Paleo 101 - Absolution CrossFit

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The Paleo Lifestyle:
Paleo 101
By: Laura Rupsis
Mom Gone Paleo
Licensed Health Coach.
Simply stated:
According to Robb Wolf,
Author of The Paleo Solution
“The Paleo diet is the healthiest way you can eat because
it is the ONLY nutritional approach that works with your
genetics to help you stay lean, strong and energetic!
Research in biology, biochemistry, Ophthalmology,
Dermatology and many other disciplines indicate it is our
modern diet, full of refined foods, trans fats and sugar,
that is at the root of degenerative diseases such as obesity,
cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s,
depression and infertility.”
According to Mark Sisson
Author of The Primal Blue Print
“Our ancestors evolved over millions of years under
certain environmental conditions. These conditions (the
foods they ate, the amount of sun they got, the sort of
movement that was required of them to survive, etc.)
shaped their genome. While the world has changed in
innumerable ways in the last 10,000 years (for better and
worse), the human genome has changed very little and
thus only thrives under similar conditions. Simply put, if
you want a good future you better listen to the past.”
According to Loren Cordain.
Author of the Paleo Diet
“The Paleo Diet is based upon eating wholesome, contemporary
foods from the food groups our hunter-gatherer ancestors
would have thrived on during the Paleolithic era, the time
period from about 2.6 million years ago to the beginning of the
agricultural revolution, about 10,000 years ago. These foods
include fresh meats (preferably grass-produced or free-ranging
beef, pork, lamb, poultry, and game meat, if you can get it),
fish, seafood, fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and healthful
oils (olive, coconut, avocado, macadamia, walnut and
flaxseed). Dairy products, cereal grains, legumes, refined
sugars and processed foods were not part of our ancestral
According the Laura Rupsis
Mom, Wife, Worker Bee, CrossFit and
Paleo Enthusiast and Mom Gone Paleo
“The Paleo Diet is an unprocessed whole foods diet.
PERIOD. If it had to be manufactured for you to eat
it…..don’t eat it. Why? Because real whole foods make
my body happy and processed food sucks.
Years of eating for convenience and/or following the
USDA and FDA Healthy diet guidelines made me sick.
Following a Paleo diet and lifestyle made me not sick.
CAUTION: A Paleo Diet and lifestyle
may lead to the following side effects
 Weight loss and/or optimal weight maintenance
 An improvement in metabolic conditions such as Type 2 Diabetes, high
blood pressure, heart disease and hyper tension.
 Inflammation reduction resulting in fewer allergies, fewer aches and
pains, better skin, a reduction in anxiety or depression, less bloating or
gas, increased level of happiness.
 Higher energy levels.
 Better sleep patterns
These are all improvements The Paleo Diet and Lifestyle bring to me when I
am compliant with it and remain centered
What the Paleo Diet Is
 It is not a Fad Diet.
 It is not the Atkins Diet 2.0
 It is not the All You Can Eat Bacon Diet. (although
that might be a perk)
 It is not strictly a high protein diet.
 It is not the all meat diet.
 It is not rigid and hard to follow once you get the hang
of it.
What the Paleo Diet Is
 It is based on real food. Period.
 It is customizable to your unique metabolic needs. Not
one size fits all.
 It is an anti-inflammatory diet and great for
autoimmune sufferers.
 It is founded on what our Paleolithic ancestors ate but
applicable in todays world with a little bit of effort.
 It is adaptable to your health goals whether it is weight
loss, performance, or disease control.
Paleo Diet Basics: What to
 The best quality animal foods you can afford. Grass Fed, wild or
pastured is best, organic is next best, Antibiotic and hormone free
etc. Beef, Pork, Poultry, Fish/Seafood, Eggs, Organ meats.
 The best quality green and leafy veggies you can afford. Local
and/or organic is best if possible. Starchy veggies are ok too
depending on your goals
 The best quality fruits you can afford. Local and/or organic is
best if possible. Low sugar is best depending on your goals.
 Lots of healthy fats, saturated is best for cooking. i.e. butter, ghee,
lard, tallow, duck fat, coconut oil. Unsaturated unprocessed oils
are ok for not cooking like olive oil, avacado oil, sesame oil.
What to Eat Continued
 Nuts and seeds in moderation. i.e. almonds, walnuts,
macadamia nuts, pecans cashews, sun flower seeds,
 Lots of water. Tea, coffee, juice in moderation.
 Coconuts: oil, milk, butter, meat.
What’s ok in Moderation
 Natural unprocessed sugars like raw honey, pure
maple syrup, Coconut sugar or nectar, Stevia
 Caffeine depending your sensitivity
 Wine and clear liquors like vodka, gin or tequila.
Choose unprocessed mixers without processed sugars
like club soda and/or fresh fruit juice.
 Dark chocolate
What Controversial
 Dairy: Many of us do not tolerate dairy very well after the
age of 5 when our ability to digest lactose and casein as we
age diminishes. We are the only animal that drinks milk
after early childhood and the only one who consumes the
milk of another animal. However those that can tolerate
dairy well find it to be a nutritious part of a balanced diet.
 Safe starches or Safe Grains like, Quinoa, Buckwheat,
white rice or white potatoes. Once in a while these can be a
nice departure from other Paleo starches like sweet potatoes
or other root vegetables like rutabagas or parsnips.
What Not To Eat
 Grains, especially gluten containing grains like wheat,
millet, barley and rye to name a few. Grains are found in
bread, cereal, pasta, cookies, cakes, most processed foods.
Extremely inflammatory!
 Soy, especially processed soy products. Soy milk and Soy
based protein powders are highly processed, contain too
much estrogen and cause hormone disruption.
 Industrial seed oils like soybean oil, cotton seed oil, canola
oil, corn oil etc. Highly processed at high heats that cause
free radical damage.
 Processed sugars, especially high fructose corn syrup and
artificial sweeteners. Agave nectar is one to avoid as well.
What Not To Eat Continued
 Dairy: Can be highly inflammatory. Its not always digestive
issues. Congestion, headaches, and “foggy brain” are
common side effects of a dairy intolerance.
 Processed foods!! A good rule of thumb, if you have to read
the ingredient label, then you probably shouldn’t be eating
it. Try to keep your food simple! Avoid packaged sauces,
dressings, side dishes etc. Granola bars, packaged snack
foods. (exceptions: There are several companies that now
produce convenience foods catering to this type of diet and
as long as you know what you are eating and you are eating
them in moderation then I think those are fine.)
How to implement.
 Get prepared! The busier your lifestyle, the harder it is to
implement any healthy diet. Our lifestyles today are built
around easy abundant access to foods that are cheap, fast
and unfortunately horrible for us! Shop, cook to eat more
than once, stock up.
 Decide whether you are a “one step at a time” person or a
“jump in with both feet” kind of person.
 Educate yourself. Sometimes really understanding just how
bad so much of what we eat really is for us its easier to let it
 Give it 30 days! It can take 30 days to built a habit, notice
beneficial changes and for inflammation to truly subside.
Books and Websites recommendations are available on my website: but a
few to consider are:
 and
The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf
The Primal Blue Print by Park Sisson
The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain