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CH. 19 Nutrition Unit- Making
Responsible Food Choices
Lesson 1 “Your Need for Food”
Health Ed.
substances in food that the body needs in
order to function properly
Have 3 major functions:
1- build, repair, and maintain body tissue
2- regulate body processes
3- provide energy for the body
*There are 6 classes of nutrients. These
classes are divided into two groups.*
6 Classes of Nutrients….
supply energy:
-Nutrients that
Nutrition is:
1- pure science- looks at
how the body uses
2-social science- looks at
the relationship
between food, human
behavior, the
environment, and
why people eat
Dietitian vs. Nutritionist
Nutritionist- no certification is required
Dietitian- must be registered by the
American Dietetics Association; they use
diet to control disease states in
individuals; they may also teach classes
or manage food delivery systems
Why do we eat?
1- Physical Need- fuel
However, 6 out of 10 leading causes of
death in the United States is in some
way linked to food
Heart disease
Hypertension “blood pressure”
2- The environment:
Culture- food choices reflect ethnic
backgrounds as well as religious beliefs
Family and Friends- eating is a social
activity, most children pattern their
eating behavior after their parents
The Environment….
Time and Money- cost, confidence,
and taste all play important roles
3- Your Emotions
Eating is closely tied to emotions (coping
mechanism) When a person is stressed
out they tend to eat more refined sugars
and high fatty foods
-sugar reduces the amount of adrenal
“fight/flight” hormones
However, in some cases strong
emotions can cause a person to
lose their appetite all together
and eat an unbalanced diet
Nutrition throughout life….
As people age their dietary needs
change, metabolism slows down and
energy level decrease
 Adolescence- second fastest period of
Nutrition is essential during this time
period. However, many teenagers skip
meals or eat high-fat foods. Why?
Lesson 2: “Your Body’s
Need for Nutrients”
Health Ed.
Nutrients perform life sustaining
functions in the body
Digestion- process of breaking food down
into similar forms of nutrients for the
body to break down and absorb
Scientist have identified over 40 different
Bodies main source of energy (42% to 44% of
daily intake/used to be much higher)
3 different forms:
1- sugars
2- starches
3- fiber
Simple vs. Complex Carbs…..
Simple= 1 or 2 sugar molecules (sucrose,
fructose, lactose)
Complex= long chains of sugar molecules
-beans, potatoes
Role of Carbohydrates…..
Provide energy in the form of sugar
Sources of Carbohydrates:
Vegetables and pasta
What is it?
Indigestible plant material
2 types:
1- Soluble- slows down glucose absorption,
swells when put in water, makes a person feel
2- Insoluble- Stays the same when put in water,
helps that digestion process
“lipids”- fatty substance that does not dissolve in
Fats are composed of: carbon, hydrogen, and
oxygen chains
Saturated fat- found in animal products, occurs
when a carbon chain holds all the hydrogen it
Polysaturated fats- oils and nuts, have two or
more hydrogen molecules missing
DO people need fat?
Fat is essential for temp. control and
protecting organs
Fats carry fat soluble vitamins
Fats should be 30% of your intake (no
more than 10% from saturated fats)
A fatlike substance used by the body to
produce certain hormones and
vitamin D
Mostly found in animal products…..
HDL- good cholesterol
LDL- bad cholesterol
Dietary vs. Serum Cholesterol
Dietary- comes
from food
Serumcholesterol that
circulates in
your blood
Greek origin “of prime importance”
Consist of 20 amino acids (9 of the 20
are called “essential amino acids”)
Essential amino acids- must come from
foods you eat
Roles of Proteins….
1- Building and maintaining body
2- Help regulate body processes in
enzymes, hormones, and antibodies
3-Can be used a source of energy in
emergency situations
Complete vs. Incomplete
Complete proteins= have all 9
essential amino acids (found mostly
in animal products)
Incomplete proteins= lack one of the
essential amino acids (found in plant
Needed in small amounts to regulate
body processes
2 types:
1- water soluble
2- fat soluble
Water Soluble…
Dissolve in water
Needed daily
Are not stored in the body
Pass easily into the blood during
(example: Vitamin C)
Fat- Soluble
Stored in the body
Excess build up could be toxic
Absorbed and transported by fat
(example: A,D,E,K)
Inorganic substances the body can
not produce that are needed to start
and relate different body processes
60% of your body is made of water
People need 8 glasses of water each day
Water is also found in many fruits and
Water is used transport waste from cells,
regulate body temp, and lubricate joints
 Sets guideline for
daily dietary
CH.19 Lesson 3
“Choosing a Healthy Diet”
Health Ed.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans….
Diet- everything you eat or drink
Daily Food Guide- offers an easy way to
choose a varied, well-balanced diet
Eat a variety of 40 nutrients
How many servings you need
depends on your age, sex, physical
condition, body composition
Food Guide Pyramid….
Serving Sizes……
Bread, Cereals, Rice,
2 to 4 servings
Milk, yogurt, cheese
2 to 3 servings
6 to 11 servings daily
3 to 5 servings
Meat, Fish, Poultry
2 to 3 servings
Fats, oils, sweets
Use sparingly
Maintain Healthy Weight
Controlling body fat is more important to
health than controlling body weight
Calories are calories no matter where they
come from
Watching your diet is more important than
watching the scale
Limit your fat intake………
Only 30% diet should consist of fat/ limit
cholesterol intake to 300 mg per day
Controlling fat in foods:
Cut off excess fat of meats
Choose chicken over red meat
Energy Balance
One pound of fat equals 3,500 calories
Calorie intake > calorie output; weight gain
Calorie intake < calorie output; weight loss
Metabolism- (50%-70%) of daily calories
expended, calories needed for fuel cells
Other Recommendations….
Eat fiber rich foods; American need at least 20
mg per day. The average person only
consumes 10mg
Use sugar in moderation-cut back on sodas
Use salt in moderation-high salt intake can
lead to hypertension (taste food before
CH.19 lesson 4 “Being a
Wise Food Consumer”
Health Ed
Food additives- substances added to food
intentionally to produce a desired effect
Enriched- nutrients lost during
processing are added back
Fortification- adds nutrients not naturally
Unit pricing- shows the cost per unit of
different-size packages
CH:20 “Problems with Foods”
Lesson 1: Weight Control
Health Ed.
A balancing act…..
Calorie- unit of energy
1 lb. of body fat = 3,500 calories
To safely lose 1 lb per wk. you must
cut back 500 calories per day (500 x
7 = 3,500)
Body composition…
ENDOMORPH: Body type
characterized by a heavy rounded build,
often with a marked tendency toward
being overweight.
Characterized by a light build and slight
muscular development
MESOMORPH: Husky body type, with
muscular build.
Overweight- being 10% over the
standard weight for height
Obese- being 25% over the standard
weight for height
BMI “Body Mass Index”
the number, derived by using height
and weight measurements, that gives
a general indication if weight falls
within a healthy range
Multiply your weight in lbs x 705,
then divide by your height in inches
Main Classifications…..
1- Underweight- below 18.5
2- Overweight- 25 to 29.9
3- Obese- 30 to 39.9
Average American is 25.5
Person is 130 lbs and 60 inches tall (5 feet)
130 x 705 = 91,650
Height in inches2 = 602 = 3600
91,650 / 3600 = 25.45
BMI = 25.45
What BMI Classification is this person?
What is your BMI?
______ weight in pounds and height
______ inches tall
 _____ x 705 = _______
 Height in inches2 = _______
 ______ / _______ = _______
 BMI = ______
 What is your BMI Classification?
Waist to Hip Ratio
Measurement of fat distribution
Measures your waist and hips ratio.
Waist = Top of Hip Bone
Hip = Widest portion of the buttocks
Who is at greater risk for health
 Men: WTHR > .90
 Women: WTHR > .80
What is your WTHR?
Find a same gender partner and record:
 Your waist circumference in inches:
 Your hip circumference in inches:
Divide your waist measurement by the
hip measurement.
Starting a weight Control Program…
Target your weight- healthy!
Set smart goals (1 lb per wk)
Make a personal plan
Put that plan in writing
Stick to the plan
Set- Point Theory
Each body had a particular weight
that it “likes” to maintain
Weight loss strategies…
Eat at least 1,400 calories per day
Eat slowly
Avoid rewarding yourself with food
Eat foods you like. If that food is high in
calories eat tiny portions.
Weight gain strategies…
Increase carbohydrate intake
Don’t eat empty calories
Perform muscle building exercises
Need 700-1000 more calories per day
The Wrong way to weight loss…
Fad Dieting
Liquid protein diets
Diet pills