…it’s bad…
 Tobacco- what is it?~
changes brains chemistry
 Nicotine-stimulant it’s what you’re
addicted to…..
Addiction-(this would be where you define it for me!)
 Physiological
Dependence I’ve got the SHAKES!!!!!!
 Psychological
Dependence It’s all in my head, I think about it
over and over again!
Side Effects
 Withdrawal…the gotta have
it feeling!
 Second hand Smoke-you mean I can die a
painful death and it wasn’t my
It’s not all it’s cracked up to be
 Media?????
 Advertising………
You see this…..
They Don’t show you this….
Unit Project!!!
 Due: Friday!!!! That is
correct in the next five
 What: 1 original above
the influence
symbol…don’t just copy
one off the internet……
Paying the Price worksheet
 1 pack of cigarettes
$6 (average)
Nervous System Effect:
 Short term- addiction,
changes in brain
heart rate, increased
blood pressure
 Long term-reduced
oxygen flow to brain,
increased risk of stroke
 Cause: Smoking because
it looks cool
Circulatory System
 Effect Short Term-reduced
oxygen flow to muscles
(decrease in athletic
performance, even long
shopping days),
increased heart rate
 Long Term-weaking of
blood vessels, fatty
buildup in vessels
 Cause- “ All of my
friends are doing it”
Respiratory System
 Effect:
 Short term-shortness of
 Long term-destroys cilia
in bronchii and aveoli (
lung cancer and
 Cause: “I can make cool
shapes with the smoke
clouds I exhale”……..
 Good luck putting that
on college apps
Digestive System
 Effects
 Short term-upset
stomach, stained teeth,
bad breath, dull taste
buds, increase in
 Long term-cancer of the
mouth, throat, bladder,
stomach ulcers, and
tooth decay
 Cause- I’ve got no other
ideas….you tell me why,
if you still can
You compare…..
Activity Time!!!
 Find your own space
where you have room to
do jumping jacks
 Be quiet and wait for me
to tell you what to do
Before you leave…..
 In your packet you must
write how you felt during
each one of the different
 Complete sentences if
you want credit,
Part 2:Alcohol….
 What is it and what does
it have to do with fruit???
CDC says.......
 Classified as a depressant
 So it doesn’t bring you
 What are cigarettes
classified as again?
 Done-skees
 Kaput
 Naada
 Zippo
Quick effects of alcohol
 Mucos
 Puke
 Blood
 Heart a pumpin
 Slacker Brain
 Liver on strike
 P U you stink
Brain= Dumber
Heart= Blood Pressure is
Stomach= Ouchie spots
 No, not a part of your
 Blood
 Alcohol
 Content
 ? Relate it to something
More letters….FAS
 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
 So what…….
Driving and Drinking…no big deal
 Results
3 stages
 #1 making excuses to
 #2 Body develops a need
for alcohol
 #3 Problem is obvious to
others (sometimes
3 steps for treatment
 #1 Admit you have a
 #2 Detoxification
 #3 Receives counseling
and begins to rebuild
 Five groups no more
than 6 per group
 you have 10 seconds to
get together and be
seated and quiet if you
wish to participate!!!