Where did power lie in the Third Reich?

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Nazi propaganda and
mass indoctrination
Lesson objectives
By the end of this lesson you should:
• Have gathered some evidence to help you plan
an answer to a question on propaganda
• Have started to make a judgement about how
effective Nazi propaganda was
Essay question
‘By 1939, the various forms of Nazi propaganda
had made little impact on the German public.’
Explain why you agree or disagree with this view
(24 marks)
From your research so far, how effective would you rate Nazi
propaganda out of 10? Write your score on your MWB. Don’t rub it off
once I’ve seen it!
5 minute presentation
(use clips, PPT slides,
One side of A4 lecture
notes for the class
What were the features of
your area of propaganda?
What was the purpose of
this type of propaganda?
How effective was it –
merits and deficiencies?
As you watch the presentations,
note down evidence for and against
the essay question statement
You will be presenting on one of the following:
• Parades and public spectacles e.g. The Day of Potsdam,
meetings and rallies (Nuremburg), the Berlin Olympics
• Press – newspapers/posters/photographs/radio
• Popular culture – music, literature, theatre and film (The
Triumph of Will)
• Fine Arts – painting and sculpture, architecture
• Education and youth movements
• Social policies – include Nazi rituals such as the Heil
Hitler greeting and folk culture (Volksgemeinschaft)
1. Read the following textbook pages and handouts and add notes
to your evidence for and against the view of Nazi propaganda:
• Layton p. 123 – 129
• ‘How successful was Nazi propaganda?’ handout
• ‘The effectiveness of propaganda and indoctrination’ handout
2. Write out a rough plan to answer this question (what
arguments/evidence will you use in each paragraph?)
Due: 07/11
How effective was nazi
• Now that you’ve seen the presentations, has your
opinion about how effective propaganda was changed
from the start of the lesson?
• Write the mark you would now give it next to the one
from the start of the lesson on your MWB and be
ready to explain why it has/hasn’t changed!