The Great Patriotic War

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Transcript The Great Patriotic War

Peter Golitsyn
Form 6A
School 574
ужас, бедствие
Disastrous event, war – ужасное событие \ война
2. The war broke out – война разразилась
(to break out)
3. To declare smth. - заявлять, постановлять, официально объявлять о чемто
without declaring war – без объявления войны
4. To expect smth. - ожидать чего-либо
an un-expected attack – неожиданное нападение
5. A non-aggression pact – пакт о ненападении
to sign (-ed) a non-aggression pact –подписать пакт о ненападении
6. To retreat - отступать
retreat - отступление;
they had to retreat – им пришлось отступать
7. Defensive military operation – оборонительная военная операция
8. To set forth the offensive – предпринять \ перейти в наступление
9. Turning point – поворотный момент
10. glorious battle – славная, победная битва \ сражение
11. The rest of the world - остальной мир
12. To contribute to … - внести вклад во что-л.
they contributed to the final victory – они внесли вклад в окончательную
13. Civilians – граждане, гражданское население
14. To suffer (-ed) - страдать, терпеть невзгоды
15. To survive - выжить, выстоять (зд.)
The Great Patriotic War is a most disastrous part of the 2-nd
World War.
It broke out on the 22-nd of June 1941 and lasted for 4 years and
10 months. The army of German fascists attacked Russian
territory without declaring the war.
It was an unexpected attack, Russian army was not prepared to
it. A few months before the Soviet Union and Germany had
signed A Non-Aggression Pact.
German military machine was huge and powerful
The Russian army had
to retreat in the first
months of 1941 and
German fascists
hoped for a quick
and easy victory. But
Hitler’s military
ambitions were
busted in December
Moscow defensive military operation put
the end to retreat and set forth the
offensive of the Soviet army. Strategically
and politically this was the turning point
in the Great Patriotic war.
There were some more glorious battles of the Soviet army which
led us to victory in 1945, such as
The Stalingrad battle in 1942
The Kursk battle - the greatest tank battle in 1943.
The Berlin battle in 1945.
The Great Patriotic War is the most horrible and disastrous
event of the 20-th century.
It was the war of military machines:
Tanks and aircrafts,
Guns, machine guns and antiaircraft guns;
It was the greatest political battle between the communist
Russia and the rest of the world;
And it was the most bloody and severe war in
the world.
Millions of people were killed during the war.
There is not a single Russian family, who
does not have somebody killed or lost or
There were people, outstanding engineers and
constructors who contributed to the final victory of
the Soviet Union in the 2-nd world war. Their names
are: Guryevich, Koshkin, Kalashnikov.
When I watch TV or read books about the war I always feel sorry for
people who died and who lost their families. Millions of soldiers
and officers died in the war. But civilians also suffered greatly.
They were dying of cold and hunger. But there was some great
mental force which helped them to survive and win in the most
destructive war in the world history
We always remember the heroes of the Great
Patriotic War.
And we should never forget the horror of this
war, so that this disaster never repeats.
The war ended on the 9-th of May
1945 by defeat of German Nazism
and by complete victory of
Russian army.
It was the day of joy and sorrow at
the same time. Since 1945 the day
of Victory is the greatest and
dearest holiday all over the