Ancient Egypt

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Transcript Ancient Egypt

Miss Chong!
King Cheops or Khufu
He commissioned to have the
Pyramids of Giza built
Row 1, Col 1
- Hatsheput was one of the four female kings to rule Egypt
- She is known as the first powerful female leader
- When her husband died, Hatsheput decided to name herself king of Egypt until her stepson was old enough to
assume the responsibilities of king
- The time during which Hatsheput was in power is said to have been peaceful, stable and prosperous; she
expanded trade, and supervised the building of her own tomb, and two obelisks at the Great Temple of Karnak
Who was Hatshepsut? Name
2 things / actions
Akhenaton was the Pharaoh who brought about a religious revolution for the people of Egypt
- In Egypt, the kings worshipped the god Amon-Re, the god of the kings, but Akhenaton
opposed this worship, and favoured the worship of Aton
- He went through great lengths to stop the worship of Amon-Re, destroying temples and
creating new hymns for his new religion
- Due to all the energy Akhenaton emitted into the reforming of the religion in Egypt, the empire
was neglected and it began to shatter
Name 3 actions by Akenaton
Nile was the source of life and path to immortality
Egyptians lived on Eastern side but buried on Western side
River was symbol of passage of one life to next (eternity)
Creation story began in swirling waters of the Nile when god Horus gave power to Pharaohs
-Changing season of the Nile regulated all aspects of Egyptian life
How did the Nile contribute to
the stability and continuity of
King Menes
Who joined Upper and Lower
The Rosetta Stone is a stone with writing on it in two
languages (Egyptian and Greek), using three scripts
(hieroglyphic, demotic and Greek). It was carved in
196 BCE.
What was the Rosetta Stone?
He brought the idea of
monotheism to Egypt and
forbade worship of any
other god
- During the time that the Israelites were living in Egypt as subjects to the Pharaohs, Moses was the saviour of
the people of Israel
- This occurred during the time of Ramses II, where Egypt was undergoing much construction and needed the aid
of labourers, for whom they used Israelites; they had to join the army, cultivate the fields, build temples etc.
- Moses led the Israelites in a mass migration (Exodus) from Egypt, and then organized the tribes into a
confederation where they worshipped Yahweh
- Moses was given directions from Yahweh, including the Ten Commandments; this united the Israelites under
one god, and lay the base for the religion that would form Western society
Describe events of the Exodus
- Imhotep is one of the few individuals whose life achievements were recorded by the Egyptians; historians
believe he was a genius
- Imhotep served at the right hand of Pharaoh Djoser, was a priest, a builder, a sculptor and much more
- He created the system of medicine, one that was highly honoured as the best of the ancient world
- Imhotep also designed the production of the world’s first stone building and the first pyramid
- Step Pyramid, which was Pharaoh Djoser’s tomb, was the quintessence of Egyptian religious beliefs; he etched
images of the royal palace and all the aspects of royal life in the tomb
- This pyramid was the first structure of monumental architecture that was produced by an artist
Who was Imhotep? Describe 3
Things / actions.
Each hieroglyph found in pyramids and tombs often symbolized more than one consonant. Not only that, but
actual Egyptian hieroglyphs were a combination of sound-signs, pictograms, and ideograms. No wonder it was so
hard to decode them!
New Kingdom= 700 hieroglyphs in common usage, while rest were phonograms
100 were strictly visual, while rest were phonograms
Eventually scribes adapted hieroglyphic symbols
By 700 BCE, script was refined to the demotic (or popular script) was used for secular matters such as letters,
accounts and record keeping
Describe Egyptian Hieroglyphics
Tuthmosis III
He was nicknamed the
“Napoleon of Egypt”
The three parts of the sour necessary to move on to the afterlife (soul, personality,
form mummy takes in afterlife)
-judgement of in Hall of Osiris (panel of 14 judges
ankh, the key of life; Weighing of the heart vs Ma’at; Judgment of scale; record of
the outcome
What were
the Ka, Ba and the Akh? What
happened to a person at death?
Must live their life with order, truth and justice
- Ma’at was a goddess and was the symbol of equilibrium of the universe
- She represented order, truth and justice and the Egyptians believed that by following these qualities, they
would attain harmony with the gods and were guaranteed entry into the after life
- They also believed that these qualities were placed in the world at the time of creation
- The king was expected to rule according to the principles of Ma’at
According to Ma’at Egyptians
must: Describe 2 things.
She tried to unite Rome and Egypt, ruled as Queen and
used her feminine power to get what she wants
-affairs with Julius Ceasear and Marc Anthony to secure
Egypt’s place / security in the Roman World
-killed herself and Egypt became part of the Roman
Empire, ending over 3000 years of dynastic rule
What was Cleopatra’s
importance in history?
To keep the three parts of the soul together so that the person could move on the afterlife
Mummification focused on Egyptian belief of the importance of preserving the body
Afterlife would be spent enjoying best of life experiences
Body covered with natron and dried for up to 70 days
Body wrapped in linen coated with resins and oils
Middle Kingdom became customary to place a mask over the face
Removal of organs (lungs, stomach, intestines, liver) in Canopic Jars were closed with stoppers fashioned in the
shape of four heads -- human, baboon, falcon, and jackal - representing the four protective spirits called the Four
Sons of Horus.
brain was sucked out of the cranial cavity and thrown away because the Egyptian's thought it was useless.
Explain the process of
His name means the setting sun – he started as one of eight god and become and the main god, the fertility god
and the image of a Ram
-- Amon had been the local Theban deity, but he later merged with the Sun god Re to become the national god of
- Amon-Re was the god of the kings, the supreme god
- He was worshipped by the kings and as the rest of Egypt followed the same religion as the kings, all Egyptians
prayed to him
- Along with the rise of the Theban kings after the civil wars in Egypt, Amon-Re also rose
Who is Amon-Re?
- The Jewish Diaspora was the scattering of the Jewish people from their homeland
- This dispersion began in 586 BCE, when Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon, detained the people of
Jerusalem and sent them into exile
- The Jewish people dispersed and moved around Europe, looking for a place to settle down
- The Jews of Diaspora learned different languages, but kept practicing their religion and traditions, such as
Sabbath; some synagogues were destroyed, but others, as time went on, were accepted
What was the Diaspora?
Isolation and thus stability to home environment
How has Egypt’s geography
affected its culture?
Well treated- and had considerable legal rights
compared to other civilizations
Same legal rights as men (land, property, divorce)
-Left women to be economically independent
-Primary role was in domestic life
-Common title for a married women in ancient Egypt was “nebet per” meaning “the lady of the
-Bear and raise children
-Could inherit property equally with her brothers from her parents
Describe the role /rights
women held in
Egyptian society
Aliens, heave ho, ramps, rollers, pouring a pyramid
Outline the three “theories” of
how the pyramids were built
(Daniken, Davidovits, Wilson).
What are some of the