Transcript Slide 1

Cells and Cell Organelles
Cells and Organelles
Cells are the basic “living”
unit in an organism that has
• structure
• function
• organization
Organelles are the parts
within a cell that work
together for the cell to
• Made up of molecules
The Plasma Membrane
(in all cells)
• It is a semi-permeable
barrier that allows for
the passage of some
things based upon
charges and
solubility in fat
Plasma Membrane’s
(animal cells)
• Fingerlike-projections from
the cell’s membrane
• increase the surface area
for better absorption or
Cell Wall
(in plant cells and prokaryotic cells)
Surrounding the plasma membrane ,
1. provides support
2. protects
plant cells and
(in all cells)
• The jelly-like fluid that holds all organelles
(cell parts) within the cell
Cilia and Flagella
(in all cells)
• Hair-like projections that
aide in movement
• Cilia are shorter,
more numerous and
move back & forth
• Flagella are longer &
move in a snake-like
Nucleus and
SEM of a freeze-fractured
nuclear membrane
(in eukaryotic cells)
• _________make
in the nucleus
• Nucleus holds
DNA wrapped
around proteins that
form chromatin
Nuclear pores
• ____________,
allow things to
pass into and out
of the nucleus
TEM of nuclear pores
Ribosomes: (in all cells)
Function in protein synthesis (formation)
1. Proteins made by free ribosomes stay in the cell
2. Proteins made by attached ribosomes are shipped
out of the cell or sent to the membrane
Free ribosomes
Attached ribosomes
(on ER)
TEM of ribosomes
Ribosome unit
Endoplasmic Reticulum
(in eukaryotic cells)
There are two types:
1. Rough ER has ribosomes
Modifies & transports
2. Smooth ER does not have
ribosomes on it.
Makes lipids (fat)
Breaks down carbohydrates
Detoxifies drugs & poisons
Vesicles (in eukaryotic cells)
Organelles that
proteins from
the ER to the
golgi apparatus
and eventually
to the plasma
Golgi Apparatus (in eukaryotic cells)
Vesicles carrying protein from the ER move here.
It sorts, packages, and ships
these proteins outside the
cell or to the membrane.
Mitochondria (in eukaryotic cells)
Cellular Respiration takes place here.
powerhouse of the cell because it creates
It is the “____________”
energy called ATP using oxygen gas and sugar
Chloroplasts (in plant cells)
• This changes energy from the
sun into chemical energy (sugar)
in a process is called
photosynthesis . To do this, H2O is
also needed, and CO2 is
Vacuoles (in eukaryotic cells)
• Large, central
organelle in plants
that stores water
for photosynthesis
• In animals, it stores
water, waste, and
food and is small in
size compared to
plant vacuoles
The Cytoskeleton
(in all cells)
• A cell’s internal skeleton
The Cytoskeleton
(in all cells)
1. Provides shape and support (skeletal)
2. Moves the
organelles within the
cell and helps move
Centrosome (in eukaryotic cells) and
Centrioles (in animal cells only)
• Centrosomes (in eukaryotes) make parts of the
cytoskeleton and spindle fibers that help in cell division.
• In animal cells, a pair of structures called
centrioles (made of cytoskeleton) also help
in cell division.
Lysosomes (in animal cells)
• Special vacuole in animal
cells with _________
enzymes that help cleanup the cell
Lysosome engulfing a
worn-out organelle