Transcript Chapter 3

Chapter 3
List Stacks and Queues
Data Structures
Data structure is a representation of data and
the operations allowed on that data.
Why Abstract?
Specify the operations of the data structure and
leave implementation details to later
in Java use an interface to specify operations
many, many different ADTs
picking the right one for the job is an important step in
 "Get your data structures correct first, and the rest of
the program will write itself."
-Davids Johnson
High level languages often provide built in ADTs,
the C++ STL, the Java standard library
The Core Operations
Every Collection ADT should provide a way to:
Many, many more possibilities
add an item
remove an item
find, retrieve, or access an item
is the collection empty
make the collection empty
give me a sub set of the collection
and on and on and on…
Many different ways to implement these items each
with associated costs and benefits
Implementing ADTs
when implementing an ADT the operations and
behaviors are already specified
think Java interface
Implementer’s first choice is what to use as the
internal storage container for the concrete data type
the internal storage container is used to hold the items
in the collection
 often an implementation of an ADT
 initially slim pickings for choice of storage containers:
arrays anyone?
The Grand Tour
Why study ADTs?
Why reimplement some of them?
How many of you will actually go out and create
your own linked list ADT from scratch?
Remember, the primary goal is to learn how to
learn how to use and create ADTs
also learn the behavior of some of the more
conventional ADTs
Bags and Sets
Simplest ADT is a Bag
items can be added, removed, accessed
 no implied order to the items
 duplicates allowed
same as a bag, except duplicate elements not allowed
 union, intersection, difference, subset
Items have a position in this Collection
Random access or not?
Array Lists
internal storage container is native array
Linked Lists
public class Node
{ private Object data;
private Node next;
Collection with access only to the last element
Last in first out
make empty
Collection with access only to the item that has been present the
Last in last out or first in first out
enqueue, dequeue, front
priority queues and deque
Stacks and Queues in the Java
Collection API
No queue in the Java collections ADT
Stack extends Vector (which is almost exactly like
One reason the Java Collections Library is often
said to be broken
no Queue in Collection API
Similar to a linked list
public class TreeNode
{ private Object data;
private TreeNode left;
private TreeNode right;
Other Types of Trees
Binary Search Trees
sorted via a different algorithm
AVL and Red-Black Trees
sorted values
binary search trees that stay balanced
Splay Trees
B Trees
Take a key, apply function
f(key) = hash value
store data or object based on hash value
Sorting O(N), access O(1) if a perfect hash
function and enough memory for table
how deal with collisions?
Other ADTs
a.k.a. Dictionary
 Collection of items with a key and associated values
 similar to hash tables, and hash tables often used to
implement Maps
Nodes with unlimited connections between other
Sparse vectors and sparse matrices
The Java Collection
boolean isEmpty()
int size()
boolean add(Object x)
boolean contains(Object x)
boolean remove(Object x)
void clear()
Object[] toArray()
Iterator iterator()
Generic Containers
ADTs or Collection classes should be generic
only write them once, hold lots or all types of data
 Java achieves genericity through inheritance and
ADTs have an internal storage container
What is storing the stuff,
 implementation vs. abstraction
 in Java, usually holds Objects. Why?
Example - ArrayList
Class ArrayList
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Collection, List, Serializable
void add(int index, Object element)
Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list.
boolean add(Object o)
Appends the specified element to the end of this list.
void clear()
Removes all of the elements from this list.
boolean contains(Object elem)
Returns true if this list
contains the specified element.
int indexOf(Object elem)
Searches for the first occurence of the given argument, testing for
equality using the equals method.
boolean isEmpty()
Tests if this list has no elements.
Object set(int index, Object element)
Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the
specified element.
int size()
Returns the number of elements in this list.