Chapter 3 - Valhalla High School

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America: Pathways to the Present
Chapter 3
Growth of the
American Colonies
Copyright © 2003 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights reserved.
America: Pathways to the Present
Chapter 3: Growth of the American Colonies (1689–1754)
Section 1: An Empire and Its Colonies
Section 2: Life in Colonial America
Section 3: African Americans in the Colonies
Section 4: Emerging Tensions
Copyright © 2003 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. All rights reserved.
An Empire and Its Colonies
Chapter 3, Section 1
• How did the English Civil War affect the development
of the colonies?
• How did mercantilism influence England’s colonial
laws and foreign policy?
• What was Britain’s colonial policy in the early 1700s?
• What farming, trade, and settlement patterns defined
the diverse economies of the colonies?
The English Civil War
Chapter 3, Section 1
• England’s Parliament was made up of representatives of
the people. It had the power to make laws and approve new
• King Charles I demanded money from towns and cities
without Parliament’s consent. Parliament saw this as an
attempt to limit its power and the rights of English property
• Parliament’s forces defeated and executed King Charles in
• The leader of Parliament, Oliver Cromwell, governed
England until his death in 1659.
• In 1660, Parliament restored the monarchy by placing
Charles II, the son of Charles I, on the throne.
Chapter 3, Section 1
Theory of Mercantilism Effects on War and
Effects on Trade Laws Anger in the Colonies
• A country should try • The Navigation Act
• European countries • Colonists resented
to get and keep as
tightened English
fought over territory
James’s grab for
much bullion, or gold
control over colonial
and trade routes.
power. They were
and silver, as
trade by requiring the • British rulers
angry with the
colonies to sell
tightened controls
governor of the
• To achieve this, a
certain goods only to
over the American
Dominion that
country’s balance of
colonies. King James
James had
trade, or the
• If colonists wanted to
II tried to take direct
appointed. When
difference between
sell goods to other
control over New York Parliament replaced
imports and exports,
parts of the world,
and New England by
James II with his
should show more
they had to pay a
creating the Dominion daughter Mary and
exports than imports.
duty, or tax, on it.
of New England.
her husband William
of Orange, New
England citizens
rebelled and ended
the Dominion.
Britain’s Colonial Policy in the Early 1700s
Chapter 3, Section 1
Origins of Self-Government
• In theory, the royal governors of
the colonies had great power. In
reality, the colonial legislatures
held the most power. They
created and passed laws
regarding defense and taxation.
They set salaries for royal
officials and influenced
appointments of local officials.
Salutary Neglect
• Britain allowed its colonies more
freedom to govern themselves
than other European nations did.
This British policy, known as
salutary neglect, had three
– England had a long tradition
of strong local government
and weak central power.
– British government lacked
the resources to enforce its
– Britain gave the colonies
freedom because the existing
economy and politics served
the British interests.
Diverse Colonial Economies
Chapter 3, Section 1
Southern Colonies
• This economy was
based on staple
crops—crops that
are in constant
• Staple crops
included tobacco
and rice, both
grown on large
plantations worked
by slaves.
Middle Colonies
• The economy of the
Middle Colonies
was a mixture of
farming and
• Rich, fertile soil
produced wheat,
barley, and rye.
• New York and
supported the
business of
merchants, traders,
and craftspeople.
New England Colonies
• The New England
economy relied on
“carrying trade.”
Merchants carried
crops and goods
from one place to
• The business of
trading goods
between the
Americas, Europe,
and Africa, was
called triangular
An Empire and Its Colonies - Assessment
Chapter 3, Section 1
Under the theory of mercantilism, a country’s balance of trade should show
(A) more imports than exports.
(B) a balance of imports and exports.
(C) more exports than imports.
(D) an even number of trades.
Which of these was not considered a staple crop in the 1700s?
(A) tobacco
(B) rice
(C) wool
(D) wheat
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An Empire and Its Colonies - Assessment
Chapter 3, Section 1
Under the theory of mercantilism, a country’s balance of trade should show
(A) more imports than exports.
(B) a balance of imports and exports.
(C) more exports than imports.
(D) an even number of trades.
Which of these was not considered a staple crop in the 1700s?
(A) tobacco
(B) rice
(C) wool
(D) wheat
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Life in Colonial America
Chapter 3, Section 2
• How was colonial society organized?
• Why was wealth in land important?
• What were some common trades and occupations in
the colonies?
• What rights and responsibilities did colonial women
• What was the nature of work and education in the
Colonial Society
Chapter 3, Section 2
• American colonists brought many ideas and customs from
Europe. Most colonists believed:
– The wealthy were superior to the poor.
– Men were superior to women.
– Whites were superior to blacks.
• The differences between social ranks could be seen in
colonial clothes, houses, and manners.
• Ordinary people wore dresses or plain pants and shirts.
• Gentry (“gentle folk” ) wore wigs, silk stockings, lace cuffs,
and the latest fashions.
• Gentry — men and women wealthy enough to hire others to
work for them
Wealth in Land
Chapter 3, Section 2
• For English colonists, land was the foundation for real
wealth. Most landowners were white men.
• In the 1700s, gentry built mansions to display their
wealth and filled them with fine furniture, silver, and
• In each colony, a small group of elite, landowning
men dominated politics.
Trades and Occupations
Chapter 3, Section 2
• Young boys became apprentices, individuals placed under a legal contract to
work for another person in exchange for learning a trade.
• Artisans made silver products, cabinets, tinware, pottery, and glassware.
• Colonial printers were considered vital because they gathered and circulated
local news and information.
• Benjamin Franklin, one of America’s most famous printers, published Poor
Richard’s Almanac.
• An almanac is a book containing information such as calendars, weather
predictions, and advice.
• Farms in the colonies varied in size from large cash-crop plantations in the
South to small, self-supporting farms in the Middle and New England Colonies.
• Fish was dried, salted, and shipped out from harbor cities.
• Fishing became a strong industry and promoted the growth of shipbuilding.
• Many immigrants came to the colonies as indentured servants.
Colonial Women
Chapter 3, Section 2
Women and the Law
• Under English common law, a
husband had complete control
over his wife. Women could not
– Own property.
– Vote.
– Hold office.
– Serve on a jury.
• Husbands were allowed to beat
their wives.
Women’s Duties
• Cooking
• Gardening
• Washing
• Cleaning
• Weaving cloth
• Sewing
• Assisting other women in
• Training daughters to do all
of the above
The Nature of Work
Chapter 3, Section 2
• The goal of the colonial household was to be self-sufficient.
Everyone in the household worked to produce food and
• Men grew crops, or made goods like shoes, guns, and
• Women ran the household and assisted with the crops.
• Children helped both parents.
• Self-sufficient — able to make everything needed to
maintain itself
Colonial Education
Chapter 3, Section 2
• During colonial times, children received very little
formal education.
• Because Puritans believed everyone should be able to
read the Bible, the New England Colonies became
early leaders in the development of public education.
• In 1647, Massachusetts passed a law requiring towns
to set up grammar schools for boys. Girls were
expected to learn from their mothers at home.
• Generally, only the wealthy attended college, where
they trained to be lawyers or ministers. Harvard, Yale,
and William and Mary were the only three colleges in
the colonies until the 1740s.
Life in Colonial America - Assessment
Chapter 3, Section 2
“Gentle folk” was a colonial term for
(A) ministers.
(B) the gentry.
(C) senior citizens.
(D) midwives.
Which of these would not be found in an almanac?
(A) Calendars
(B) Weather predictions
(C) News stories
(D) Wise sayings
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Life in Colonial America - Assessment
Chapter 3, Section 2
“Gentle folk” was a colonial term for
(A) ministers.
(B) the gentry.
(C) senior citizens.
(D) midwives.
Which of these would not be found in an almanac?
(A) Calendars
(B) Weather predictions
(C) News stories
(D) Wise sayings
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African Americans in the Colonies
Chapter 3, Section 3
• What was the Middle Passage?
• How did the experience of slavery differ from colony
to colony?
• What restrictions did free blacks face?
• How did laws attempt to control slaves and prevent
The Middle Passage
Chapter 3, Section 3
• The Middle Passage was one leg of the triangular
trade between the Americas, Europe, and Africa. This
term also refers to the forced transport of slaves from
Africa to the Americas.
• Roughly 10 to 40 percent of Africans on slave trips
died in the crossing. Slaves were beaten and had to
endure chains; heat; and cramped, unsanitary
• Occasionally enslaved Africans staged a mutiny, or
revolt, on the slave ships. Many of these were
Slavery in the Colonies
Chapter 3, Section 3
South Carolina and Georgia
• High temperatures and disease made slave conditions especially harsh in this region.
• African Americans made up the majority of the population in South Carolina and more than
one third of Georgia’s population.
• Southern slaves kept their culture alive through their speech, crafts, and music.
Virginia and Maryland
• Slaves in Virginia and Maryland made up a minority of the population.
• Few of those slaves came directly from Africa.
• Slaves had other tasks in addition to growing crops.
• There was more integration of European American and African American cultures than in
South Carolina and Georgia.
• To save money, slaveowners encouraged slaves to have families.
New England and the Middle Colonies
• There were far fewer slaves in New England and the Middle Colonies than in the South.
• Slaves had more freedom to choose their occupations.
• Slaves in this region typically worked as cooks, housekeepers, and personal servants. They
also worked as skilled artisans, dockworkers, merchant sailors, fishermen, whalers,
privateers, lumberjacks, and in manufacturing.
Estimated African American Population,
Chapter 3, Section 3
New England
SOURCE: Historical Statistics of the United States,
Colonial Times to 1970
Free Blacks
Chapter 3, Section 3
• Slaves that earned money as artisans or laborers had
the possibility of saving enough to purchase their
freedom. Free African Americans did the same kind of
work as enslaved African Americans, but were often
worse off economically and socially.
• Free blacks faced poorer living conditions and more
discrimination than slaves who were identified with
specific white households.
• Free blacks could not vote, testify in court, or marry
Laws and Revolts
Chapter 3, Section 3
• Slaves could not go aboard ships
or ferries, or leave the town limits
without a written pass.
• Slaves could be accused of
crimes ranging from owning hogs
or carrying canes to disturbing
the peace or striking a white
• Punishments included whipping,
banishment to the West Indies,
and death.
• In the Stono Rebellion, several
dozen slaves in South Carolina
killed more than 20 whites. The
rebels were captured and killed.
• New York City had slave
rebellions in 1708, 1712, and
1741. After the 1741 revolt, 13
African Americans were burned
alive as punishment.
• African Americans undertook
almost 50 documented revolts
between 1740 and 1800.
African Americans in the Colonies Assessment
Chapter 3, Section 3
Which term refers to the forced transport of slaves from Africa to the Americas?
(A) The Underground Railroad
(B) The Northwest Passage
(C) Tobacco Row
(D) The Middle Passage
In which colony did African Americans make up the majority of the population?
(A) South Carolina
(B) Massachusetts
(C) Virginia
(D) Georgia
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African Americans in the Colonies Assessment
Chapter 3, Section 3
Which term refers to the forced transport of slaves from Africa to the Americas?
(A) The Underground Railroad
(B) The Northwest Passage
(C) Tobacco Row
(D) The Middle Passage
In which colony did African Americans make up the majority of the population?
(A) South Carolina
(B) Massachusetts
(C) Virginia
(D) Georgia
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Emerging Tensions
Chapter 3, Section 4
• What drove the western expansion of colonial
• How did Native Americans and the French react to the
expansion of the colonies?
• Why did the Great Awakening both resolve and
contribute to religious tensions?
Western Expansion
Chapter 3, Section 4
• In the mid-1700s, the colonial population was
increasing rapidly, nearly doubling every 25 years.
• Birth rates were rising.
• Immigrants from England, Ireland, Germany, and other
countries were settling in colonial America.
• As the population grew, settlers pushed west in
search of more land. These settlers were part of a
migration, or movement, in search of land on which
they could build independent lives and maintain their
• Immigrants — people who enter a new country to
Native American and French Reaction
Chapter 3, Section 4
Native American Response
• As white settlers migrated
into Indian territory, the
Indians were forced to
relocate into lands already
occupied by other Native
American groups.
• The Cherokees, Creeks,
Chickasaws, and
Choctaws put up a
powerful struggle to block
westward colonial
French Actions
• In 1752, the French built Fort
Presque Isle in Pennsylvania
and attacked and killed the men
defending an English trading
post in the Ohio Valley.
• By the early 1750s, it became
clear that Pennsylvania would
become the setting for a
struggle between the colonists,
Native Americans, and the
Religious Tensions
Chapter 3, Section 4
• The British colonies were primarily Protestant.
– Southern planters, northern merchants, and
northern professionals tended to belong to the
Church of England.
– Most New Englanders were either
Congregationalists or Presbyterians.
– Quakers, Lutherans, and Mennonites were
common in Pennsylvania.
– The Dutch Reformed Church thrived in the
colonies of New York and New Jersey.
The Great Awakening
Chapter 3, Section 4
• The Great Awakening refers to a revival of religious feeling that
began in the early 1700s. These revivals were designed to renew
religious enthusiasm and commitment.
• Jonathan Edwards — Edwards, a Massachusetts minister, is
believed to have started the Great Awakening. His success
inspired other ministers to increase their efforts to energize their
• George Whitefield — Whitefield was an itinerant, or traveling,
preacher who toured the colonies seven times between 1738 and
• These ministers preached that any Christian could have a
personal relationship with Jesus Christ. They stated that faith
and sincerity, rather than wealth and education, were the major
requirements needed to understand the Gospel.
Churches Reorganize
Chapter 3, Section 4
• In the 1740s and 1750s, many New Englanders converted to
the Baptist faith.
• In the South, both the Baptist and the Methodist churches
drew many followers through their powerful, emotional
ceremonies and their celebration of ordinary people.
• Revivals caused several churches to break apart. While some
embraced the new emotionalism, others rejected it.
• Some of the splinter groups were more tolerant of dissent than
the organizations from which they split.
• Dissent — difference of opinion
Emerging Tensions - Assessment
Chapter 3, Section 4
To migrate is to
(A) sleep all winter.
(B) move in search of land.
(C) change religion.
(D) divide a parcel of land among heirs.
The Great Awakening was a
(A) civil rights movement.
(B) new awareness of the opportunities out West.
(C) treaty between the French and Native Americans.
(D) religious movement.
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Emerging Tensions - Assessment
Chapter 3, Section 4
To migrate is to
(A) sleep all winter.
(B) move in search of land.
(C) change religion.
(D) divide a parcel of land among heirs.
The Great Awakening was a
(A) civil rights movement.
(B) new awareness of the opportunities out West.
(C) treaty between the French and Native Americans.
(D) religious movement.
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