X-Period/Learning Test

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X-Period/Learning Test
Notecards for vocabulary
Classical conditioning
Pavlov- starts with unlearned relationship
NS becomes CS
Means learning
Ivan Pavlov
Russian- discovers Classical Conditioning
Unlearned stimulus
Pavlov’s dog exp it is --food
Unlearned response
Pavlov’s exp-- salivation
Neutral stimulus
Pavlov’s exp– footsteps , bells
John Watson
Father of behaviorism
Baby Albert
Baby Albert
Exp where fear was learned then generalized
to all white fluffy things
Respond to a specific stimuli
Operant Conditioning
Reinforcement causes behavior
Law of Effect
Practice makes perfect
BF Skinner
Famous behaviorist
Skinner box
ALL behavior relates to external rewards
Trigger from the environment that creates the
Behavior that is created by the stimulus
ALWAYS increases behavior happening again
Extinguishes a behavior
Positive Reinforcement
Uses rewards to increase a behavior
Negative Reinforcement
Uses avoidance of an unpleasant experience
to increase a desired behavior
Primary Reinforcement
Needed for survival such as food
Secondary Reinforcment
Can be turned into a primary reinforcement
such as money or education diploma
Fixed ratio schedule
Reward after set amount of behaviors
Ex. Buy 10 cups of coffee– get 11th one free
Variable Ratio
Rewards after undetermined behaviors
Ex lottery tickets
Fixed Interval
Reward at specific times
Ex. paycheck
Variable interval
Reward at various time periods
Ex. fishing
Observational Learning
Learn by watching others
Albert Bandura
Studied the power of observational learning
Experiments on children watching violent TV
and then playing more violently