Transcript Chapter 5

Just for fun …
Premature Babies
Babies are considered premature if they are born
______ weeks or more before the end of a full 38week pregnancy or if the weigh less than _______
Distinguish between preterm and small-for-date
Of the two types of babies (preterm/small-for-date)
infants usually have more serious problems.
Newborn Reflexes
1) A reflex is a(n) (learned / inborn) response to a particular form of
2) Match each reflex with the appropriate response or function
_____ Spontaneous grasp of adult’s finger
A. palmar grasp
_____ Helps infant find the nipple
B. stepping
_____ Prepares infant for voluntary walking
C. rooting
_____ Permits feeding
D. sucking
_____ In our evolutionary past, may have
E. moro
helped infant cling to mother
3) When do most newborn reflexes disappear?
Newborn States of Arousal
Match each state of arousal with its characteristics.
_____ Regular sleep _____ Irregular sleep _____ Drowsiness _____
Quiet alertness _____ Waking activity and crying
Inactive body, open and attentive eyes, even breathing
Bursts of uncoordinated body activity, irregular breathing
Eyes open and close, glazed when open; even breathing
Minimal body activity, no eye movements, even breathing
Gentle limb and rapid eye movements, irregular breathing
Newborn Senses
• True or False: Infants are born with a poorly developed sense of
touch, and consequently, they are not sensitive to pain.
• True or False: Infants not only have taste preferences, but they are
also capable of communicating these preferences to adults through
facial expressions.
• True or False: Newborn infants are attracted to the scent of a
lactating woman, but they are unable to discriminate the smell of
their own mother’s breast from that of an unfamiliar lactating
• True or False: Infants prefer pure tones to complex sounds.
• Vision is the (most/least) mature of the newborn baby’s
The Baby Human – To Talk
How do all of the domains – physical, cognitive,
and social and emotional – contribute to
learning to talk?
Research methods used with infants and
Early learning examples: classical conditioning,
operant conditioning, habituation, and
The Baby Human
Classical Conditioning
Ba to Da
The Baby Human
Operant Conditioning
Pheonix and mom
• The Robot
The Baby Human
The Baby Human
The Baby Human – To Talk
T/F Language learning begins once the baby is born.
What is meant by universal linguistic listener and
culture bound language specialist?
T/F Learning to speak is merely a matter of being
exposed to a language rich environment.
What is the standard progression of speech during the
first two years of life?
What is meant by motherese/fatherese/parentese?
What’s going on in this comic?
Baby Blues
Chapter 4 – Physical Development in
Infancy & Toddlerhood
Body Growth
Brain Development
Influences on Early Physical Growth
Learning Capacities
Motor Development
Perceptual Development
Quiz 5
During Piaget’s _________________ stage, which spans the first 2 years of life,
infants and toddlers “think” with their eyes, ears and hands.
Vygotsky believed that complex mental activities have their origin in
sensorimotor behavior.
perception, attention, and memory.
social interaction.
developmental quotients.
(Recall/recognition) memory is noticing when a stimulus is identical or similar to
one previously experienced. (Recall/recognition) memory involves remembering
something not present.
True or False: Scores on infant intelligence tests are excellent predictors of
intelligence beyond early childhood.
What is telegraphic speech? Provide an example.
Quiz 4
1. At birth, the _________ is nearer its adult size than any
other physical structure, and it continues to develop at an
(astounding/slow) pace throughout infancy and
1. At birth, the _________ is nearer its adult size than any
other physical structure, and it continues to develop at an
(astounding/slow) pace throughout infancy and
1. At birth, the _________ is nearer its adult size than any
other physical structure, and it continues to develop at an
(astounding/slow) pace throughout infancy and