Early Modern Art - davis.k12.ut.us

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Which of the following areas was probably the
destination for the MOST slaves during the
period 1450 to 1750?
(B)British West Indies
(C)French West Indies
(D)Spanish America
(E)Southern British colonies
(A) Brazil
The status of which of the following was in
jeopardy in Japan by 1750?
(A)The Shogun
(B)The emperor
In which of the following revolutions was a
slave labor force the MOST important as a
force for change?
(A)The American Revolution
(B)The French Revolution
(C)The Haitian Revolution
(D)Early 19th-century revolution in Venezuela
(E)Early 19th- century revolution in Brazil
(C) The Haitian Revolution
Italian and German unifications during the late
19th century were both inspired by
During the period from 1750 to 1914, which of
the following movements for change was
LEAST successful in reaching its goals?
(A)The abolitionist movement
(B)Independence movements in Latin America
(C)The abolition of absolute monarchy in
(D)The women’s rights movement
(E)More political rights for the bourgeoisie
(D) The women’s rights movement
Which of the following changes occurred in
France as a direct result of Napoleon’s rule?
(A)Religious and individual freedoms were
incorporated into a comprehensive law code.
(B)The Catholic Church was stripped of all of its
(C)Women gained the right to own property and
divorce their husbands.
(D)Radicalism became the prevailing political
philosophy among the bourgeoisie and peasants
(E) France came to dominate Europe for most of the
19th century.
(A) Religious and individual freedoms were
incorporated into a comprehensive law
In which of the following areas did juntas play an
important role in the success of revolutions during
the period from 1750 to 1850?
I. Gran Colombia
II. France
III. Argentina
IV. The United States
(A)I and II only
(B)I and III only
(C)II and IV only
(D)II, III, and IV only
(E)I, II, III, and IV
(B) I and III only
The enclosure movement in Britain most
directly impacted the development of the
Industrial Revolution by providing
(A)Access to natural resources
(B)A ready labor supply for factories and
(C)Political and economic support for
(D)Railroad transportation to shipping points
(E)Ready cash supplies for funding new
(B) A ready labor supply for factories and
The marble boat
pictured here was
built in order to
(A)Reflect the historical naval supremacy of China
(B)Warn the Japanese not to attack China
(C)Show the engineering skills of those that
constructed it
(D)Illustrate the Qing dynasty’s disdain for Western
(E) Disguise the illegal opium trade going on in
(D) Illustrate the Qing Dynasty’s disdain for
western money
Which of the following is the MOST direct
cause of the 19th century demographic
transition in western countries?
(A)The Columbian Exchange
(B)Political revolutions
(C)Growing emphasis on values that
supported large families
(D)The Industrial Revolution
(E)Growing number of immigrants coming
into western countries
(D)The Industrial Revolution
This map shows
the 19th century
spread of
(A)The Industrial Revolution
(B)Liberalism as a political ideology
(C)Availability of products from the Americas
(D)Political control of the British Empire
(A) The Industrial Revolution
The set of cultural values called “the cult of
domesticity” applied primarily to
(A)Working-class men in industrial societies
(B)Lower-class women in industrial societies
(C)Peasant families in Southeast Asia and
Sub-Saharan Africa
(D)Landed nobility in east Asia
(E)Middle-class women in industrialized
(E)Middle-class women in industrialized
The Monroe Doctrine most clearly reflects the
United States foreign policy of
(A)Laissez-faire capitalism
The political system set up in Canada in 1867
is best described as a(n)
(A)Self-governing political system still
officially tied to Britain
(B)Presidential system with strong economic
ties to the U.S.
(C)British colony with some powers of selfgovernment
(D)Independent country with most official ties
to Britain severed
(E)Constitutional monarchy with many powers
give to parliament
(A)Self-governing political system still
officially tied to Britain
Which of the following is the BEST explanation for
why personality politics were more important in
shaping Latin America than in North America?
(A)Most Latin American countries had parliamentary
systems; North American countries had
presidential systems.
(B)Stable political institutions were slower to
develop in Latin America than in North America.
(C)More charismatic men came to leadership in
Latin America.
(D)The rule of law was well in place in latin America,
and was not very effective in North America.
(E) Latin American countries did not set up
legislatures; North American countries set up
strong legislatures.
(B) Stable political institutions were slower to
develop in Latin America than in North
“Slavery was not born of racism; rather, racism was
the consequence of slavery.”
This statement above supports the explanation that
slavery and emancipation had
(A)Ideological roots that led to economic
(B)Economic roots that led to ideological
(C)Roots in both ideology and economic interests
(D)Little impact on the nature of racism
(E) Motives that were neither economic nor
(B)Economic roots that led to ideological
The main reason that the
country of Siam on the map
was not claimed by
imperialist power is that
(A) The king of Siam effectively resisted imperialist control
(B) The English and French agreed to leave it as a “buffer
(C) It was protected by the Japanese
(D) It had established a formal alliance with India
(E) Its control of trade in the region was too well established
to allow for an imperialist takeover
(B) The English and French agreed to leave it
as a “buffer zone”
Which of the following did the Young Turks in the
Ottoman Empire and the Boxers in the Qing Empire
have in common?
(A) Both believed that their empires would be better off if they
became more dependent on western powers.
(B) Both supported their emperors in the struggle to maintain
power in the face of western aggression.
(C) Both believed that conflicts among regional lords were
the biggest threats that their empires faced.
(D) Both were nationalist groups that sought to keep their
nation’s identity in the waning days of empire
(E) Both organized against nationalist groups who wanted to
replace the emperors with republican governments.
(D) Both were nationalist groups that sought
to keep their nation’s identity in the waning
days of empire
Which of the following land-based empires
experienced significant degrees of industrialization
by the end of the 19th century?
I. Ottoman Empire
II. Russia
III. Qing China
IV. Japan
(A)I and II only
(B)I and III only
(C)II and IV only
(D)III and IV only
(E)II, III, and IV only
(C) II and IV only
A significant social reform that took place in
Russia during the 19th century was the
(A)Emancipation of the serfs
(B)Large-scale redistribution of land to
(C)Recognition of political rights of the
(D)Recognition of women’s suffrage rights
(E)Restriction of the rights of nobility to claim
hereditary lands
(A)(A) Emancipation of the serfs
The Map shows that
colonized areas in Africa in
1870 were primarily
(A)Controlled by the Portuguese
(B)Controlled by the French
(C)Located along coastal areas
(D)Challenged by native Africans
(E)Weak and ineffective
(C) Located along coastal areas
A map of Africa 30 years
later (1900) would differ
from this map in that it
would show
Many more areas of Africa controlled by European powers
Fewer British possession and more French possessions
Almost no areas of Africa controlled by European powers
Many areas controlled by Japan
More Portuguese possessions and fewer Frenchcontrolled areas
(A) Many more areas of Africa controlled by
European powers
“The transformation of the country was complete,
involving dramatic economic, political, social,
cultural, and educational changes, and the program
was imposed from the top rung of government – the
The statement above accurately describes late 19th
(A)Ottoman Empire
(E) Germany
(C) Japan
Which of the following colonies is BEST
described as a tropical dependency colony?
(C)New Zealand
(D)South Africa
Which of the following events of the 19th
century occurred FIRST?
(A)The opening of the Suez Canal
(B)The invention of the steam engine
(C)The completion of the Trans-Siberian
(D)The Meiji Restoration
(E)King Leopold’s sponsorship of rubber
plantations along the Congo River in Africa
(B)The invention of the steam engine
The most important incentive for the
“scramble” of European countries to colonize
areas of central and south Africa during the
late 19th century was to
(A)Desire to control sea-based trade between
Europe and the Indian Ocean Basin
(B)Discovery of diamond and gold deposits
(C)Wish to convert African natives to
(D)Aggressive attempts by the Japanese to
colonize Africa
(E)Search for new agricultural lands for their
growing populations
(B)Discovery of diamond and gold deposits
Which of the following was NOT a major
cultural movement in Europe in the era
between 1450 and 1800?
Sati, the practice of a widow throwing herself
onto her husband’s funeral pyre, was most
commonly practiced in
(A)The Ottoman Empire
(B)Ming China
(C)Tokugawa Japan
(D)The Russian Empire
(E)The Mughal Empire
(E)The Mughal Empire
In Russia, the position that most closely
matched the position of the “daimyo” in
Japan was
Which of the following correctly described
Britain during the early 18th century?
(A)It had established colonies in South
(B)It had established a constitutional
(C)It controlled trade on the Indian Ocean.
(D)It was politically and economically weaker
than Spain.
(E)It had established a stable and growing
trade with Japan.
(B)It had established a constitutional
Most sugar plantations in the New World were
located in
(A)The southern British colonies and Mexico
(B)The Caribbean and Peru
(C)The French colonies in North America and
(D)New Granada and La Plata
(E)The Caribbean and Brazil
(E)The Caribbean and Brazil
Which of the following had the LEAST real
political power during the era 1450 – 1750?
(A)The Spanish king
(B)The Ottoman sultan
(C)The Safavid shah
(D)The Japanese emperor
(E)The Russian tsar
(D)The Japanese emperor
Which of the following had the highest social
status in Latin American colonies?
Which of the following most accurately compares
the relationship that English and Spanish colonists
had with Amerindians?
(A) Both English and Spanish colonists rejected Amerindian
crops and planting techniques.
(B) The English colonists dominated Amerindians; Spanish
colonists pushed Amerindians out of the way.
(C) The English colonists pushed Amerindians out of the
way; the Spanish colonists put Amerindians to work for
(D) English colonists were more likely to marry Amerindians
than the Spanish colonists were.
(E) The English colonists were more interested in converting
Amerindians to Christianity than Spanish colonists were.
(C)The English colonists pushed Amerindians
out of the way; the Spanish colonists put
Amerindians to work for them.
Which of the following is NOT true regarding
the Seven Years’ war?
(A)It was the first global war.
(B)It occurred during the period of Portuguese
dominance of the Indian Ocean.
(C)It laid the basis for British imperial
(D)It involved indigenous peoples of the
(E)It involved the Indian Ocean and the
(B) It occurred during the period of
Portuguese dominance of the Indian
All of the following are true of political
institutions in the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries EXCEPT
(A)Europe experienced the rule of absolute
(B)China saw the establishment of its last
(C)Enlightenment theories altered Russian
political thought.
(D)Japan’s government became more
(E)Ottoman power was in decline.
(C) Enlightenment theories altered Russian
political thought.
In the early nineteenth century, the most
urbanized nation was
(D)The United States.
(E)Great Britain.
(E) Great Britain.
Which is NOT true of Russian expansion in
the period 1500 – 1800?
(A)It was stopped by the Ottoman Empire.
(B)It included expansion into Siberia.
(C)It expanded to the south and west.
(D)It added territory by participating in the
partition of Poland.
(E)It forged a cultural alliance with Slavic
peoples in the Balkans.
(A) It was stopped by the Ottoman Empire.
What was the response of China to foreign
influence in the period 1450 – 1750?
(A)The Chinese were unimpressed by
European technology.
(B)The Qing closely supervised foreign
merchants in China.
(C)Under Qing rule, most Chinese ports were
open to foreigners.
(D)Chinese authorities established trading
companies patterned after those of the
(E)Christian missionaries were welcomed?
(B) The Qing closely supervised foreign
merchants in China.
The growth of rubber and palm oil production
in Africa produced all of the following effects
(A)Greater technology transfer to Africans.
(B)Production concentrated around European
needs and desires.
(C)Disruption of village life.
(D)Rigorous working conditions.
(A) Greater technology transfer to Africans.
In the period between 1750 and 1914, the
Chinese empire was weakened by all of the
following EXCEPT
(A)The Taiping Rebellion.
(B)The Boxer Rebellion.
(C)Defense treaties with Great Britain and
(D)The opium trade.
(E)Loss of tribute.
(C) Defense treaties with Great Britain and
Which of the following is true of the Russian
and Japanese from 1750 to 1914?
(A)They both built increasingly powerful
(B)Their governments encouraged rapid
(C)They both had a well-educated populace.
(D)Both had decentralized governments.
(E)Both had strong monarchies.
(B) Their governments encouraged rapid
Which of the following is true concerning
imperialism in the period 1750 to 1914?
(A)Europeans set up a number of settler colonies in
Southeast Asia.
(B)Imperialism prevented the integration of local
economies into global trade networks.
(C)Western Europe, the United States, and Japan
were all imperialist powers.
(D)Subject peoples received the benefits of
education primarily in their native languages.
(E) Colonies became ready markets for Western
manufactured goods.
(C) Western Europe, the United States, and
Japan were all imperialist powers.
All of the following are true of Balkans in the
nineteenth century EXCEPT
(A)Russia wanted to extend the Pan-Slavic
movement to the Balkans.
(B)It was a diverse ethnic and religious
(C)Balkan states were controlled by AustriaHungary and the Ottomans.
(D)It was the focus of Europe’s imperialist
(E)It was a region of potentially volatile
nationalist sentiment.
(D) It was the focus of Europe’s imperialist
Which of the following is NOT true of
industrialization in the nineteenth century?
(A)Industrialization in the nineteenth century
was based on steel.
(B)After the 1850s, industrial machines were
often run by electricity.
(C)American colonies failed to provide
markets for European goods.
(D)Railroads were a key element of
(E)Belgium became the first industrialized
state of continental Europe.
(C) American colonies failed to provide
markets for European goods.
Which of the following was a problem
encountered by both the United States and
Latin America in the period 1750 to 1914?
(A)Limited experience with self-government
(B)Dependence on primary levels of
(C)Conflicts with indigenous peoples
(D)Well-define social classes
(E)Assertion of power by military leaders
(C) Conflicts with indigenous peoples
The first successful revolution in the
Caribbean and South America was launched
(A) Haiti
“All things exist as nature dictates. Thus, our Divine Realm
is at the top of the world. Though not a very large country, it
reigns over the Four Quarters because its Imperial Line has
never known dynastic change. The Western barbarians
represent the thighs, legs, and feet of the universe.”
~ From Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi, Anti-Foreignism and Western Learning in Early
Modern Japan: The New Theses of 1825.
In this passage, “our Divine Realm” refers to which of the
following countries?
(A)Saudi Arabia
(E) Japan
All of the following have been African
contributions to cultures in the Americas
(A)African forms of religious observance
(B)African musical forms
(C)Knowledge of how to grow African crops
(D)African folklore
(E)African monetary systems
(E) African monetary systems
In the nineteenth century, women’s use of
bound feet (China), white face paint (Japan),
and corsets (western Europe) are examples of
which of the following?
(A)Practices that inhibit female activities
(B)The beauty of middle-class women
(C)Fashions that spread worldwide
(D)The middle class’s setting the fashion for
all women
(E)Women’s participation in the workforce
(A) Practices that inhibit female activities
Which of the following facilitated European
expansion in Asia in the nineteenth century?
(A)The popularity of democratic values among
(B)A general easing of tensions and cooperative
expeditions among European powers
(C)Europe’s development of new military
(D)Asians’ lack of resistance to European diseases
(E) Europe’s ability to send numerically superior
armies to Asia
(C) Europe’s development of new military
Which of the following best explains why Japan was
more successful than China in resisting imperialist
encroachments in the nineteenth century?
(A)Japan’s manipulation of the rivalries
among western governments
(B)The introduction of democracy by the Meiji
(C)The willingness of Japan’s elite to sponsor
(D)Lack of interest in Japanese markets
(E)Abundant natural resources
(C) The willingness of Japan’s elite to sponsor
Which of the following policies led to
radicalization in both the French Revolution
after 1789 and the Russian Revolution after
(A)War against foreign enemies
(B)Strikes by factory workers
(C)Coming to power of the peasantry
(D)Creation of a salaried clergy
(E)Imposition of socialism
(A) War against foreign enemies
“Extraterritoriality” can best be described as
which of the following?
(A)Exemption of foreigners from the laws of
the country in which they live
(B)Expansion of a country’s international
borders to natural boundaries
(C)Extension of dual citizenship to immigrants
(D)Acquisition of new colonies or territories
(E)Establishment of a government in exile
(A) Exemption of foreigners from the laws of
the country in which they live
Anticolonial movements like the Congress
Party in India and the Young Turks agreed on
which of the following?
(A)The need for reform in order to resist European
(B)The desire to return their societies to an earlier
preindustrial age
(C)Their intent to engage in territorial expansion at
the expense of their weaker neighbors
(D)Their emphasis on purely linguistic nationalism
(E) The need to persuade all anticolonial movements
to cooperate with European socialist parties
(A)The need for reform in order to resist
European imperialism
Which of the following describes the major
impact of the introduction of coffee growing
in places like Kenya and El Salvador after
(A)The end of taxes paid to the government in cash
(B)The weakening of the European colonial military
and landowning elite
(C)Access to cheaper food for Africans and Latin
(D)Increased control over the land by Africans and
Latin Americans
(E) Greater dependence on foreign markets by
Africans and Latin Americans
(E) Greater dependence on foreign markets by
Africans and Latin Americans
Which of the following is an accurate description of
relations between European states and the Ottoman
Empire in the period 1815 to 1914?
(A)The Ottomans were expanding at the expense of
Russia, England, and France.
(B)Russian, English, and French expansion came at
the expense of the Ottomans.
(C)The Ottomans, in alliance with the Russians,
English, and French, sought to impede German
(D)The Ottomans supported nationalism in the
Balkans to destabilize Europe.
(E) The Ottomans and the French cooperated in
colonizing North Africa.
(B)Russian, English, and French expansion
came at the expense of the Ottomans.
Which of the following is true of both Russia
and Japan by 1914?
(A)Both were characterized by a high degree
of ethnic homogeneity.
(B)Both had effective democratic institutions
that restrained the power of their
(C)Both had low rates of literacy.
(D)Marxism had become a strong influence
among urban workers in both countries.
(E)Rapid, state-sponsored industrialization
had occurred in both countries.
(E) Rapid, state-sponsored industrialization
had occurred in both countries.
During the nineteenth century, Asian and
African rulers usually desired transfer of
which of the following western technologies
(C)Navigational instruments
(D)Textile manufacturing equipment
(E)Chemical fertilizers
(B) Weapons
In the nineteenth century, the Ottoman and
Austro-Hungarian empires were two examples
(A)Nationalistic empires
(B)Republican empires
(C)Colonial empires
(D)Multinational empires
(D) Multinational empires
Which of the following was among the first results of
the European Industrial Revolution in other parts of
the world?
(A)The beginning of the transatlantic slave trade
(B)Increased demand for commodities such as
cotton and palm oil
(C)The search for oil in Africa, Asia, and Latin
(D)Construction of textile factories in Africa and Asia
(E) The partition of Africa by European imperial
(B) Increased demand for commodities such
as cotton and palm oil
In the nineteenth century, Latin American
urban dwellers were most similar to western
European urban dwellers in which of the
following areas?
(A)Literacy and cultural tastes
(B)Ethnic and racial composition
(C)Export and import patterns
(D)Standards of living
(E)Levels of literacy
(A) Literacy and cultural tastes
The first Industrial Revolution in great Britain
was initially based on which of the following?
(C)Steel rails
(B) Textiles
The wars of independence in Latin America in
the early nineteenth century resulted in which
of the following?
(A)Rapid industrialization in the region
(B)Gender equality
(C)Racial equality
(D)Few changes in social structure
(E)The rise of monarchies
(D)Few changes in social structure
“The yellow and white races which are to be found on the
globe have been endowed by nature with intelligence and
fighting capacity. They are fundamentally incapable of giving
way to each other. Hence, glowering and poised for a fight,
they have engaged in battle in the world of evolution, the
great arena where strength and intelligence have clashed
since earliest times, the great theater where for so long
natural selection and progress have played out.”
The quotation above by an early twentieth-century Chinese
revolutionary illustrates the influence of
Social Darwinism
National Socialism
(A) Social Darwinism
Which of the following pairs of countries
ended coerced labor in the decade of the
(A)France and China
(B)Brazil and Great Britain
(C)Russia and the United States
(D)Germany and Japan
(E)Australia and Mexico
(C) Russia and the United States
Which of the following contributed most to
the growth of nationalism in the period 1750
to 1914?
(A)The spread of social welfare legislation
(B)Advances in scientific knowledge
(C)The pressure of rapid population growth
(D)European imperialism
(E)The rise of authoritarian rulers
(D)European imperialism
Which of the following nations was the most
attractive military model for nineteenthcentury Japanese and Ottoman government
(B)Great Britain
(D)The German Empire
(E)The United States
(D)The German Empire
Which of the following was characteristic of
absolute monarchies in Europe during the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?
(A)The hereditary aristocracy used its traditional
powers and privileges to control politics and the
(B)Legislative, judicial, and executive power was
substantially under the control of the monarch.
(C)Mercantilist control of the economy was
eliminated and replaced by free enterprise.
(D)Colonial empires declined, and wars of
independence increased.
(E) Constitutional law emerged, placing strict
limitations on central authority.
(B)Legislative, judicial, and executive power
was substantially under the control of the
Which of the
following best
explains this
data on slavery?
(A) Most slaves were brought to British North America to
work in silver and gold mines.
(B) Indentured servants replaced slaves in the Caribbean
economies by 1800.
(C) Most slaves were brought to work on tropical plantations.
(D) Most slaves brought to Europe were employed as
(E) Danish colonists relied more on indentured servants than
on slaves to meet their labor needs.
(C)Most slaves were brought to work on
tropical plantations.
An important reason for China’s rapid population
increase in the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries was
(A)The introduction of new crops from the Americas
(B)The end of the bubonic plague in Asia
(C)The widespread adoption of the European threefield system
(D)A series of government decrees mandating large
(E) Unprecedented immigration from the Mughal and
Ottoman empire
(A)The introduction of new crops from the
Which of the following is true of both the American
and the Haitian Revolutions?
(A)They began as slave revolts.
(B)They were led by wealthy landowners.
(C)They created constitutions that granted legal
equality to all citizens.
(D)Napoleon prevented both revolutions from
coming to completion.
(E) Foreign troops were not a factor in either
(C)They created constitutions that granted
legal equality to all citizens.
Which of the following best describes how
nineteenth-century European industrialization
affected European women’s lives?
(A)Most women gained access to higher education.
(B)As the century progressed, a smaller and smaller
percentage of women married.
(C)Married women found it increasingly difficult to
combine wage work and family responsibilities.
(D)By the late nineteenth century, women gained the
right to vote in most European countries.
(E) Women came to dominate the agricultural
workforce as men moved to cities to take
industrial jobs.
(C)Married women found it increasingly
difficult to combine wage work and family
After the Meiji Restoration of 1868, Japan
changed its policy toward contact with the
outside world by
(A)Welcoming foreign bankers but discouraging
Japanese citizens from visiting other countries
(B)Forming an alliance with China in order to resist
Western encroachment
(C)Adopting a defensive foreign policy in East Asia
(D)Seeking Western industrial expertise and
(E) Expelling foreign missionaries and traders
(D)Seeking Western industrial expertise and
Which of the following linked Great Britain,
India, and China in the nineteenth century?
Twentieth-century consumerism differed from
that of the nineteenth century, in part,
because of
(A)The vertical integration of industries
(B)The increased purchasing power of
migrant laborers
(C)The rise of professional advertising
(D)Increased emphasis on domesticity
(E)Decreased leisure time
(C)The rise of professional advertising
“Although many people might think it crazy, the development model of
the global economy has a marked relation to gender…Women in every
household are suffering every day as a result of impoverished economies,
and those who are exposed to the effects of foreign debt are women.
…The adoption of austerity measures means a curtailment of the state’s
commitment to social services…Women keep the smallest portion of the
meager family income, [giving] everything to their children and [wageearning] adults. As a result malnutrition among women is increasing at
an alarming rate.” ~Gladys Acosta, Peruvian Feminist
Which of the following statements reflects the main idea expressed in the
excerpt above?
Women use too many luxury goods.
Basic commodity prices are a small part of family income.
Malnutrition results from increases in the prices of luxury goods.
Foreign debt results in higher prices for basic commodities, which
affects women most.
(E) Since women keep the smallest portion of the family income, they are
least affected by foreign debt.
(D)Foreign debt results in higher prices for
basic commodities, which affects women
Which of the following describes the relationship
between the Ottoman Empire and European nations
from 1750 to 1914?
(A)The Ottomans lost their territory in Anatolia to
European states.
(B)Nationalist uprisings forced the Ottomans to
recognize the independence of Greece and
(C)The Ottomans gained Egypt from France.
(D)The Ottomans gained territory from the
weakening Russian Empire.
(E) Ottoman advances in technology were
transferred to European nations.
(B)Nationalist uprisings forced the Ottomans
to recognize the independence of Greece
and Serbia.
Which of the following is true regarding
Russia in 1914?
(A)Continuing serfdom weakened its
industrial development.
(B)Its Russification policy promoted ethnic
(C)It lost territory to the Ottomans.
(D)Its economy was unable to manage the
tsar’s desire for expansion.
(E)Its technological advances made it the
equal of France and Great Britain.
(D)Its economy was unable to manage the
tsar’s desire for expansion.
Which of the following is NOT true of
imperialism in Southeast Asia in the period
1750 to 1914?
(A)Much of central Asia was brought under Russian
(B)By 1900, all of Southeast Asia was under colonial
(C)The Roman Catholic Church became prominent
in Vietnam.
(D)British-controlled Singapore became an active
trade center.
(E) Great Britain controlled Malaysian tin and rubber.
(B)By 1900, all of Southeast Asia was under
colonial rule.
In the nineteenth century, the Ottoman and
Russian empires were examples of
(B)Socialist empires.
(C)Religious toleration.
(D)Religious diversity.
(E)Republican governments.
(D) Religious diversity.
By the middle of the eighteenth century, both
China and Great Britain
(A)Experienced population decline.
(B)Had a network of banks and financial
(C)Had accessible deposits of coal.
(D)Lacked accessible water transportation.
(E)Possessed colonies to supply raw
(B) Had a network of banks and financial
Which of the following was true of Latin
American society in the period 1750 to 1914?
(A)Society was egalitarian.
(B)Few migrants came to Latin America.
(C)Intellectuals produced works based on
Latin American values.
(D)Women’s role in society was one of basic
equality with men.
(E)The Argentine gaucho enjoyed a type of
admiration equal to that of the U.S. cowboy.
(E) The Argentine gaucho enjoyed a type of
admiration equal to that of the U.S. cowboy.
The first successful revolution of black slaves
in world history occurred in
(E)Puerto Rico.
(B) Haiti.
Karl Marx’s use of the term “bourgeoisie” to
refer to factory management was also used to
(A)The ancien regime in France.
(B)The Western-educated leaders against the
Qing Chinese.
(C)The free black society of Haiti.
(D)The initiators of the French Revolution.
(E)British sympathizers during the American
(D) The initiators of the French Revolution.
“Take up the White Man’s burden –
The savage wars of peace –
Fill full the mouth of Famine
And bid the sickness cease.”
(Source: Rudyard Kipling, “The White Man’s
Kipling’s poem received its rationale from which of
the following nineteenth century philosophies?
(A)Laissez-faire economics.
(E) Social Darwinism.
(E) Social Darwinism.
Both the wearing of corsets in Europe in the
nineteenth century and the custom of
footbinding in China were designed
(A)For use among lower-class women.
(B)To deny women status in their respective
(C)To restrict women to work in the fields.
(D)To restrict women’s freedom of activity.
(E)To make women unattractive.
(D) To restrict women’s freedom of activity.
In which of the following periods of world
history did slavery NOT exist?
(A)8000 B.C.E. – 600 C.E.
(B)600 – 1450.
(C)1750 – 1914.
(D)1914 – 2000.
(E)Slavery has existed in all periods of world
(E) Slavery has existed in all periods of world
Japan was more accepting of Western
advances than China in the nineteenth
century because
(A)Japan feared the power of Great Britain in
East Asia.
(B)Japan feared the power of Korea.
(C)The Tokugawa Shogunate desired reform
in Japan.
(D)Japanese leaders wanted a democracy
patterned after the United States.
(E)Japan recognized the need to open up
trade relations with the West in order to
increase its national power.
(E)Japan recognized the need to open up
trade relations with the West in order to
increase its national power.
Which of the following was NOT the result of
colonialism in the period 1750 – 1914?
(A)Europeans, North Americans, and Japanese
imperialists acquired feelings of superiority
toward the peoples they dominated.
(B)Global trade increased significantly.
(C)National identities among subject peoples were
(D)Global migration increased because of imperialist
recruitment of labor forces.
(E) Sometimes imperialists built a plantation
economy around a traditional crop of the colony.
(C) National identities among subject peoples
were eliminated.
From 1500 to 1850, those able to keep out the
intrusion of the West were the
(B)Sub-Saharan Africans.
(C)Indians of South Asia.
(D) Japanese.
A result of the competition for African
colonies in the 19th century was
(A)More rapid decolonization.
(B)The Berlin Conference of 1885.
(C)More cordial relations among European
(D)The reunification of Italy in 1870.
(E)The colonization of Ethiopia.
(B) The Berlin Conference of 1885.
During the time period 1750 to 1914, the
developments below occurred in
•Taiping Rebellion
•Opium war
•Self-Strengthening Movement
(D) China.
In the late 19th century, the growth of Japan as
a world power was facilitated by
(A)Democracy and liberal reforms.
(B)Industrialization and military strength.
(C)Cultural isolation and decentralization.
(D)Internal protection and aid.
(E)Communism and totalitarianism.
(B) Industrialization and military strength.
Which of the following is an accurate description of
the relations between Belgium and the Congo in the
19th and early 20th centuries?
(A)The two areas had an open trade agreement that
was mutually beneficial.
(B)The Congo won its independence from Belgium.
(C)Belgium took advantage of the people and
natural resources of the Congo.
(D)Congo rulers fought bloody wars with the Belgian
Royal Army.
(E) Belgium attempted unsuccessfully to take over
the Congo.
(C) Belgium took advantage of the people and
natural resources of the Congo.
The emancipation of the serfs in Russia in
1861 caused which of the following to
(A)Serfs won political rights and were exempt
from any taxes for land they received.
(B)Most serfs went on to successful careers
as industrial capitalists.
(C)Few serfs moved to cities to work in the
(D)Most serfs remained desperately poor.
(E)All landlords refused to recognize the
serfs’ freedom and ignored emancipation.
(D) Most serfs remained desperately poor.
Which of the following most significantly
influenced both Italy and Germany in the 19th
(E) Nationalism
All of the following describe major global developments in
the time period 1750 to 1914 EXCEPT
(A) With the development of industrialization, the world
became truly independent, the world became truly
(B) The way that people worked, lived, traveled, related to
their families, communicated, and identified themselves
changed for many people.
(C) The industrialized nations, in search of raw materials and
new markets, often colonized areas to protect economic
(D) The institution of slavery remained unchallenged
throughout the period and the plantation system
dominated the economy of much of the world.
(E) Enlightenment ideals such as equality, freedom of
speech, and freedom of religion became very influential in
many parts of the world.
(D) The institution of slavery remained
unchallenged throughout the period and
the plantation system dominated the
economy of much of the world.
One effect of the West’s cultural influence on
Meiji Japan was that
(A)Japanese literature was affected by European
models, and writers experimented with Western
(B)Christianity replaced Buddhism and Shinto as the
most popular religion in Japan.
(C)The Japanese rejected Western fashion and
(D)Confucian values were eliminated in Japan.
(E) Devotion to the emperor was replaced with
loyalty to one’s political party.
(A) Japanese literature was affected by
European models, and writers
experimented with Western verse.
All of the following are examples of the new
leisure opportunities enjoyed by the middle
class in the late 19th century EXCEPT
(A)The bicycle.
(E)Professional sports.
(C) Television.
Atatürk of Turkey and Peter the Great of
Russia shared a
(A)Commitment to Islam.
(B)Goal of westernization.
(C)Desire to spread democratic values.
(D)Hope of achieving a warm-water port.
(E)Desire for a communist revolution.
(B) Goal of westernization.