Words their Way - Personalized Learning

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Transcript Words their Way - Personalized Learning

Word Work
Why Word Work?
To develop reading and writing fluency.
To meet the need for differentiation in all subject
To formatively assess word study.
Developmental K-12 continuum of practice
Manipulative – multimodal delivery
Comprehensive, easy to use program
Possible Routine
Day 1 – Open Sort
Cut words and sort into categories-there is no one right way
as long as you can justify your category. Teachers asks
categories before Day 1 is complete. Ensure that you can
make a picture or act out the word. (You know it is Day 1
when a page of words is in your envelope that has not been
cut up)
Day 2 – Closed Sort
Ask adult for category words. I let students explore
categories before explicitly teaching the orthographic
No peek sort- leave category words in place have an adult or
partner draw random words and read them – you decide which
category they should fit into (picture them in your mind).
Write words in categories in your notebook. (You know it is Day
2 when your words are cut up but you haven’t written them in
your notebook yet)
Day 3 – Word Search
Put words in orthographic categories. Use reading
material of choice – a novel, easy reader, newspaper,
magazines, nonfiction – to search for words that fit in
these categories (at least 3 per category). These
words then become part of the assessment tomorrow.
Write these words in the categories in your notebook in
a different colour. (You know it is Day 3 when your
words are written in your notebook but your word
search words are not)
Day 4 – Assessment
Sort words into categories. Turn words over into a pile and
have an adult or a partner read 10 random words for you to
write. Discuss with the adult whether or not your are ready to
move on. (You know it is Day 4 when your word search words
are written in your notebook)
Suggestions for Secondary
Emphasize “word study” and sorts for meaning
Honor most creative open sorts
Have students create open sorts and then switch – object is
to figure out partner’s categories
Word sorts for content areas – student can prepare
Independently but using blank template and all bold faced
words in a text chapter
Emphasize use of imagery – mnemonic device – our brain
remembers images as one chunk rather than individual
letters as individual chunks
Direct and measurable IEP goal, objective and strategy