Transcript File

Game Directions
Game Preparation
Game Pieces
The Voyage
across the Earth’s
Play the game
Copyright Notice
A Homemade PowerPoint Game
By, Sohnia Malik
Wayne State University
The Voyage Across the Earth’s Surface
An evil warlock has captured a geologist and cast a spell on
him to come up with a way to destroy the planet Earth. He has
hidden the geologist in a dungeon that is protected by a powerful
dragon. The dragon could only be destroyed if it is struck by
special rocks. No one knows what the special rocks are except for
the warlock.
Your mission is to search and collect the special rocks by
deciphering clues about the rocks that are scattered across the
earth’s surface by the warlock. You need to find these rocks to
destroy the dragon and rescue the geologist from destroying the
Earth. The people are counting on you to save their planet.
Be aware! The warlock will put up obstacles in your way to
find those precious rocks. The people know that you can get this
done and wish you good luck on your voyage across the Earth’s
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Game Directions
• Set up the game board and give each person a rock to use as a
• Begin the game on the computer by clicking on the “Play the
Game” link.
• Determine the order of player turns by turning the number
• The first player turns the number wheel and advances the
number of spaces indicated.
• If the player lands on a “Danger,” or “Question” space, the
player clicks on the corresponding link on the computer screen
and answers the question or accepts the penalty.
• A rock is given to each player who answers a question correctly.
The person to collect the most rocks by the FINISH line wins
the game. The player needs to get the exact number to reach
FINISH. That person advances to the dungeon on the game
board to strike the dragon!
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Game Preparation
• Game Board: Print out slides 6-7, cut off the edges, then
tape together on the dashed lines.
( Click slide 6 and slide 7)
• Game Pieces: The game pieces will be small samples of
rocks that are provided by the teacher. Each person
needs to choose a rock.
• Number Wheel: Print out slide 8, cut out wheel and
pointer, attach the pointer in the middle of the wheel with
a clasp that is provided by your teacher. (Click slide 8)
• Rocks: Teacher will need to provide students with
different samples of rocks to collect during the game.
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Game Pieces
The game pieces will be small samples of
rocks that are provided by the teacher.
Each person needs to choose a different
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Home Page
You start off your
mission and
Question 1 on a
pile of rocks.
You get a
shovel to dig
deeper into the
ground and
Question 2.
As you walk through
the Earth’s surface,
you find Question
16 amongst several
igneous rocks.
You face the
Warlock’s first
trap. Pick up
Danger Card 1.
You dig your way
out of the cave
and find
Question 15.
You have found an
imprint of Question
3 & 4 in shale.
Answer both
The Warlock has
caused darkness.
Pick up Danger
Card 5.
You bu
that lea
shirt. T
has Que
You find
Question 14
hanging from the
roof of the cave.
You walk several
miles and land on a
flood plain that has
Question 17.
You suddenly feel
rain pounding on
you. Pick up Danger
Card 6.
The stream
carries you gently
to safety and you
find Questions
18 & 19.
You observe rocks
that have been
rounded from
erosion and find
Question 20.
You spot trilobite
fossils in
sedimentary rocks
and discover
Question 21.
As you walk by
the ocean
shoreline, you
feel a loud
trembling. Pick up
Danger Card 7.
Home Page
mp into a
ious rock
eaves a
e on your
he rock
stion 5 on
You climb up the
Rocky Mountains
and discover
Question 6.
You sense danger
and face the
Warlock’s trap.
Pick up Danger
Card 2.
You decide to dig
deep into the Earth
and as you dig
through the crust,
you find
Question 7.
You land on the
lithosphere and try to
break through it and
discover Question 8.
You feel the heat as you
enter the asthenosphere.
You find Question 9.
Your feet lose
balance and
you face
another trap.
Pick up Danger
Card 4.
You land on an
important rock
structure and
discover Question
You find safety
on a high land
and discover
Question 22.
You land above
the Earth’s surface
surrounded by lava
and discover
11 & 12.
You can now
hear the cries of
the dragon! You
find Question 23
on a pile of
The lava is
flowing and
carrying you with
it. Answer
Question 10 and
move ahead 1
You walk through
the forest and
suddenly feel
scorching heat on
your face. Pick up
Danger Card 8.
You are getting
closer! You find
Question 24 on
some petrified
BOOM!!! Pick up
Danger Card 3.
You come face to
face with the
dragon! The
dragon roars out
Question 25.
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Play the Game
Game Directions
Danger Cards
You feel the ground trembling beneath
you! The warlock has just caused an
earthquake! You stop and take cover.
Skip your turn.
Time to Play
You tumble down the Rockies! The
warlock has just caused a landslide! You
stop and take cover.
Skip your turn.
Time to Play
Uh-Oh! The warlock has just caused a
volcano to erupt! You lose one rock that
you collected.
Return one rock back to the warlock.
Time to Play
You have fallen into a cave.
Move back 2 spaces and skip your turn.
Time to Play
You seem to be lost in the cave.
Move back 2 spaces and skip your turn.
Time to Play
The warlock has just caused a big rainstorm,
which resulted in a flood! You lose one of your
rocks while another game player picks it up.
Give one of your rocks that you collected to
the player on your right.
Time to Play
Strong waves overcome you as you run on
the trembling ground. The warlock has just
caused a tsunami! You take cover and lose
one rock.
Return one rock back to the Warlock and skip
your turn.
Time to Play
There are flames all around you! The Warlock
has caused a forest fire! You run past the fire
and receive several wounds so you go back
to fix your health.
Skip your turn and go back 2 spaces.
Time to Play
Question 1
The warlock will give you a rock if you
can correctly identify the texture of the
rock (quartz syenite) in the picture.
Porphyritic texture
Coarse-grained texture
Fine-grained texture
Question 2
This mysterious rock came from outer space. It crashed into
Earth and formed a crater. What is this mysterious rock?
Question 3
The warlock will give you the conglomerate rock if you
can tell him what type of rock it is and why its important
to geologists.
Metamorphic rock; it’s a rare rock
Igneous rock; it’s a beautiful rock
Stone; it’s used to make buildings
Sedimentary; it contains fossils
Question 4
This mysterious rock makes up much of the oceanic crust.
This rock formed when a volcano erupted lava onto the
Earth’s surface. What is this mysterious rock?
Question 5
This mysterious rock is an organic sedimentary rock that is
used to make chalk. What is this mysterious rock?
Question 6
Breccia is shown on the left. The warlock
will give you this rock if you can identify
what type of rock it is.
Question 7
Granite came from magma that cooled slowly. The
warlock will give you granite if you can correctly identify
its picture.
Question 8
This mysterious rock floats in water. The lava that produced
this rock had more gas in it so it is very light. What is this
mysterious rock?
Question 9
Obsidian has a black glassy appearance. If
you can tell the warlock why obsidian is so
smooth and shiny, then you can collect the
Because the lava cooled really slowly
Because the lava cooled really quickly
Because the lava contained a lot of gas
Because the lava was really hot
Question 10
How do sedimentary rocks form?
From erosion, deposition, compaction, and cementation of
Forms from magma that has cooled beneath the Earth’s
surface or lava that has erupted onto the Earth’s surface
From the heat and pressure that is applied beneath the
Earth’s surface
From machines
Question 11
Rocks found on the moon have some of the same
compositions as rocks found on earth. What theory
does this fact support?
Continental Drift Theory
Evolution Theory
Big Bang Theory
Theory of Relativity
Question 12
If you wanted to get a tombstone for someone you cared
about, then what type of rock should you use for the
tombstone so it could last long?
Question 13
You come across Mount Rushmore and remember that it is one of the
world's greatest mountain carvings. The faces of four great American
presidents are carved in the side of the Black Hills of South Dakota.
What type of rock is Mount Rushmore?
Question 14
You have just stepped into a cave and you notice long structures
hanging from the roof of the cave. You need to tell the warlock
what are those structures called and what rock forms it?
Stalagmite; limestone
Stalagmite; sandstone
Stalactite; limestone
Stalactite; granite
Question 15
This mysterious rock is a clastic sedimentary rock that has
layers that have been cemented together. What is this
mysterious rock?
Question 16
How do igneous rocks form?
From erosion, deposition, compaction, and cementation of
Forms from magma that has cooled beneath the Earth’s
surface or lava that has erupted onto the Earth’s surface
From the heat and pressure that is applied beneath the
Earth’s surface
From machines
Question 17
How was the rock (slate) in the picture formed?
From erosion, deposition, compaction,
and cementation of sediments
Forms from magma that has cooled
beneath the Earth’s surface or lava that
has erupted onto the Earth’s surface
From the heat and pressure that is
applied beneath the Earth’s surface
From machines
Question 18
Look at the rock cycle diagram to the right. Identify the type
of rock that should go in hexagon A, B, and C.
A= metamorphic
B= sedimentary
C= igneous
A= igneous
B= sedimentary
C= metamorphic
A= metamorphic
B= igneous
C= sedimentary
A= sedimentary
B= metamorphic
C= igneous
Question 19
Pretend you are sediment at the bottom of the ocean. Describe how you
could have gotten there, if you started out as lava from an erupting volcano.
Lava hardened into igneous rock; over time weathering caused the rock
to break down; broken rock eroded into the river and then went to the
trenches; it formed into a metamorphic rock at the bottom of the ocean
Lava hardened into igneous rock; over time weathering caused the rock
to break down; broken rock eroded into a river; it was carried to the ocean
and deposited as sediment
Lava hardened into igneous rock; the rock eroded into a river; it was carried
to the ocean; weathering broke the rock down; deposited as a sediment
Lava hardened into sedimentary rock; over time weathering caused the rock
to break down; broken rock eroded into a river; it was carried to the ocean
and deposited as sediment
Question 20
What are some factors you would consider while trying
to decide the origin of a rock?
Crystal size, layering, composition, texture
Density, mass, color, layering
Streak, hardness, luster, color
Igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic
Question 21
Why are you less likely find fossils in metamorphic
rocks than sedimentary rocks?
Metamorphic rocks are too fragile to store fossils
Lava that cause the metamorphic rocks to form would destroy
the fossils
Heat and pressure that cause metamorphic rocks to form
would destroy the fossils
The weight of the Earth’s crust that cause metamorphic rocks
to form would destroy the fossils
Question 22
What mysterious rock is formed when granite changes
to a metamorphic rock?
Question 23
A rock’s texture gives clues about how the rock formed.
What can you infer about the process by which the rock
in the picture formed?
It is an igneous rock formed from magma
that cooled slowly
It is an igneous rock formed from lava that
cooled quickly
It is a metamorphic rock formed from heat
and pressure
It is a sedimentary rock formed from pieces
of other rocks that were cemented together
Question 24
In the rock cycle, igneous, metamorphic, and
sedimentary rocks can all become magma again. What
step in the rock cycle causes this to happen?
Question 25
The sedimentary rocks limestone and sandstone are used as building
materials. However, they wear away more rapidly than marble and quartzite,
the metamorphic rocks that are formed from them. Why is this so?
The foliation in the metamorphic rocks help resist weathering
The layers in the metamorphic rocks help resist weathering
The grains in the metamorphic rocks are loose together than in sedimentary
rock, which helps resist weathering
The grains in the metamorphic rocks are closer together than in sedimentary
rock, which helps resist weathering
You are correct!
Collect your rock!
Play the Game
Oops, you are incorrect.
Play the Game
Educational Objectives
– 6-8 grades
– Science / Earth Science
– Students will be able to explain how igneous, sedimentary, and
metamorphic rocks are formed.
– Students will be able to explain how rocks are broken down and
surface features change.
– Students will be able to identify and describe the three major
groups of rocks.
– Students will be able to identify the characteristics used to
identify igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks.
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All teachers and students at non-profit schools
can use, revise, or adapt this game at will at no
cost on the condition that all prior designers are
Originally designed by Sohnia Malik, Wayne
State University, October 21, 2007, “The Voyage
across the Earth’s Surface.”
Copyright Notice
Copyright 2007 Sohnia Malik
Permission to copy this game at no cost is granted to all
teachers and students of non-profit schools.
Permission is also granted to all teachers and students
of non-profit schools to make revisions to this game for
their own purposes, on the condition that this copyright
page and the credits page remain part of the game.
Teachers and students who adapt the game should add
their names and affiliations to the credits page without
deleting any names already there.
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