chapter - Human Kinetics

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Transcript chapter - Human Kinetics

Public Relations
• To understand public relations and its role in
positioning and in the formulation of the marketing
• To recognize the importance of effective
community relations programming in product
positioning and effective marketing efforts
• To understand the role, scope, and influence of the
media and how that role can be used in conjunction
with public and community relations programming
to alter perceptions and influence public opinion
and support
Defining Public Relations
• “Public relations is the management function that
evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies
and procedures of an individual or an organization
with the public interest, and executes a program of
action to earn public understanding and
acceptance” (see endnote 3 in book).
• It is “the profitable integration of an organization's
new and continuing relationship with stakeholders,
including customers, by managing all
communications contacts with the organization
that create and protect the reputation of the
organization” (see endnote 4 in book).
Public Relations Formula
• Public relations = Media relations +
Community relations
Functions of PR Department
The ultimate goal for the public relations department is
to cultivate a positive image of the company by
proactively seeking and accommodating favorable
opportunities in the press through these means:
Planning campaigns
Facilitating interviews
Disseminating press releases
Compiling statistical information and other helpful
promotion information
• Holding press conferences
Public Relations Specialist Skills
Building Relationships
Creating the Public Relations Plan
Making the Pitch
Managing the Story
Talking Points
Crisis Management
Media Relations
• Reactive: Responds to inquiries.
• Proactive: The point of initiation is the
organization rather than some external
• Interactive: Develops mutually beneficial
relationships with the media and assists the
media on a variety of issues.
Three Distinct Forms of Community
1. Those initiated by players
2. Those initiated by teams or institutions
3. Those initiated by leagues or governing
Public Relations Integrated
With Marketing
Interactive marketing communications
strategy that seeks to create a variety of media
designed to convey the philosophies, goals,
and objectives of an organization to identified
groups and publics for the purpose of
developing a relationship based on
comprehension, interest, and support
Public Relations Functions
• Provide information and general communication (to
consumers, shareholders, suppliers, competitors,
government agencies, and the general public).
• Inform and communicate.
• Shape and enhance image.
• Promote employee relations.
• Gain political or popular support.
• Recruit and develop business.
• Launch new products or innovations.
• Generate and collect feedback.
• Cope with crisis.
Media Impact on Sport Public Relations:
Sport in the Daily Mix of Life
• Athletes away from the playing field: Ball
• Sport as entertainment: Monday Night
• Expanded sport coverage: ESPN
Strategic Planning and Public
• Strategic planning is a philosophy of
management based on identifying purpose,
objectives, and desired results; establishing
a realistic program for obtaining these
results; and evaluating the performance.
• Public relations initiatives should be a part
of the strategic plan, and public relations
professionals should have input regarding
the development of the plan.