Transcript File

Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Operant or Classical? (Bonus: Find a related term)
1. Jake is training his dog to sit on command. Jake gives his dog a
treat every time the dog sits.
2. Students in Mr. Winn’s Class receive a gold star each time they
answer a question correctly After a student receives 10 gold
stars he/she earns a pencil.
3. When Zach was 8, he ate a piece of shrimp that caused him to
become ill. Now Zach is 17 and becomes nauseous every time
he smells shrimp.
4. Jillian was out past curfew on Saturday. As a result, her
parents took away her privileges. Jillian no longer stays out
past curfew.
5. Every time Rachel’s parents leave her with Lisa, the babysitter,
Rachel cries. Lisa came to Rachel’s 3rd birthday party, which
caused Rachel to cry.
• Classical conditioning
–Ivan Pavlov
–John B. Watson
Pavlov’s Experiments
• Define the terms & apply to
Pavlov’s experiments
–Unconditioned stimulus (US)
–Unconditioned response (UR)
–Conditioned stimulus (CS)
–Conditioned response (CR)
–Neutral Stimulus (NS)
Pavlov’s Experiments
Classical Conditioning
Pavlov’s Experiments
Extinction and Spontaneous Recovery
• Extinction
• Spontaneous recovery
• Reconditioning Savings
Pavlov’s Experiments
• Generalization
Pavlov’s Experiments
• Discrimination
• Bill couldn’t ever remember being so sick and
nauseated. He would never go to that restaurant
again, and he would never again eat chicken. All he
could think about was the good dinner his mother
would prepare for his homecoming. As he entered
the kitchen, he became flushed and felt nauseated
when he saw the golden brown turkey sitting on the
1.What is the US? The UR?
2.What is the CS? The CR?
3.What term explains why Bill became nauseated
when he saw the turkey on the table?
Operant Conditioning
• Edward Thorndike’s Law of Effect
• B.F. Skinner
–Behavioral technology
–Behavior control
Skinner’s Experiments
Shaping Behavior
• Shaping
–Successive approximations
–Discriminative stimulus
Skinner’s Experiments
Other Key Terms
Albert Bandura & Bobo Doll Study
Observational Learning
Learned Helplessness
Skinner’s Experiments
Reinforcement Schedules
• Continuous reinforcement
• Partial (intermittent) reinforcement
• Schedules
–Fixed-ratio schedule
–Variable-ratio schedule
–Fixed-interval schedule
–Variable-interval schedule
Skinner’s Experiments
Reinforcement Schedules
Skinner’s Experiments
Reinforcement Schedules
VR = very
resistant to
Identify the Schedule of Reinforcement
1. Jake is training his dog to sit on command. Jake
gives his dog a treat every time the dog sits.
2. Julie works at a factory and is paid based on the
number of shoes she produces in a day.
3. A rat receives a food pellet after a certain behavior
is performed after an elapsed time of 45 seconds.
4. If you want to train your dog to roll over, it is best
to initially put her on which schedule of
reinforcement? Why? What schedule would you
want to switch to over time? Why?