Chapter 1 - Object-Oriented System Development

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Transcript Chapter 1 - Object-Oriented System Development

Applying OO Concepts
Using Java
In this class, we will cover:
Overriding a method
Overloading a method
Mutator and accessor methods
The import statement and using prewritten classes
Packages and the protected access modifier
The finalize() method
Overriding a Method
• If you declare a variable within a class, and use
the same variable name within a method of the
class, then the variable used inside the method
takes precedence, or overrides, the first variable
Overloading a Method
• Involves using one term to indicate diverse
• Writing multiple methods with the same name, but
with different arguments
• Overloading a Java method means you write
multiple methods with a shared name
• This is polymorphism in action.
• Constructors are a special type of method.
• Used to create an instance of the class.
– e.g. Employee e = new Employee( );
This calls the Employee constructor.
• Java automatically provides a constructor method when
you create a class
• Programmers can write their own constructor classes
• Programmers can also write constructors that receive
– Such arguments are often used for initialization
purposes when values of objects might vary
Overloading Constructors
• If you create a class from which you instantiate
objects, Java automatically provides a constructor
• But, if you create your own constructor, the
automatically created constructor no longer exists
• As with other methods, you can overload
– Overloading constructors provides a way to create
objects with or without initial arguments, as needed
Example of
Overloading a Constructor
• public class Employee
public Employee (String n, double a)
name = n;
salary = a;
public Employee ( )
name = “ “;
salary = 0;
Mutator and Accessor Methods
• Often referred to as get/set methods.
• Mutator methods modify fields in a class.
– Example:
public void setName (String n)
empName = n;
• Accessor methods retrieve fields in a class
– Example:
public String class getName ()
return empName;
• Be careful not to return mutatable objects in your accessor
methods. Why is this important?
Mutator and Accessor Methods
• Returning mutatable objects in public accessor methods
breaks encapsulation!!!!
• Even if the data element is private, outside classes can now
modify it.
• You should return immutable objects (Strings, ints, etc).
• If you must return a reference to a mutatable object, you
should clone it first.
• See pg. 112 in book for example of this rogue code.
The finalize() Method
• Inherited from the Object class.
• Called by the VM before an object is destroyed and it’s
memory is released
• Use it to release resources that might not otherwise be
released (e.g. files)
• Use it to record the fact that an object has been destroyed
The Import Statement and
Using Pre-written Classes
• The creators of Java wrote nearly 500 classes
– For example:
• System, Character, Boolean, Byte, Short, Integer,
Long, Float, and Double are classes
• These classes are stored in packages, or a library
of classes, which is a folder that provides a
convenient grouping for classes
The Import Statement and
Using Pre-written Classes
• java.lang – The package that is implicitly imported
into every Java program and contains fundamental
classes, or basic classes
• Fundamental classes include:
– System, Character, Boolean, Byte, Short, Integer, Long,
Float, and Double
• Optional classes – Must be explicitly named
The Import Statement and
Using Pre-written Classes
• To use any of the prewritten classes (other than java.lang):
– Import the class
– Import the package which contains the class you are
• To import an entire package of classes use the wildcard
symbol - *
• For example:
– import java.util.*; //imports all java.util classes
– import java.util.Vector; //imports the Vector class
– Represents all the classes in a package
• Creating packages encourages others to reuse software
because it makes it convenient to import many related
classes at once
• Packages are used to:
– maintain the uniqueness of class names
• Using Packages in your programs prevent class name scope conflicts
if multiple classes of the same name are used.
• e.g. both java.util and java.sql have a Date class, so if you are using
both packages you need to reference with java.util.Date or
– group classes to make them more easily accessible to your classes
– reference classes in a particular scope
• What access modifier helps you limit access to packages?
Packages and the
Protected Access Modifier
• the protected access modifier:
– Provides you with an intermediate level of security
between public and private access
– Is used to limit access to classes within the same
– If you create a protected data field or method, it can be
within its own class
in any classes extended from that class
or in classes in the same package
but it cannot be used by “outside” classes
Putting Your Class in a Package
• To include your class into a package, use the package
– The package statement must appear outside the class definition
– The package statement looks like this:
• package <name of package>;
• example: package MC697;
class Person {
Packages and Directory Structure
• Packages map to the directory structure.
– Example:
package com.MC697;
public class Test {
public static void main (String[] args) {
System.out.println(“Testing packages”);
– This package statement maps to the directory:
<base directory>/com/MC697
where base directory is the directory you are going to compile and
execute the class file from
Compiling and Executing
Using Packages
• When using packages you must compile and run from the
base directory.
• So, let’s say c:\temp is the base directory we want to use.
The file in the example should be saved to
• To compile:
– cd to c:\temp
javac com/MC697/
• To execute:
– cd to c:\temp
java com.MC697.Test
Setting the Classpath
• When using packages or classes outside the java. packages, you
need to modify the classpath.
• What is the classpath?
– It is a environment variable that points the jvm to the needed class files.
• How do you set the classpath?
– You can set it using the -classpath option in the javac or java command.
• This is temporary. You will need to do this every time you use those
• e.g. javac -classpath c:\user\classdir
java -classpath c:\user\classdir PackageTest
– Another way is to modify the environment variable on your machine.
• e.g. SET CLASSPATH=c:\com\MC697
• Different operating systems have different ways of setting this variable.
• See pg. 137 in book for examples of how to set this on different platforms.
JAR Files
• Jar files are Java’s version of the zip file.
• They group packages and class files together in a unit to make it
easier to deploy.
• Can be viewed using Winzip or similar utility.
• You can point your classpath variable to jar’s that contain
needed classes.
– e.g. SET CLASSPATH=c:\j2sdk1.4.1\jre\lib\rt.jar;%CLASSPATH%
• Javadocs are documentation for class files.
• Javadoc is a utility built into the sdk to automatically build
documentation from the java files.
– e.g. javadoc
• Remember the /** …. */ documentation symbols?
– These are used to denote documentation comments.
– Put these before a method or field to include comments about these in the
– Special tags can be used:
• @author
• @version
• @param for methods
– See pg. 139 in book for more information