Judaism - bYTEBoss

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Transcript Judaism - bYTEBoss

Intro to Judaism
EQ: What are some key beliefs
found in Judaism?
The Hebrews
 A nomadic Middle Eastern group arising
during ancient times
 Influenced by Babylonian society
 Migrated from Mesopotamia (fertile
crescent) to settle in SE corner of the
Mediterranean c. 1600 BCE
 Some migrated to Egypt
 1400-1200 BCE: Hebrews from the
Arabian Desert settle in Palestine
(Canaan), today’s Israel – their homeland
 930 BCE: internal revolts lead to division
of Palestine; N = Israel, S = Judah
 722 BCE: Assyrians defeat Israel
 586 BCE: Babylonian armies overrun
Kingdom of Judah, inhabitants exiled to
Babylon, the term “Jew” arises
Timeline Continued
 539 BCE: Persians capture Babylon & let
Jewish exiles return to homeland
-------- 70 CE: the Romans suppress a Hebrew
revolt & the Jews are expulsed (kicked
 1948 CE: the modern state of Israel is
Key People
 Abraham: made covenant w/ God
 Moses: leads his people from servitude
in Egypt to Palestine c. 13th Century BCE
 Saul: the 1st Hebrew King
 David: succeeds Saul, “the Lord is my
Shepard,” (defeats Goliath)
 Solomon: David’s son, builds temple in
Religious Tenets
God’s “chosen people”
Denounce evil & oppression
Demand justice for the poor & weak
Follow God’s laws, found in the Torah
The Torah = the 1st 3 books of the
Hebrew Bible; the 1st 5 books of the Old
Testament; sacred text
 The law of Moses = “love thy neighbor as
 The Ten Commandments
What are these photos of?
 Development of monotheism
 Old Testament: where Hebrews recorded
their history, moral principles, and
religious beliefs
 This is the 1st part of the Christian Bible
 Set moral standards/ethics for people
and relationships
 Influence Christianity & Islam
 Jews are forced to leave their homeland
 Diaspora = the scattering of Jews to
places outside of Palestine
 The Diaspora sent Jews to different
places all over the world
Jewish Identity
 Even after the Diaspora, the Jews
maintain their identity.
 Live in close-knit communities
 Obey their religious laws & traditions
 Traditions are what set them apart, but also
what allows them to survive persecution
 Create a timeline of Hebrew
 Check your notes for important
 Use your text if you feel the need
 Judaism, Christianity, Islam
 1. Founder, 2. Key beliefs, 3. Traditions,
4. When, 5. Where (& where today?), 6.
Sacred Text, 7. Contributions/Influence
In-Class Assignment
 Construct a map of the Hebrew timeline.
**Only BCE dates. Use your text!
 Show me where the Hebrews have been
over the course of their early history;
cities, regions, physical geography,
migratory patterns – must have:
Palestine (today’s Israel), Babylon,
 Might not hurt to do a rough draft…
Exit Ticket:
 What did you find out about Judaism?
 1. Today I learned….
 2. I would like to learn more about…