Transcript Propaganda

• Coercion through advertisement
• Trying to get someone to do something
through advertising
Types of propaganda
• Beautiful people- Celebrity
endorsement. Example Jessica Simpson
or P. Diddy with Proactive. Chuck Norris
with Mike Huckabee for President
• Bandwagon- Everybody is doing it, so
should you. Peer pressure.
• Glittering generalities- Being overly
vague Example- “I’m for the American
way” (what is the American way exactly?)
More types
• Common people/plain folks- Trying to
associate the candidate or product with
the common people, “I’m just like you”
• Flag waving- Heavy use of the flag
• Direct order- Doesn’t say much, just tells
you exactly what to do. “Go out and vote.”
“Join the U.S. Army”
Last types
• Appeal to fear- Tries to scare people into
submission. “That other guy will get you killed,
he’s dangerous.”
• Transfer- Associates an opposing viewpoint with
something known to be very bad.
• Name calling- when a candidate says things
like “That person is “too liberal” to be your
President” or “he just may be “too young” to
handle this. These can be attack ads.