Transcript Mona Lisa

1. Where is the food?
• Before the Neolithic
Revolution, humans
were forced to travel
from place to place in
search of food as
nomads. The result of
the Revolution was a
shift from a food
gathering to food
producing societies
where people could
survive and stay in one
2. Can you dig it?
• Archaeologists excavate
ancient settlements and study
artifacts (items created by
human beings) to learn more
about how these ancient
people lived. Famous
archaeologists include Donald
Johannson who discovered a 3
million year old skeleton that
he nicknamed “Lucy” who he
believed was an upright
walking humanlike creature.
3. We’ve got Roots
• According to the latest
scientific research, the
earliest known human
remains have been found in
Africa. Therefore, scientists
believe that human origins
can be traced back to that
continent. Based off of the
radiocarbon dating process
(used to date organic
material) humanlike creatures
have been on the earth for
over 3 million years.
4. Down by the River
• River valleys became the
site of the most
successful early
civilizations because of
their mild climate, fertile
soil, and plentiful water
supply. People there
would create calendars so
that they would know
when the seasons would
change to avoid having
crops in the ground
during rainy seasons.
5. Cool It!
• In the past 1.5
million years that
earth had long
periods of cooling
which lasted for
thousands of years
and resulted in
glaciers covering
large portions of the
earth’s surface.
6. Do it or else!
• The 1st civilizations
found the need to
select leaders and
create governments
to get essential
work done by
citizens, workers
were given specific
jobs to accomplish
to earn their keep in
these communities.
7. Prehistoric Developments
• Before the Neolithic
Revolution, human
beings developed
spoken language, fire,
tamed some animals,
buried their dead, stone
tools (hand axe), and
began to migrate to
cooler areas of the
8. What a present!
• Egypt’s annual
flooding is referred
to commonly as
the “gift of the
Nile” because each
year it provided
fertile farmland
with a new, rich
layer of silt.
9. Long Standing
• Ancient Egypt was
surrounded by seas
and deserts
prevented outside
civilizations from
attacking them.
Therefore, Egypt
remained a unified
empire for nearly
3,000 years!
10. Eye for an Eye
• King Hammurabi
the ancient
king was the first
to develop a law
code which
applied to all
citizens of his
11. Ideas Exchanged
• During the earliest periods of
world history, many
civilizations learned of new
ideas through cultural
diffusion which occurred after
Prehistoric times (Prehistory)
when writing was developed,
other civilizations were
conquered, and trade took
place between different
12. Geography is the Key
• According to Jared
Diamond, civilizations that
possessed abundant
agricultural items, new
forms of technology, and
domesticated animals
tended to be the most
successful ones in the early
part of human history.
13. Write It Down
• Some of the first
civilizations in the
world developed
written language about
5,000 years ago. First,
the Sumerians
invented Cuneiform
and a short time later,
the Egyptians invented
14. God said it!
• The Ancient
Hebrews (Israelites)
developed the idea
of Ethical
Monotheism. It was
first written in the
Old Testament
which outlines
Hebrew moral and
ethical teachings.
15. Can You Dig It?
• The use of irrigation
and domesticated
animals allowed
farmers in the first
civilizations to cultivate
crops on a large scale.
In Egypt, irrigation
canals helped early
farmers transform the
desert into fertile land
for growing grapes.
16. Early Trade
• Before the
development of
money, early
civilizations relied on
barter (the exchange
of one good or service
for another) to receive
items or services that
they needed to
17. Gettin’ Ziggy With It!
• In Ancient Sumer,
Ziggurats were built as
religious ritual centers
in nearly every citystate throughout the
Tigris-Euphrates River
Valley a.k.a. “The
Fertile Crescent” (see
18. Everyone had a Voice
• In Ancient Greek polis
(city-state) of Athens, all
free, adult, male citizens
voted on all issues brought
forth in the system of
government called a direct
democracy. Just as in the
U.S. today, individuals
played a significant role in
shaping ideas, society, and
the state.
19. No freedom of Choice
• In Ancient Sparta, male
citizens were required
to serve and train in the
military from ages
seven to sixty. This
polis was ruled by an
oligarchy- a small
group of wealthy
20. In the Nude
• Ancient Greeks
participated in athletic
contests every four years
as each city-state sent its
best athletes to compete
for the Greek gods at
Mount Olympia. Most
artwork of the Golden Age
of Greece also glorified
the human body in
paintings and sculptures.
21. Save the Drama
• There wouldn’t be
any drama to be saved
if it wasn’t for the
Ancient Greeks who
developed early plays
with humor called
comedies and others
where characters
struggle to overcome
an problem called
22. Alexander’s Impact
• Through numerous
military victories
Alexander the Great built
new cities with Greek,
Persian, Egyptian, and
Indian influences. This
culture brought
throughout the known
world by Alexander
became known as
Hellenistic Civilization.
23. Athenian Legacy
• In the 5th Century B.C.
Athens developed great
art/architecture like the
Parthenon, Philosophy,
Pythagorean theorem,
Hippocratic Oath, History,
and Rhetoric because of its
wealth, and under Pericles’
leadership Athenian
democracy flourished as
ordinary citizens held
public offices .
24. Primary and Secondary
• People who study history look at
primary sources (diaries,
paintings, sculptures, journals)
and secondary sources
(textbooks, encyclopedias, and
websites) to learn more about
historical information. One
place with a wealth of primary
sources is the Roman city of
Pompeii which was destroyed by
a volcanic eruption in the 1st
century A.D.
25. Roman Builders
• Ancient Romans
constructed several
marvels of modern
engineering including
arches, vaulted ceilings,
domes, and aqueducts
which carried water from
the mountains to the
26. Mad Men
• In many Ancient
civilizations, including
Rome, women and children
were not ever involved in
governmental decisions.
However, Rome did
develop the idea of a
republican form of
government and established
a bicameral legislature. The
Roman Republic also gave
more say in elections to
wealthier citizens.
27. It Catches On!
• Around 30 A.D. many people
around Jerusalem began to follow a
holy man named Jesus, who
performed miracles. His followers
would create the Christian Church
shortly after Jesus’ death. But it
would not become legal in Rome
until the 200s after Emperor
Constantine converted to
Christianity. After it became legal
it grew in popularity because of its
promise of life after death, strong
organization led by Popes and use
of common languages
28. You’re going Down!
• The Roman Empire
began to fall apart
around 400 A.D.
because of ineffective
and corrupt leaders in
Rome’s government,
inflation in Roman
currency, loss of faith
and patriotism in
Rome, and changes in
army membership and
29. Republican Model
• There are many similarities
between the modern U.S.
government and Roman
Republic including rule by
elected representatives. This
representative democracy
became the model of the U.S.
government and allows the
desires of the citizens who vote
to limit the government’s
actions. Citizens who failed to
vote would often not see their
favored candidate win elections.
30. Beasts of the Middle East
• The Islamic Empire rapidly expanded after its
founding in the 7th century (see map). Arab
merchants and caliphs (leaders) helped spread
Islamic technology to these areas. Within 2
centuries, this empire was one of the most powerful
in the world’s history.
31. Byzantine Buzz
• Located at the crossroads of
Europe and Asia, the former
Roman city of Constantinople
became the center of culture for
the Byzantine Empire in the
500s A.D. Led by Justinian,
Byzantine culture flourished
with the building of the Hagia
Sophia (on right), his law code,
and rapid expansion of his
empire. Constantinople would
remain under the control of
Christian rulers until the
Ottoman (Muslim) takeover in
32. Great Until
the End
• In the early 1500s, the
Aztecs (J) were led by
Montezuma and had a
fabulous capital city named
Teotihuacan (today’s Mexico
City) was built on top of a
lake. Also, the Inca (M)
were a sophisticated culture
with an advanced record
keeping system called quipu.
By 1525, both civilizations
were destroyed by the guns,
germs, and steel of the
Spanish conquistadors.
33. Tell me a Story
• Ancient African history can
be traced back to a class of
Africans called griots tell
the stories of African
legends and religious
traditions. The Great
Zimbabwe civilization
created one of the most
unique structures of subSaharan Africa it is called
the Great Enclosure (on
34. Cultural Barrier
• The Sahara Desert in North
Africa provided a barrier
for the spread of
Christianity in ancient
times. However, both
religious missionaries and
profit seeking merchants
were able to cross the great
desert to arrive in major
cities like Timbuktu which
was the center of trade and
learning in West Africa.
35. New Ways of Thinking
• People of Ancient India
developed the concept of the
number zero and religions of
Buddhism and Hinduism
which were later adopted by
Ancient Chinese dynasties.
Ancient Chinese philosophies
called Legalism,
Confucianism (order is the
way to peace), and Daoism
(respect he force and
compromise) became the
leading ways of thinking in
these Asian areas of the
36. Charlemagne’s Idea
• In order to establish
political control, the
Frankish king,
developed called
feudalism in which
serfs borrowed land
from lords on manors
exchange for fiefs.
On these manors,
most of the economic
activities were based
off of agriculture.
37. Follow the Code
• Medieval
knights had to
follow a
specific code of
known as
Chivalry to
remain in their
elite position.
38. Huge Impact
• The Magna Carta
established many
ideas used in the U.S.
including: credible
witnesses, separation
of powers, speedy
trials, no one is above
the law, and personal
property rights.
39. Mo Money
• By the Late Middle Ages a vast trade network of
trade route connected the centers of trade in
Europe which resulted in rapid spread of the
Black Death which reduced Europe’s population
by 25 million over 4 years which led to a smaller
workforce and an increase in wages.
40. I’ve got the Power
• Following the defeat of
Islamic armies in 732
A.D. by Charles Martel,
Christianity grew in
strength and popularity
in Western Europe.
Within several hundred
years, European
Christians constructed
large Gothic Cathedrals
to show their devotion
to God.
41. Not Just Tough Guys
• Archaeologists believe that the Vikings
were the first Europeans to sail across the
Atlantic Ocean around 1000 A.D. and made
settlements in modern day Canada.
42. Do It for God!
• The Crusades recruited
thousands of Europeans to
recapture the holy land from
the Muslims by ensuring
Crusaders a place in heaven,
although they were
unsuccessful at recapturing
Jerusalem, it did result in
increased demand for goods
in the Middle East and
eventually led to increased
cultural exchanges between
the Middle East and Europe.
43. A Rebirth
• Beginning in Italy
around 1350 scholars
began to reintroduce
classical text and an
emphasis on learning
occurred resulting in
the start of a period of
history called the
44. Huge Invention!
• During the
Renaissance, a
German printer,
Johannes Gutenberg
developed a
revolutionary new
printing method
using blocks to
quickly and cheaply
produce books.
45. Great Artists
• Raphael, Leonardo
da Vinci, and
Buonarotti both
created some of the
most memorable
works of art during
the Renaissance
including the Mona
Lisa and David.
46. Split in Christianity
• A German priest,
Martin Luther,
objected to certain
practices in the
Catholic Church and
started the European
Protestant Movement
in the 1500s.
47. Luther’s Gripe
• Martin Luther believed
that the Catholic
Church’s most serious
offense was the selling
of certificates of
indulgences in which
people paid the church
in exchange for a
reduction in
punishment for their
48. The Rise of Science
• During the Renaissance,
great scientists such as
Francis Bacon, Galileo
Galilei, and Isaac
Newton promoted the
idea that knowledge
should be based on
experimentation and
49. Scientific Method
• Copernicus,
Galileo, and
Newton used
the Scientific
Method to
solve their
50. Germ Killers
• The population of Native
Americans declined
dramatically shortly after the
arrival of Europeans in the
Americas. Millions of Native
Americans were wiped out by
smallpox, which they had no
natural immunity to. With a
labor shortage, Europeans
increased slave trade from
Africa and by the 1700s the
Middle Passage had
transported millions of
Africans to the Americas to
become slaves.
51. Early Exploration
• With increased
technology, Portugal and
Spain competed to find
quicker trade routes to
Asia the early leaders in
this trade. In the 1400s,
the Portuguese prince,
Henry the Navigator
opened a school for
sailors and helped train
and pay explorers which
gave his country the
early lead in this
profitable trade.
52. Indians!?
• Christopher Columbus
knew that the world was
round, but he
underestimated its
circumference therefore,
when he arrived in the
New World he thought
that he was off the coast
of India, he called the
natives there “Indians”.
53. Final Exam Breakdown
• All 100 questions have appeared on your
previous unit tests and quizzes in World
History this semester.
• 100 multiple choice questions (1 point
• Total score will account for 20% of your
semester grade.
Final Study Guide
• Find a partner
• Summarize each slide into your own words
and answer each question on the final study
• Remember Use your own words!!!!!!
• 30 Minutes