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IBM Software Group
EGL SQL – Advanced Development and Coding Concepts
This Learning Module shows how to understand and use the EGL language
abstractions to create advanced SQL database access, including custom cursors,
prepared statements and calling stored procedures.
© 2006 IBM Corporation
EGL Custom SQL Coding
 The implicit and explicit SQL shown in the previous examples were simple and powerful ways
of going about coding data access requests, and should be considered “best practice”
solutions to requirements – whenever possible, as they increase development productivity
and minimize maintenance risk and time.
However, there will be many business requests with complex logical requirements that will
mandate a lower-level or custom solution to data access. EGL supports this with the
following constructs:
 Execute
 Open
 Prepare
These keywords are actually used somewhat interchangeably in data access routines, and are
best learned through example.
EGL – Execute Keyword
 The EGL execute verb allows you a custom coding way to write:
 Non-DML statements:
Create Table
Drop Table
 DML statements that update your database:
With execute you:
 Have total control over the SQL code – so this is a statement for SQL-experts to use
 Do not have to reference sqlRecords – so this makes the database access:
More independent of the table import and schema
More time-consuming to write and test
The format of execute is:
execute #sql{
… your native SQL statement …
 Any valid SQL statement (except for SELECT)
 Must surround the statement with curly braces
 #sql{ is all four characters together (no spaces)
EGL – Execute Keyword – Examples
 Non-DML Examples
SQL DML Examples (no sqlRecord)
Workshops for EGL execute statement
You will do the following labs, to help you understand the user of the EGL execute SQL I/O
Generate CREATE table – SQL DDL using the Data Tools, in the Data Perspective
Create the following EGL execute #sql{ statements:
Which will create a new (temporary) table
Populate this temporary table with rows from EGL.Customer
Do some EGL DML statements against the table using custom SQL statements
Drop the table
Test your code using the sqlTest program
There will also be an optional workshop that will allow you to combine EGL Debugging and
your temporary table work, with the Data Perspective
 Data Perspective – Generate Create Table Statement – 1 of 2
 From the Data Perspective – from the Database Explorer
 Reconnect to EGLDerbyR7
 Right-click over Customer and select Generate DDL…
 From Options select  CREATE statements
 From Objects select  all
 From Save and Run DDL check  Open DDL file for editing
 Click Next then Finish
 Data Perspective – Generate Create Table Statement – 2 of 2
 From script1.sql – loaded into the Content Area
 Select and copy all of the Create table statement ( you will use this in the next part of this workshop)
Close the Data Perspective
From the Web Perspective, leave script1.sql open !!!
 Cause you’ll be coming back to this generated DDL
 Execute Keyword – Create Table
In eglderby7.access/CustomerLib.egl
 Create a new function, named: execCreateTable as shown below
 Paste in the generated SQL Create table statement – as shown
 Code the execute #sql{
Change the table name to: EGL.CUSTOMERTEMP
Copy and paste the try, HandleSuccess and onException clauses from other statements
Pass the function (status StatusRec) as a parameter
Press Ctrl/S – and remove all syntax errors
 Execute Keyword – Insert Into Table
In eglderby7.access/CustomerLib.egl
 Create another new function, named: execInsertIntoTable as shown below
 Copy the majority of the code from some other function in CustomerLib.egl
…or… you can use Content Assist to build the statement
 Execute Keyword – Drop Table
In eglderby7.access/CustomerLib.egl
 Create another new function, named: execDropTable as shown below
 Copy the majority of the code from some other function in CustomerLib.egl
…or… you can use Content Assist to build the statement
 Be sure to drop EGL.CUSTOMERTEMP
 Execute Keyword – Update Table
In eglderby7.access/CustomerLib.egl
 Create another new function, named: execUpdateSetLevel as shown below
 Notes:
 Copy the majority of the code from some other function in CustomerLib.egl
 Make sure your function parameters are correct
 Note the use of the host variable
…in the WHERE clause
 Execute Keyword – Delete From Table
In eglderby7.access/CustomerLib.egl
 Create another new function, named: execDeleteSetLevel as shown below
 Copy the majority of the code from some other function in CustomerLib.egl
 Make sure your function parameters are correct
 Note the use of the host variable
…in the WHERE clause
 Generate the CustomerLib – Ctrl/G
 Execute Keyword – Debug using sqlTest.egl Program – 1 of 3
From Project Explorer, open: programs/sqlTest.egl
 Create another new function, named: testExecStatements()
 Notes:
 Ensure that all of your connections to the EGLDerbyR7 are closed (check
the Data Perspective)
 Use Content Assist to build the CustomerLib. function invoke statements
 Add statements to main() in sqlTest.egl that invoke the new function(s)
 Add new Break Points as shown
And remove the other Break Points from the program while you’re at it 
From Project Explorer – right-click on sqlTest.egl
 Debug the EGL program
From Debug
 Click through your calls to the execute SQL statements
 From the Variables view, monitor the results of each call by expanding status
 Finish your debug session (run all of the statements in the program)
 Reopen the Web Perspective
 Execute Keyword – Debug using sqlTest.egl Program – 2 of 3
How often have you wanted to view the results of SQL statements – WHILE your programs were
executing? Using a combination of the Debugger and Data Perspective – for certain kinds of
testing use cases this is possible. Let’s see how!
 In /programs/sqlTest.egl
 In testExecStatements() – comment out the call to: // CustomerLib.execDropTable(status);
 Important.
Please comment out this
line 
and read the ***Notes section of this slide
 Save and Debug sqlTest.egl again
each break point – this will create and populate the temp table
Resume through
Continue/Resume until your program/debug session has terminated
Then reopen the Data Perspective
 Execute Keyword – Debug using sqlTest.egl Program – 3 of 3
From the Data Perspective / From the Database Explorer
 Reconnect to EGLDerbyR7
 Expand the folders down to……
 Right-Click over CUSTOMERTEMP
 Select: Data > Sample Contents
You should see the rows you inserted with your EGL program and CustomerLib function call
using execute #sql (minus row #5 … because you deleted it )
EGL – open Keyword
 The EGL open verb allows you to create custom SQL cursor processing, where you have
complete control over the result set produced by your SELECT statement. This can be very
helpful in several types of situations:
 You need to process each row returned from the database as soon as it’s returned
 You want control over the number of occurrences in the EGL record array created from the result set
By using open, you can create an array of n size, open a cursor, and get exactly n rows into the array
The format of open is:
open resultSet into <sqlRecord.fld…> with #sql{
… code your SQL statement … };
forEach(from resultSet)
//do something - like append to an array
//Or update the row…etc.
 Open creates a resultSet – a temporary area in the database that holds the results of your SELECT
statement. A resultSet is like a DB2 cursor (on the mainframe).
 You can use get next resultSet … or … a keyword like forEach to return each row in the
resultSet for processing
 Optional Workshop - EGL – Open Keyword – with forEach to Process ResultSet
 Here’s a live example of an Open Keyword function that uses forEach as well.
Code or copy/paste and add this function to: CustomerLib
(the code is in the slide ***Notes)
 To call this function, make the
following changes to sqlTest
 Comment out all the code in testExecStatements()
 Add a new function
 From main() call the new function
 EGL – Open Keyword – with while to Process ResultSet “Conditionally”
 You may want more control over the loop that returns the resultSet. You can use While to
explicitly bump through the rows in your resultSet – one at a time.
Add another function to CustomerLib
(the code is in the slide Notes)
To call this function, make the
following changes to sqlTest.egl
 Comment out all the code in testExecStatements()
 Add a new function:
 From main() call the new function
 (NOT a workshop) EGL – Delete/Replace from ResultSet
 You may want to use the
construct in your EGL logic. Note that this
is especially useful in batch processing.
Typical logic flow:
Read a row
Determine if that (specific) row should be
updated or deleted
Do so (update or delete the row) – through
the cursor being maintained by the DBMS on
the row
Note from the example that you can either:
- Delete an entire row
- Replace an entire row
- Replace specific columns in a row
*** See Notes for:
1. Additional conceptual information on
using where current of
2. Example code (as shown here) 
to try calling from your sqlTest.egl program
EGL – prepare Keyword
 The EGL prepare verb allows you to completely customize your SELECT, FROM, WHERE,
and ORDER BY at run-time. It is very useful for requirements like custom search pages, where
users may select 0 – n fields for processing, and build their own dynamic query conditions and
specify custom sorting results.
The format of prepare is:
prepare preparedStmtID from stringVar;
open resultSet with preparedStmtID into…
forEach (from resultSet)
//do something - like append to an array
//Or update the row…etc.
 prepare creates a DBMS preparedStatement. You can think of a preparedStatement as a temporary
DECLARE for a custom SELECT statement compiled at run-time. Prepare’d statements can be
subsequently opened and fetched (with get next as seen in the previous example)
 open creates a resultSet – a temporary area in the database that holds the results of your
SELECT statement. It is like a DB2 cursor (on the mainframe).
 You can use get next resultSet … or … a keyword like forEach to return the rows for processing
*** Notes
 Prepare Keyword – Workshop – 1 of 2
In CustomerLib, add this
function (code in the slide
Read the comments
Save your work
 Prepare Keyword – Workshop – 2 of 2
 In sqlTest – add the following function:
 Note the spaces in the string before WHERE and ORDER BY
Why do you think this is necessary?
Comment out the code in testOpenStatement()
In main() add a statement to invoke: testDynamicSQL();
Debug sqlTest.egl
 OPTIONAL Workshop – prepare With Dynamic SQL Variables – 1 of 2
In the previous example, although you used a dynamic SQL statement, host variables that would
normally be supplied at run-time by (for instance) user choices on a search page – were not
part of the example. You can supply host variables in prepare statements in two ways:
By using ? (question mark) placeholders throughout the statement, where the open supplies the values
as variables
Through standard EGL variable values – in string fields (not shown below, but shown in an example on
the next slide)
The format of prepare that contains dynamically-supplied host variables is:
strVar string = “SELECT stuff… FROM stuff…” + “ Where colm = ? And colm = ?”;
prepare preparedStmtID from stringVar;
//where stringVar is shown above
open resultSet with preparedStmtID using var1, var2 for <sqlRecord>;
forEach (from resultSet)
//do something - like append to an array, etc.
 Use a question mark – within a string variable to hold a place for an EGL variable,
referenced by: with var1… in the open statement
 The datatypes of the variables reference by with must match their table column types
 You can pass a Schema name as a variable into the statements. This may be necessary
for dynamic Schema table identifiers – although there are other techniques
*** Notes
 Truly OPTIONAL Workshop – prepare With Dynamic SQL Variables – 2 of 2
Here’s an example of a modified function (the code is in the Notes section of this slide) – that uses question marks (?) as
placeholders for variable data, resolved at run-time. Note also that we are dynamically supplying the Schema name. This is a
useful technique.
 Note:
For <recordName>
Miscellaneous EGL/SQL Topics
 There are
Reusing production SQL
Null values
Tables that contain reserved words in their names (or in the column names)
Connecting to different databases
Importing records with unqualified table names
Stored Procedures
SQL Performance
Commit and Rollback
Best Practices
Reusing Production SQL
In most “Legacy Modernization” projects you will probably want to reuse your production SQL
statements. Here’s how this can be accomplished:
 Select (get)
Create a new record for each unique combination of joined tables:
– SQLRetrieve all tables that participate in the SELECT
– HINT: Specify the table alias from the original statement in the Record’s
tablenames [[…]] property [“tname”,”alias”],
Create a new function for each production statement
Code get <newSQLRecord>;
Right-click and create either a single-row (Add with into) or multi-row (array add) explicit
EGL/SQL statement
– #sql{ select
Copy the production SQL DECLARE statement from the original code and paste it over the explicit
EGL/SQL statement inside the curly braces
Validate the statement
Test by running in the Data Perspective and Debug the statement, using a batch program
 (Alternatively) Use: open resultSet into <sqlRecord.fld…> with #sql{
Copy/Paste the original cursor DECLARE statement after the with #sql{ curly brace
Reconcile host-variable records (into <sqlRecord.fld…> ) with the original FETCH statement
 SQL DDL and Insert/Update/Delete statements (add, replace, delete)
Use: execute #sql{
Reconcile host-variable requirements with EGL records and variables
Dealing with Table Null Values – isSQLNullable=yes
Null values are the “absence of information”. They are logical values and represent “not/available”
…or… “not/applicable” status for a field
If you accept the default setting for SQL nulls as generated by the Data Access wizard, EGL internally
maintains a null indicator for each variable that has the following characteristics:
 Is in an SQLrecord
 Is declared with the property isSQLNullable = yes …or…
Note that you could also
 Is defined with a ? After the type - CustomerId CustomerId?;
declare a variable and add
a question mark to the type,
to allow null values in the field
To test for NULL in a nullable host variable, use an EGL if statement. Example:
if(orderDB.order_date == null)
You can set-null an SQL table column in either of two ways:
 Use an EGL set statement to null a nullable host variable, then write the related SQL record to the
set orderDB.order_date = null;
 Use the appropriate SQL syntax, either by writing an SQL statement from scratch or by customizing
an SQL statement that is associated with the EGL add or replace statement.
Relational Tables With Reserved Words as Identifiers
With the broad range of technology, it helps to pay close attention to naming conventions, else your code
will step on some reserved word somewhere in:
Easy to say – but harder in reality to achieve. In SQL, if there is a reserved word declared as a table or
column name RDBMS’s typically allow you to enclose the reserved word with double-quotes – so that the
various parsers don’t get confused.
Here’s an example, from the Customer table
Note the use of the Java escape character \ - to ensure that the
double-quote is honored throughout the generated SQL
 Debugging SQL – 1 of 2
In order to assist you in debugging SQL for your
applications you can trace the events that occur at runtime by doing the following:
For Web Applications
Open \WebContent\WEB-INF\web.xml
From the Variables tab, scroll down in the Environment
Variables list until you find:
EnvEntry vgj.trace.type
Select it, and set its Value to: -1
Then select
EnvEntry vgj.trace.device.option
and set its value to: 1
For batch applications
Open \Java Resources: src\rununit.properties
Add two entries:
Debugging SQL– 2 of 2
When you run a page, you will get EGL trace
information in the Console that shows the EGL
functions, Library calls, and DB return codes 
When you debug a batch program, you will get the
same kind of information in the Debugger Console
Tables With # signs
SQL Names with # Signs
Some (seems especially) RPG/System i users have pound signs in their table column names.
Not a ANSI SQL standard practice, but you can allow them as EGL variables if you set Visual Age
Generator – compatibility to true
Under: Windows > Preferences > EGL
Set VisualAge Generator compatibility 
Note that this will re-build/re-generate your application.
Note also that by setting VisualAge Generator compatibility, your variable names can contain dashes ( - )
Connecting to Different Databases – 1 of 3
The sqlLib.connect() system function creates a named connection to
a database at run time, and makes that connection active.
 sqllib.setCurrent(…) can be used to specify which connected database is the current one (in use) for a given
SQL statement. This allows you to maintain open connections (and threads) among two or more databases and
access them in an efficient manner.
You connect to multiple physical database “connections” established either through the .EAR file – or in the
application server itself. Here’s how…
Connecting to Different Databases – 2 of 3
Edit the .EAR file’s Deployment Descriptor. For each unique connection/Data
Source/Schema add the following: ***Notes
The JDBC Provider. One per DBMS
Data Source. One per:
Database – within the DBMS
For the Data Source, use the currentSchema property – if you wish to provide different
Schema names for unqualified Tables/Views/Synonyms
Connecting to Different Databases – 3 of 3
In your EGL logic part, you can connect through the SQL Data Source.
Here’s an example – referring back to the previous .EAR file Data Source
currentSchema and iSeries DB2 Access
 For the iSeries JDBC drivers, the property "currentSchema" does not exist. You need to use the
"libraries" property which provides one library that will be used as the qualifier. If you want to use the
library list of the user's job description, then you need to change "libraries" to the value of: *LIBL and the
"naming" property to a value of system ***Notes
Importing Records with Unqualified Table Names
 Recall from a prior section of the course, that when you used the Data Access Application
Wizard you checked Qualify table names – and all of the generated statements were fullyqualified.
 This worked well for our test database and application, but in many production scenarios the
following naming standards are in play:
 unitTestSchemaName.Table
 integrationTestSchemaName.Table
 productionSchemaName.Table
Where the same tableName is qualified with different schema names according to the environment you are
working within
How to handle this? By defining the: currentSchema property for your JNDI database
properties in the EAR or Server’s Deployment descriptor (see below and previous slides)
 Then by simply un-checking: Qualify table names - when you do your Data Access import
*** Notes
tableNameVariables – a Third Way to Qualify a Table Schema
 A final method of programmatically qualifying a table name, with the table schema is to use the
EGL/SQL keyword: tableNameVariables=
Note the following:
tableNameVariables= clause
“myTable” – becomes a variable name
“Customer” – becomes a table alias in the statement produced at run-time
column= clause without the Schema-Qualification
To use the tableNameVariables= technique
Declare a variable of type SQLRecord (for the tableNameVariables) record
Define a variable “in scope” of the same name as the variable name in the clause, and assign it a runtime value, with the Schema Name
Use the EGL data access verbs
*** Notes
EGL Support for Stored Procedures
Many production applications use SQL Stored Procedures – which are mini-programs running in the
database that combine SQL with procedural business logic, using input and output parameters. Stored
procedures are used for many different purposes but their primary attraction is SQL performance. Reliable
benchmarks have been formalized
Calling a stored procedure
EGL’s open and execute statements can invoke a stored procedure.
Use open when the procedure returns the results of a query (i.e. a SELECT statement), otherwise use
In both cases the SQL statement is a CALL.
// Returns the results of a query (row select)
open results with #sql{ call OwnerID.myProc1() };
// Returns nothing – most likely an insert/update/delete/create or drop statement
execute #sql{ call OwnerID.myProc2() };
There are some restrictions on using Open with certain databases. If you are not using DB2, consult your
IBM technical contact for details
Arguments to Stored Procedures
Stored procedures have IN, OUT, and INOUT parameters, just like
functions in EGL.
You can pass literals or host variables from EGL.
If a parameter is OUT or INOUT, the stored procedure can assign it a
value, and you’ll see the new value in EGL after the call returns.
a int;
b decimal(7,0);
open results with #sql{ call myProc3( :a, :b, 'hello' ) };
execute #sql{ call myProc4( :a, :b, 'hello' ) };
Stored Procedure Example – 1 of 2
This function executes SQL to drop an existing stored procedure, then executes a statement to
create a stored procedure (using the code shown here).
execute #sql{ drop PROCEDURE spdept3 };
execute #sql{
CREATE PROCEDURE spdept3 ( in dept varchar(5) )
------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQL Stored Procedure
-----------------------------------------------------------------------P1: BEGIN
-- Declare cursor
DECLARE cursor1 CURSOR with return FOR
where deptno >= dept;
-- Cursor left open for client application
OPEN cursor1;
Stored Procedure Example – 2 of 2
This code calls the Stored Procedure, passing it a single Char variable, initialized to a department
number. Finally, it issues an execute #sql{ statement to drop (delete) the Stored Procedure
created in the previous slide
deptNbr char(5) = "E01";
open resultSet1 with
#sql{ call spdept3( :deptNbr ) };
writeStdOut("getViaSP3()- dept: \"" + x + "\"" );
forEach (from resultSet1
into dept.deptno, dept.deptname, dept.location);
writeStdOut(…show results…);
End // end of forEach
writeStdOut ("getViaSP3()- Problem with call to Stored Procedure" );
exit program;
end // end of try block
execute #sql{ drop PROCEDURE spdept3 };
SQL Performance – 1 of 3
 SQL Performance is a very big topic. If you are responsible for writing EGL code that must generate to
high-performance SQL database access statements you should research this topic on the Internet, and with
books written by experts such as Joe Celko and Craig Mullins (among others)
SQL efficiency is a direct correlation to the # of rows physically accessed by the DBMS versus the # of
rows needed by your business logic. As an example, if a list page only displays 10 rows at a time, but
accesses 2,000 rows from the database per execution of the SQL function this is probably inefficient.
However, if a batch process needs 225,000 rows for its business process, and accesses 300,000 rows to
get them, this is relatively efficient. It’s the correlation of # of rows needed, versus DBMS work-to-be-done
to get those rows that is the true measure of SQL efficiency.
In order to determine the above, you must fully understand the service level requirements for your database
access. Typically, you are concerned with web-page performance and user-wait time. Problems with
pages occur when the SQL run to access the data for the page returns thousands (or tens or hundreds of
thousands of rows).
So, you will need to understand both the logical AND physical structure of your database – and its choices
of data access, in order to completely understand how much effort it takes the database to get the data you
need. This can be (read, “usually is”) a very complex and time-consuming process, unique to every
different business application
The best we can do in this tutorial is to give you general rules-of-thumb that will make queries “more”
efficient. However, it is strongly recommended that you discuss this with your systems database
administrator (DBA) – for any/all pages that require maximum SQL performance
Note that there is no end of decent SQL performance articles – mostly database-specific on this topic
available freely on the internet – and a # of good books as well.
SQL Performance – Rules of Thumb – 2 of 3
For Batch applications that process all or a significant % of table rows, index access is often inefficient.
This is because the database must first read the index dataset – then read the table dataset to retrieve
each row. Index access is efficient only when your SQL requirements are for a small percentage of the
entire table: (typically less than 20%).
For online/pages
 Attempt to limit the number of rows retrieved per get statement to the minimum needed per page view.
This will require you to do at least two things (neither of which are easy or quick):
Add additional WHERE clause conditions using SQL BETWEEN that reference database index columns
– and in your EGL code manage the values so that the database is retrieving as close to the # of records
needed per page view as possible
Code your own programmatic paging – by incrementing the values in the SQL BETWEEN clauses per
page forward – and decrement the values for page backward.
 Separate the database access from the page fields by using basicRecords to render the fields. In this
tutorial, you have primarily dragged and dropped database records onto a form. This is not as
efficient as doing the database access through sqlRecords, then moving the records return
 Using explicit SQL, select only the # of columns you need in your page view (i.e. if you are only
showing 4 fields tied to a 30 column table row, delete the other 26 columns.
 Attempt to avoid ORDER BY unless it is on an indexed column AND the index exists in the same
order you need for your sort process. Obviously this is driven by the business requirements, but
database sorting can be very expensive. Statements that force sorts include:
Certain Sub-selects
 Avoid using SQL WHERE clause keywords that disallow index access
Computations in the where clause
Like – with the % or underscore before the literal data
SQL Performance – Rules of Thumb – 3 of 3
Attempt to limit the number of JSF dataTable cells rendered by EGL/JSF
 A cell is the intersection of a row and column in a dataTable, so that if you have 5,000 rows and 20
columns, you generating 100,000 cells. This will almost definitely cause severe page performance
problems. As a rule of thumb, keep the number of total cells under 10,000 (i.e. 500 rows/20 columns),
etc. Large-scale SQL performance improvements have been documented by so doing.
SQL Stored Procedures will always out-perform dynamic SQL access. So for your ultra-performanceintensive pages, consider using SQL Stored Procedures. This has been well-documented in IBM Redbooks
Use the EGL MAXSIZE property - to halt the fetch process from the database on potentially large queries.
MAXSIZE, which you specify as a property of a dynamic array interacts with the database engine’s fetch
looping, and once reached, closes the cursor and stops the database access process. You should note
that the majority of the cost of the database access occurs when a cursor is OPEN’d. However, if your page
only renders 10 rows at a time, and you are doing programmatic paging, specifying MAXSIZE = 10 will help
performance – somewhat
Use any of your DBMS’s SQL efficiency features. For example DB2 has several keywords that influence
the Optimizer to access a stated # of rows:
 OPTIMIZE FOR n ROWS; //tells the optimizer you will probably only fetch n rows
 FETCH FIRST n ROWS ONLY; //tells the optimizer you will ONLY fetch n rows
 FOR READ ONLY //tells the optimizer you will not do any update where current of commands
 WITH UR //allows you to read uncommitted rows
EGL’s SQLLIB system
library provides a
number of extremely
useful system API
calls. We’ve already
seen connect.
Others include:
Check out:
Example1: Say you needed to: 1. show users rows in a dataTable. 2. Allow them to select certain rows. 3. Write these
Rows out to a data file on the Server. You could use unloadTable to do this easily and efficiently, by:
1. Creating a new temporary table. 2. Insert the rows into that table. 3. Unloading the table to the file
Example 2 – Reverse. Say you needed to read a .DAT file on a user’s desktop into a table. You could:
1. Use the JSF fileUpload component to transfer the file to the server. 2. Use the LOBLIB.updateBlobToFile API to
Write the file to the server. 3. Use loadTable to populate an RDBMS table.
EGL’s System Variables – sysVAR.sqlData and sqlLib.sqlData
sysVar.sqlData and sqlLib.sqlData are structured records that contain data available to your EGL programs
used in SQL data access routines (primarily error-handling situations, but not necessarily limited to that).
The variables in both records are updated after your program accesses a relational database. The differences
between the two record
 The scope of sysVar.sqlData is limited to a program. For example, if programA calls programB and
both programs access a relational database, each program has its own copy of sysVar.sqlData. The
values set in programB are not available after you return to programA.
 The scope of sqlLib.sqlData is global across the programs in the run unit. For example, if programA
calls programB and both programs access a relational database, the values set by the last relational
database access in programB are available in programA immediately after the return to programA and
until the next relational database access.
Note – if you are using the Data Access Application wizard function calls, you’ve seen that the built-in library code
initializes the statusRecord data after each DBMS SQL access.
EGL’s Commit/Rollback Processing
 Commit processing is managed by the EGL build
file’s SQLCommitControl build descriptor option.
Note that you’ll need to un-check: Show only specified
options to see it
You have three alternatives for transaction control – or
commit processing in EGL:
Which commits after each successful database
update operation
Which does not issue a commit after each
successful database operation
You can manually Commit/Rollback with calls to
the EGL System Library functions:
– syslib.commit();
– syslib.rollback();
Which never issues a commit, and is used
primarily by certain Informix databases that do not
allow transaction support
Note that the end of every run-unit in EGL
issues an implicit commit – this includes
EGL/SQL Summary and Best Practices
 The following chart lists the best practices approach to coding SQL and using the EGL SQL
SQL Data Access Requirement
Best Practice – EGL Keywords
Simple SQL DML (Select, Insert, Update, Delete).
Primary Key as Where & Order By clause
Implicit SQL (get, add, replace, delete)
SQL DML with reusable custom Where clause
Create custom record with defaultSelectCondition
SQL Select statements with custom WHERE
Explicit SQL - get <sqlRecord> with #sql{ … }
Table Join
SQL Record > SQLRetrieve (and don’t forget to code the Join Condition)
Derived Data in SELECT – Max(…), Avg(…),
Select First_Name || ‘,’ || Last_Name, etc.
Explicit SQL get with #sql{derived fields} – or custom record with
column= specifying the derived or computed expression
Complex or custom SQL Insert, Update or Delete
add, replace, delete with #sql{…} …or…
execute #sql{…}
Non-DML SQL Statement - Create table…etc.
execute #sql{…}
Dynamic SQL (Prepare)
execute #sql{…} prepare also
Stored Procedure
open resultSet with #sql{ call stored_proc (:hostVar) }
Process individual rows of a SELECT statement’s
open resultSet with #sql{…}
forEach(from resultSet)… or … while (SQLData.SQLCode == 0)
Programmatic Paging
Use Data Access Application code as example. (See slide Notes)
Add data to your table
Data Perspective/Table Editor
Test your SQL
Validate SQL, Run interactive SQL in SQL Editor of Data Perspective