Causes of the Revolution

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Unit 2: The American Revolution
Lesson 1: Causes of the Revolution
Bell Ringer- Diagnostic Pre Test
In 1754, Benjamin Franklin and
representatives from the British
colonies met in Albany, New
York with chiefs from the
Iroquois Confederation to
discuss a joint defense against
the French and loyal Indian
tribes that allied with France.
During these negotiations,
Franklin developed a plan that
would unite all the colonies
under one government to help
defend the British Empire.
Although this concept, the Albany Plan of Union, was never passed by the
Colonies, it illustrates the first attempt to strengthen ties between the colonies
by unifying as one unit. To promote public support for this initiative, Franklin
created this sketch of eight separate snake pieces and printed it in the
Pennsylvania Gazette. The drawing was based on the popular superstition
that a snake that had been cut in two would come to life if the pieces were
joined before sunset. This drawing was widely circulated during the war and
was the first political cartoon in American History.
The “Join or Die”
cartoon is considered
one of America’s first
political cartoons. What
is the message of the
Why do you think some
colonists would resist
the ideas in the
message of this
The French and Indian War
A European war that spread
to America in 1754: British
and French began fighting
over the Ohio River Valley
(transportation, farming, and
The colonists fought with
Great Britain
How does the idea of
“Join or Die” relate?
The French and Indian War
The British defeated the French in the early 1760s
(officially in 1763)
France lost land east of the Miss. River
While Great Britain won land, they were also in
debt from the war
To pay for the war the British began taxing the
American colonies (Stamp Act)
(How do you think many of the colonist felt about the British making
them pay for the war?)
French and Indian War
The British issued the
Proclamation of 1763
which prohibited colonists
from crossing the
Appalachian Mountains in
an attempt to keep peace
with western Indian tribes.
The British did not want to
have to put the resources
into protecting western
colonial farmers.
(Why would this policy upset some
Colonial Response to the British actions
Stamp Act (1765): a British tax on most printed material- was the
first direct tax on the colonies.
Sons of Liberty(1765) organized protest meetings and
intimidated tax collectors -led to the formation of the Stamp Act
Congress which sent a petition to King George
The British repeal the Stamp Act in 1766
More responses
Townshend Acts
(1767): tax on
certain imported
goods (indirect
Most early
resistance to the
British Actions
was found in
British Actions
Intolerable Acts (1774): Laws intended to punish
Massachusetts, where the majority of the
boycotts against the British were taking place
-Shut down the port of Boston
-Limited colonial voting rights
-Limited the power of colonial courts
-Forced the colony to house British soldiers
The Colonists Respond
Committees of
Correspondences were
formed to help communication
between colonies: helped
unify the colonies against the
-The Daughters of Liberty
and the Sons of Liberty both
organized effective boycotts
of British goods: Daughters of
Liberty promoted wearing
The first shots…
The first conflict occurred BEFORE the
Colonies officially declare their independence
“The shot heard around the world”
School House Rocks
Exit Ticket!
What were some of the major British
actions that angered the American
What protest groups formed in response
to these British actions?
When did these protest groups form
(after what event), and who were their