Appeasement for or against

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How did Appeasement help
cause the Second World War?
By the end of the lesson you will be
able to:
• Describe what Appeasement was
• Identify reasons for and against
• Explain why people had different views
about appeasement
• Make a judgement on the role of
appeasement in causing the Second
World War
• According to Paul Kennedy in his
“Strategy and Diplomacy ” (1983),
appeasement is …
"the policy of settling international
quarrels by admitting and satisfying
grievances through rational negotiation
and compromise, thereby avoiding the
resort to an armed conflict which would
be expensive, bloody and possibly
Appease Definition
“To bring peace”
• Turn to a partner and insta-chat gram
tweet (just talk) about why Britain and rest
of Europe followed a policy of
Appeasement toward Germany and Adolf
Hitler in the 1930’s
• List as many reasons as you can think of...
• Share with class.
Introduce you to the Bloggs family.
Which members of the family were for or
against Appeasement – support your
decision with a brief quote
For Appeasement
Against Appeasement
Appeasement – For or Against?
Germany deserves a fair deal.
The Treaty of Versailles was too harsh.
Germans should be ruled by Germans
so we should give all the German land
back to them. Perhaps then there will be
no need for war.
• Cousin Fritz von Bloggs
Appeasement – For or Against?
Every time Germany takes more
land she grows stronger and
becomes more difficult to defeat.
We need to stop Hitler before it is
too late.
• Fred Bloggs aged 16
Appeasement – For or Against?
Hitler has made it clear in his
speeches that he wants more
than just German lands – he
wants to conquer Eastern
Europe as well …then who
knows what next?
• Mrs Bloggs
Appeasement – For or Against?
I’m more worried about Communist Russia
than Nazi Germany. If we allow Germany
to be stronger by giving Hitler what he
wants then they will be better able to stand
up to Russia in the East.
• Mr Bloggs a factory owner
Appeasement – For or Against?
I don’t want another war – just remember
how awful the Great War was. We should
do everything possible to stop wars
happening again.
• Grandma Bloggs who lost her brother
in WWI
Appeasement – For or Against?
Every time Hitler gets away with
invading other countries he’ll think we’ll
never do anything to stop him. His
confidence will grow and he’ll keep on
asking for more. I say we should stop
him now before it’s too late.
• Joe Bloggs aged 17
Appeasement – For or Against?
We’re not ready for war.
What’s the point of fighting a
war we’re likely to lose? We
need more time to prepare.
• Grandpa Bloggs who
fought at the Somme
Appeasement – For or Against?
Where is Czechoslovakia?
Why should we send our
soldiers to fight there?
What’s it got to do with us?
• Susan Bloggs aged 12
For or Against Appeasement?
Neville Chamberlain
Prime Minister
We have achieved
‘Peace in Our Time’
Hitler is a very
reasonable man
Would YOU have
been in favor or
Winston Churchill
Prime Minister
‘We shall fight them
on the beaches…’
Why did U.S. invade Iraq?
Do you remember the argument for
Invading Iraq? Do you believe fear of
Appeasement played a factor?
• Was Hitler solely to blame for causing the
Second World War?
• What have you learned from your study of
Hitler’s rise to power and the causes of the
Second World War?