Transcript File
I can explain the
parts of the spinal
and reflexes.
1. Nervous System Quiz
2. Notes over Spinal Cord
and Reflexes
3. Spinal Cord Virtual
Spinal Meninges
Three membranes
surround all of CNS
3) Pia mater
1) Dura mater - "tough
2) Arachnoid
mother", strong
2) Arachnoid meninx spidery looking, carries
blood vessels, etc.
Subarachnoid space
3) Pia mater - "delicate
mother", adheres
tightly to surface of
spinal cord
1) Dura mater
Sectional anatomy of the
spinal cord
White matter is myelinated and
unmyelinated axons
Gray matter is cell bodies, unmyelinated
axons and neuroglia
Projections of gray matter toward outer
surface of cord are horns
The Sectional Organization of
the Spinal Cord
Organization of Cord Cross
Gray matter - interior horns
posterior - somatic and visceral sensory nuclei
anterior (and lateral) gray horns – somatic and visceral motor control
gray commissures - axons carrying information from side to side
White matter - tracts or columns
posterior white column anterior white column
lateral white column
anterior white commissure
ascending tracts - sensory toward brain
descending tracts - motor from brain
Fig 14-5
Horns of spinal cord
Posterior gray horn contains somatic and
visceral sensory nuclei
Anterior gray horns deal with somatic motor
Lateral gray horns contain visceral motor
Gray commissures contain axons that cross
from one side to the other
Peripheral Nerves
Definition: bundles of axons. AKA tracts in CNS
Organization – coverings:
wraps entire nerve
wraps fascicles of tracts
wraps individual axons
31 pairs of spinal nerves
Nerves consist of:
Spinal nerves
White ramus (myelinated axons)
Gray ramus (unmyelinated axons that
innervate glands and smooth muscle)
Dorsal ramus (sensory and motor
innervation to the skin and muscles of the
Ventral ramus (supplying ventrolateral body
surface, body wall and limbs)
Each pair of nerves monitors one
Anatomy of a Peripheral nerve
sensory - afferent
motor - efferent
mixed - contains axons of both
innervations by
specific spinal
nerves Each
pair of spinal
nerves monitors
specific region of
body surface.
significance ?
Nerve plexus
Complex interwoven network of nerves
Four large plexuses
Cervical plexus
Brachial plexus
Lumbar plexus
Sacral plexus
Peripheral Nerves and Nerve Plexus
The Brachial Plexus
The Branchial Plexus
The Branchial Plexus
The Lumbar and Sacral
The Lumbar and Sacral
I can explain the
parts of the spinal
and reflexes.
1. Notes over Reflexes
2. Spinal Cord Virtual
3. Reflexes Lab
4. Exit Ticket
An introduction to reflexes
Reflexes are rapid automatic responses to
Neural reflex involves sensory fibers to CNS
and motor fibers to effectors
Reflex arc
Wiring of a neural reflex
Five steps
Arrival of stimulus and activation of receptor
Activation of sensory neuron
Information processing
Activation of motor neuron
Response by effector
Components of a Reflex Arc
Reflex classification
According to
Site of information processing
Nature of resulting motor response
Complexity of neural circuit
Methods of Classifying
reflex classifications
Innate reflexes
Result from connections that form between
neurons during development
Acquired reflexes
Learned, and typically more complex
More reflex classifications
Cranial reflexes
Reflexes processed in the brain
Spinal reflexes
Interconnections and processing events occur in
the spinal cord
still more reflex classifications
Somatic reflexes
Control skeletal muscle
Visceral reflexes (autonomic reflexes)
Control activities of other systems
and more reflex classifications
Monosynaptic reflex
Sensory neuron synapses directly on a motor
Polysynaptic reflex
At least one interneuron between sensory
afferent and motor efferent
Longer delay between stimulus and response
Neural Organization and
Simple Reflexes
Spinal Reflexes
Range from simple monosynaptic to
complex polysynaptic and intersegmental
Many segments interact to form complex
Monosynaptic Reflexes
Stretch reflex automatically monitors skeletal
muscle length and tone
Patellar (knee jerk) reflex
Sensory receptors are muscle spindles
Postural reflex maintains upright position
Components of the Stretch
The Patellar Reflex
Intrafusal Fibers
Polysynaptic reflexes
Produce more complicated responses
Tendon reflex
Withdrawal reflexes
Flexor reflex
Crossed extensor reflex
The Flexor and Crossed
Extensor Reflexes
Polysynaptic reflexes
Involve pools of interneurons
Are intersegmental in distribution
Involve reciprocal inhibition
Have reverberating circuits to prolong the
motor response
Several reflexes may cooperate to produce a
coordinated response
Reinforcement and inhibition
Reinforcement = facilitation that enhances
spinal reflexes
Spinal reflexes can also be inhibited
Babinski reflex replaced by planter reflex
The Babinski Reflexes