Music Presentation - Cedarburg School District

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Transcript Music Presentation - Cedarburg School District

Music Standards in
the Music Curriculum
Standards from MENC, National
Association of Music Education
By Mr. Timothy Dries
(subbing for Ms. Wilson)
1.Singing, alone and with others,
a varied repertoire of music
 Songs that we have sang so far include, “The
Golden Rule,” “Vacation,” “Listen,” “Sing Me
Your Name.” These are shorter songs that we
learn in one class period and periodically review
in the following classes. In addition, the 5th
grade classes have started to work on
repertoire for the holiday concert. They will be
singing a medley of familiar Christmastime
tunes entitled “Swingin’ with Santa Claus.”
2. Performing on instruments,
alone and with others, a varied
repertoire of music
Most of the classes so far have had
opportunities to play the following musical
Sonor Orff instrument
*These instruments are Orff instruments.
Designed by the German composer Carl
Orff. They are diatonic, and the bars are
removable which allows the students to see
which notes to play in a given song.
2. Performing on instruments,
alone and with others, a varied
repertoire of music (continued)
Wooden percussion instruments
(Claves, Guiro, Maracas)
Metal percussion instruments (Cowbell,
Tambourine [which has metal jingles])
Guiro picture:
3. Improvising melodies,
variations, and accompaniments
 Students will have the opportunity to
improvise on Orff instruments as well as
other percussion instruments.
Improvising is sometimes called “spontaneous composing.”
4. Composing and arranging
music within specified
We have discussed musical forms in the
4th grade class. Musical forms are
important to understand for composing
and arranging music. Some classroom
songs call for unique arrangements (“Sing
Me Your Name”.)
5. Reading and notating music
 Most classes have looked at rhythm
cards. We learn to count various rhythms
saying, “Ta, TeeTee, and Teeka-teeka”
6. Listening to, analyzing, and
describing music
All classes will have opportunities to listen
to recordings of great music.
So far, 2nd grade has listened to
Vivaldi’s Four Seasons
Other grades will be listening to a
jazz recording of a band from
Chicago called Air.
Extra info
 Information about the music books that
are used to reach national standards:
Mr. Dries can be contacted via email at the
following addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]
p.s. Mr. Dries does have experience giving beginning piano lessons. Please
contact if interested!