Health and Sports Challenge - cooklowery14-15

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Transcript Health and Sports Challenge - cooklowery14-15

Health and Sports Challenge
By: Adiev
How do all the systems
work to play Basketball?
The skeletal system gives us stuff like
support, power and control to shoot a
basket and do things like jumping and
running. Also the skeletal system holds up
your body and protects internal organs
against injury.
The skeletal muscle turns on/grips when
you grab the ball and relaxes when you
shoot/let go of it. It makes pulling power.
If you don’t enter the right foods in your body you will be
slower and feel sick, also you can’t eat to much. If you eat
the right foods you will be faster. High carbohydrates
(avoid grease and fats) should be eaten about 1-2 hours
before game. Pasta and fruits are the best to eat and they
should prevent cramps. Carbohydrates are the primary
source of energy, they allow you to maintain high-intensity
activities for longer.
Things that have to do with sports and
effect the immune system is your fitness
level or how fit you are and your daily diet.
These effect how your immune system
works. If you have a good immune system
you have a less chance of getting sick.
Cardio is the determinant factor for failure
and success. This system flows blood and
oxygen through your body and empties
carbon dioxides.
The nerve system impulse helps the
muscles and organs to work together.
Muscles move in the game by nerve
impulse. This system is sending and
receiving nerve passes through the brain, to
the spinal cords, then to my arms and legs.
The lung is the main component in this
system which circulates blood and oxygen
throughout the body. When I am out of
breathe my respiratory system lets me
catch my breath.