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Tools totalitarian
leaders use to gain
and maintain power
Definition: One sided (biased)
information intended to persuade
Dictators use propaganda to make
people believe that government is
working for them.
Police Terror & Fear
 Dictators create a police force that helps to
keep them in power.
 When people are afraid of the police, they
cannot act out against the government
(aka: the dictator)
 Dictators kill anyone who opposes them
or tries to challenge their authority
Religious and Ethnic Persecution
 Blaming and discriminating against a
minority group for their religious beliefs
or their ethnicity
 Totalitarian rulers tend to blame
minority groups for the country’s
problems to take away the attention
from their mistakes and actions.
Progress & Improvements
Sometimes dictators are able to
improve peoples’ daily lives, which
makes people loyal to the dictator
Ideology Indoctrination
 Often, dictators put in place a new type
of government or new ideas.
 Totalitarian rules persuade people to
believe in the new way of thinking by
controlling the media and what is
taught at schools, and this makes them
loyal to the dictator.
 Controlling what people can say, and what
people can hear.
 Censorship allows rulers to keep rivals from
building support, to hide problems in a
country, to silence opposition, and to
convince the public that the ruler is
Dictator Him/Herself
Dictators often have charismatic
(likeable) personalities.
They are good at giving speeches
and convincing people to follow