Western Water Managers Roundtable

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Transcript Western Water Managers Roundtable

US Climate Change Science Program
Incorporating the US Global Change Research Program and the Climate Change Research Initiative
U.S. Climate Change Science Program
Listening Session
What is the U.S. Climate Change Science Program?
 The U.S. Climate Change Science Program (CCSP) coordinates and
integrates scientific research on climate change and global change
across 13 participating agencies of the U.S. Government.
 The program is mandated by the Global Change Research Act of 1990.
 The CCSP facilitates the creation and application of knowledge of the
Earth’s global environment through research, observations, decision
support, and communication.
 Program’s Goal: To empower the nation and global community by
providing the scientific information and tools necessary to manage the
risks and opportunities presented by changes in the climate and other
environmental systems.
Climate Change Impacts: Making a Difference
Climate Change Impacts: Making a Difference
Most Alaskan Glaciers Retreating,
Thinning, Or Stagnating
Science Daily (Oct. 6, 2008) — Most glaciers in every
mountain range and island group in Alaska are
experiencing significant retreat, thinning or
stagnation, especially glaciers at lower elevations,
according to a new book published by the U.S.
Geological Survey. In places, these changes began as
early as the middle of the 18th century.
Listening Session Objectives
• Primary Objective:
– To engage stakeholders to inform the federal government’s strategic
planning of climate change research activities.
• Secondary Objectives:
– Inform stakeholders about the federal climate science program and its
strategic planning process.
– Generate a list of stakeholders with an interest in CCSP for information
sharing and ongoing interactions.
Discussion Questions
 What can an interagency federal climate program offer to better meet
your climate science and information needs?
 What climate-related decisions are you involved in?
• For what decisions is the needed climate information not yet available?
• What is preventing you from obtaining or using the information?
 How can CCSP research better inform decision making on both
mitigation and adaptation?
 Are scientific assessments related to climate change valuable to you?
 What delivery mechanisms are important to you in getting science
information incorporated into your climate change decision making?
Discussion Questions
 What are the biggest research gaps?
 What types of research are needed to better inform decisions related
to mitigation and adaptation?
 What are your highest priority observational/measurement needs:
• for your research?
• to support decision making?
 What are the greatest future research and modeling opportunities?
Incorporating the US Global Change Research Program and the Climate Change Research Initiative
US Climate Change Science Program
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