Judaism - bYTEBoss
Transcript Judaism - bYTEBoss
Intro to Judaism
EQ: What are some key beliefs
found in Judaism?
The Hebrews
A nomadic Middle Eastern group arising
during ancient times
Influenced by Babylonian society
Migrated from Mesopotamia (fertile
crescent) to settle in SE corner of the
Mediterranean c. 1600 BCE
Some migrated to Egypt
1400-1200 BCE: Hebrews from the
Arabian Desert settle in Palestine
(Canaan), today’s Israel – their homeland
930 BCE: internal revolts lead to division
of Palestine; N = Israel, S = Judah
722 BCE: Assyrians defeat Israel
586 BCE: Babylonian armies overrun
Kingdom of Judah, inhabitants exiled to
Babylon, the term “Jew” arises
Timeline Continued
539 BCE: Persians capture Babylon & let
Jewish exiles return to homeland
-------- 70 CE: the Romans suppress a Hebrew
revolt & the Jews are expulsed (kicked
1948 CE: the modern state of Israel is
Key People
Abraham: made covenant w/ God
Moses: leads his people from servitude
in Egypt to Palestine c. 13th Century BCE
Saul: the 1st Hebrew King
David: succeeds Saul, “the Lord is my
Shepard,” (defeats Goliath)
Solomon: David’s son, builds temple in
Religious Tenets
God’s “chosen people”
Denounce evil & oppression
Demand justice for the poor & weak
Follow God’s laws, found in the Torah
The Torah = the 1st 3 books of the
Hebrew Bible; the 1st 5 books of the Old
Testament; sacred text
The law of Moses = “love thy neighbor as
The Ten Commandments
What are these photos of?
Development of monotheism
Old Testament: where Hebrews recorded
their history, moral principles, and
religious beliefs
This is the 1st part of the Christian Bible
Set moral standards/ethics for people
and relationships
Influence Christianity & Islam
Jews are forced to leave their homeland
Diaspora = the scattering of Jews to
places outside of Palestine
The Diaspora sent Jews to different
places all over the world
Jewish Identity
Even after the Diaspora, the Jews
maintain their identity.
Live in close-knit communities
Obey their religious laws & traditions
Traditions are what set them apart, but also
what allows them to survive persecution
Create a timeline of Hebrew
Check your notes for important
Use your text if you feel the need
Judaism, Christianity, Islam
1. Founder, 2. Key beliefs, 3. Traditions,
4. When, 5. Where (& where today?), 6.
Sacred Text, 7. Contributions/Influence
In-Class Assignment
Construct a map of the Hebrew timeline.
**Only BCE dates. Use your text!
Show me where the Hebrews have been
over the course of their early history;
cities, regions, physical geography,
migratory patterns – must have:
Palestine (today’s Israel), Babylon,
Might not hurt to do a rough draft…
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