AKS 30-31 Colonial America
Transcript AKS 30-31 Colonial America
1. What was the name of the first written
Constitution that was made in the American
1. Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
2. The earliest English colonies were founded
near which geographical feature which aided
the settlers?
2. water (the coast, bays, and rivers)
3. How did the geographical location of the
colony of New York contribute to its success?
3. on the coast, so could trade easily with
European nations and other colonies
4. What was the name of Jamestown’s
legislature, which was the first representative
body in the New World?
4. House of Burgesses
5. The Puritans who settled the Massachusetts
Bay Colony were intolerant of other religious
ideas; what did they do to dissenters (people
who disagreed with their views)?
5. banished them from Mass. Bay
6. What male dissenter was banished from
Massachusetts Bay and went on to found the
Rhode Island colony?
6. Roger Williams
7. What colony was founded by William Penn as
a haven for Quakers?
7. Pennsylvania
8. Which southern colony was founded to be a
buffer zone between South Carolina and the
Spanish in Florida?
8. Georgia
9. Which famous American colonist was a selfmade man, printer, a symbol of social mobility,
and performed experiments with electricity?
9. Benjamin Franklin
10. What was the name of the New England
colonial war with Native Americans in 16751676 led by Indian chief Metacom which ended
in defeat for the natives?
10. King Philip’s War
11. What was the name of the economic
system whereby European countries competed
for global power by establishing colonies to
provide them with raw materials and a market
to sell their goods?
11. mercantilism
12. What was the name of the religious revival
in the early-to-mid-1700s that caused new
colleges to be made and stressed one’s
individual relationship with God?
12. Great Awakening
13. What was the name of the miserable trip to
the New World made by African slaves?
13. Middle Passage
14. What was the name of the rebellion in 1676
in the frontier area of Virginia that pitted poor
colonists against the rich colonists in
14. Bacon’s Rebellion
15. What colonial-era war caused Britain to
rack up a huge debt, thus causing Britain to
start taxing the colonists?
15. French and Indian War
16. After the French & Indian War, what was
issued by Britain that forbid American colonists
from crossing over the Appalachian Mountains
to try to prevent conflicts with natives?
16. Proclamation of 1763 (established the
Proclamation Line)
17. What was the name of the 1765 act imposed
by Parliament which taxed paper products like
books, newspapers, and documents in the
17. Stamp Act
18. What was the name of the communications
network among the colonial leaders in various
colonies to inform each other of British
measures that angered them?
18. Committees of Correspondence
19. Because the 1774 Intolerable Acts angered
colonists by closing the port of Boston and
placing it under martial law, what colony-wide
meeting did the Committees of
Correspondence call for?
19. First Continental Congress
20. Enlightenment ideas of natural rights and
“consent of the governed” (democracy) were a
main part of which colonial document?
20. Declaration of Independence
21. Which Enlightenment writer’s ideas did
Thomas Jefferson use heavily when writing the
Declaration of Independence?
21. John Locke
22. What is the name of the organization
created by Samuel Adams in Boston to resist
British rule?
22. Sons of Liberty
23. Who was the author of Common Sense, a
pamphlet which said Americans should become
independent from Britain?
23. Thomas Paine
24. Common Sense was written to convince
what group of people that the time had come
to separate from the “royal brute” of England
(the king)?
24. common people of the American colonies
and Loyalists
25. “Crossing the Delaware River” was when
General George Washington and his
Continental troops made a surprise attack on
the Hessians (fighting on the British side) at
which battle?
25. Battle of Trenton (NJ)
26. Where were American troops stationed
during the winter of 1777-1778? They suffered
terribly here, without enough food, shoes, and
blankets, and this place became a symbol of
American endurance and patriotism.
26. Valley Forge, Pennsylvania
27. What 1777 battle fought in New York was
won by the Americans and was considered the
turning point in the Revolutionary War because
it convinced the French to make an alliance
with the Americans?
27. Battle of Saratoga
28. What was the final battle of the
Revolutionary War in Virginia in which British
General Cornwallis surrendered?
28. Battle of Yorktown
29. What was the name of the first constitution
of the U.S. which set up a very weak national
29. Articles of Confederation
30. What were the names of two successful
laws (ordinances) that were passed by the
national government under the Articles of
30. Land Ordinance of 1785 and Northwest
Ordinance of 1787
31. Besides setting up an orderly system of
surveying new western lands, how else did the
Land Ordinance benefit the U.S. regarding
public education?
31. Money from the sale of one section of land
in each township would fund public education.
32. What was the name of the 1787 ordinance
that set up a system for governing the
territories and for admitting new states?
32. Northwest Ordinance of 1787
33. What was the name of the 1786-1787
rebellion in western Massachusetts caused by
farmers angry over high taxes and property
foreclosures, which led to the Constitutional
Convention being held?
33. Shays’ Rebellion
34. The Great Compromise at the
Constitutional Convention, introduced by
Roger Sherman, aimed to please both large and
small states regarding representation in
Congress by proposing what?
34. Congress would be composed of two
houses, one being based on population (the
House of Representatives) and one being based
on equality (the Senate---2 Senators per state).
35. What was the name of the compromise at
the Constitutional Convention regarding
slavery in which it was decided to count some
of the slaves for purposes of representation and
35. Three-Fifths Compromise
36. What were the names of the groups who
supported and who opposed the new
36. Federalists and Anti-Federalists
37. What was the name of the first ten
amendments to the U.S. Constitution, written
by Founding Father James Madison?
37. Bill of Rights
38. What were the names of the first two
political parties, started by Alexander Hamilton
and Thomas Jefferson?
38. Federalist Party (Hamilton) and
Democratic-Republican Party (Jefferson)
39. Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton
disagreed over a loose vs. strict interpretation
of the Constitution regarding what part of
Hamilton’s financial plan?
39. national Bank of the U.S. (BUS)
40. In what document did George Washington
warn Americans about political parties, foreign
alliances, and sectionalism based on
geographical differences between North and
40. Washington’s Farewell Address
41. During John Adams’s administration, the
U.S. fought with France. What was the name of
the incident that angered Americans when the
French demanded a bribe just to talk?
41. XYZ Affair
42. Judicial review was established in the 1803
Supreme Court case of Marbury v. Madison;
what does judicial review mean?
42. Judicial review is the power of the Supreme
Court to decide if an act passed by Congress is
constitutional or unconstitutional.
43. What inventor in early American history
created the cotton gin and interchangeable
parts with guns?
43. Eli Whitney
44. What effect did the invention of the cotton
gin have on slavery in the South?
44. The need for slaves increased, since more
land was planted with cotton.
45. What was the main cause of the War of 1812?
45. British impressment (kidnapping) of American
sailors, thus violating U.S. “freedom of the seas”
46. After the War of 1812, Americans were
proud of their country, and there was a growth
of ____________.
46. nationalism
47. What city became a major port trading city
and financial center as a result of the building
of the Erie Canal?
47. New York City
48. What were the benefits of having
interchangeable parts?
48. products generally became cheaper and
easier to fix
49. What famous doctrine warned European
nations not to interfere with the affairs of the
Western Hemisphere, and in turn the U.S. would
not interfere in European affairs? (The U.S.
followed this throughout most of the 1800s, but
around the turn of the 20th century we became
very involved in global affairs.)
49. Monroe Doctrine
50. What type of people voted for Andrew
Jackson for president in 1828?
50. the common man
51. Why did Andrew Jackson support the
“spoils system” in which he gave government
jobs to loyal supporters?
51. He believed a “rotation in office” was good for
the country because it would reduce the
inefficiency and corruption that often came when
people held a job for too long.
52. What was the name of the women’s rights
convention held in New York in 1848 at which
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and others wrote the
“Declaration of Sentiments” document?
52. Senaca Falls Convention
53. What term is associated with the following?
expanding political participation to the
common man; favoring a strong presidency;
the spoils system
53. Jacksonian Democracy
54. What was the name of the violent slave
rebellion in Virginia in 1831 in which slaves killed
many whites, which frightened white plantation
owners to tighten control over slaves?
54. Nat Turner’s Rebellion
55. The Nullification Crisis of 1832-1833
occurred over a clash between South Carolina
and the national government over what issue?
55. states’ rights and the tariff
56. What was the name of the white abolitionist
who published The Liberator? What was the
name of the black ex-slave who became an
abolitionist and published The North Star?
56. William Lloyd Garrison / Frederick Douglass
57. What Compromise made California a free
state, created the Fugitive Slave Act, and ended
the slave trade in Washington, D.C.?
57. Compromise of 1850
58. Under the Kansas-Nebraska Act, how was it
to be decided whether or not they would be free
or slave states?
58. popular sovereignty
59. This man led a violent attack in Kansas
before trying to lead a slave insurrection by
attacking Harpers Ferry, Virginia. Who is he?
59. John Brown
60. The Supreme Court ruled that since he was a
slave, he was property and not a citizen and he
could not sue. Who was he?
60. Dred Scott
61. Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote this book
about slavery, and President Lincoln said it
started the Civil War.
61. Uncle Tom’s Cabin
62. What was the was the primary goal of
President Lincoln at the beginning of the Civil
62. to preserve the Union
63. One criticism of President Lincoln was that
he suspended this in order to control the border
states. What was it?
63. habeas corpus
64. What were the three goals of the Union’s
Anaconda Plan?
64. blockade the South, control the Mississippi
River, conquer Richmond
65. What was the primary advantage of the
Union at the beginning of the Civil War?
65. more technology and railroads
66. This general was offered command of the
Union army but turned it down and eventually
led the Army of Northern Virginia. Who was he?
66. Robert E. Lee
67. This general was not offered command of
the Union army until after he had won a major
victory at Vicksburg. Who was he?
67. Ulysses S. Grant
68. What was the bloodiest one day battle of
the Civil War?
68. Antietam
69. This was issued after the Battle of Antietam
and stated all slaves in states that were in
rebellion were free.
69. Emancipation Proclamation
70. This Confederate general was accidentally
killed by his own men during the Battle of
70. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson
71. This battle was a terrible loss for the
Confederacy and is considered the turning point
of the Civil War.
71. Battle of Gettysburg
72. This speech by Lincoln restated his desire to
keep the Union together and that “these dead
shall not have died in vain.”
72. Gettysburg Address
73. This general convinced General Grant and
President Lincoln to allow him to attack Atlanta
and drive through the heart of Georgia.
73. William T. Sherman
74. Grant and Sherman’s plan called for destroying
the Southern economy and transportation system
while breaking the will of the people to continue
fighting. What is this type of war called?
74. total war
75. Sherman’s victory in this battle helped
secure the 1864 presidential election for
President Lincoln.
75. Battle of Atlanta
76. Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address included
the lines, “With malice toward none, with
charity for all.” What did he mean by this?
76. He did not want the South punished, but
welcomed back into the Union (lenient plan).
77. General Lee surrendered his Army of
Northern Virginia here to end the Civil War.
77. Appomattox Court House, Virginia
78. This group wanted to punish the South for
causing the Civil war and opposed President
Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction.
78. Radical Republicans
79. This amendment abolished slavery.
79. 13th Amendment
80. This amendment includes the citizenship
clause and “due process of law” clause.
80. 14th Amendment
81. This amendment gave the right to vote to all
male citizens.
81. 15th Amendment
82. This law gave 160 acres of land to anyone
willing to move to the west, creating a
population boom and westward settlement.
82. Homestead Act of 1862
83. John D. Rockefeller created this company.
83. Standard Oil
84. Andrew Carnegie created this company.
84. Carnegie Steel
85. These groups of immigrants were involved in
building the transcontinental railroad.
85. Irish and Chinese immigrants
86. The growth of this form of transportation
caused industry to boom in post-Civil War
86. railroads
87. This man founded the American Federation
of Labor (AFL).
87. Samuel Gompers
88. This group of people usually entered the
country at Ellis Island.
88. European immigrants
89. Most of the “new immigrants” coming to
America in the late 1800s were coming from
89. southern and eastern Europe
90. This law was passed in 1882 to prohibit
Chinese immigration.
90. Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
91. Buying out competitors that sell the same
product to control an entire industry is an
example of ________.
91. horizontal integration
92. Buying out providers of raw materials and
buying transportation (RR) to increase business
is an example of ________.
92. vertical integration
93. Andrew Carnegie hired a private army and
several strikers were killed, ending this strike
near Pittsburgh, PA quickly.
93. Homestead Strike
94. General Custer’s 7th Cavalry was defeated by
Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse here.
94. Battle of Little Bighorn
95. In retaliation for Custer’s defeat, the U.S.
Cavalry slaughtered hundreds of unarmed
Native Americans, ending the Indian Wars here.
95. Wounded Knee Massacre
96. This act made it illegal for one company to
interfere with free trade by forming trusts.
96. Sherman Anti-Trust Act
97. This led to the Great Railroad Strike of 1877,
the Homestead Strike, and the Pullman Strike.
97. wage cuts / forming labor unions
98. Overcrowded cities, poor sanitation, rising
crime rates, and the spread of disease were
problems associated with what?
98. urbanization
99. These accomplished calling public attention
to workers’ issues such as low pay, long working
hours, and dangerous working conditions.
99. labor unions
100. This is taking Darwin’s theory of “survival of
the fittest” and applying it to society and
100. Social Darwinism