Transcript Chapter 12x

Benefits of Physical
 Physical Activity- any form of movement that causes your
body to use energy
 Improves Physical Fitness- the ability to carry out daily
tasks easily and have enough reserve energy to respond to
unexpected demands
 Exercise- purposeful activity that is planned, structured and
repetitive and that improves or maintains physical fitness
Mental & Emotional
 Stress Relief
 Endorphins
 Mood enhancement
 Better Sleep
 Improved Self-Esteem
 Being part of a team
 Make new friends with similar interests
 Spend more time with old friends
Being Inactive
 Sedentary- involving little activity
Unhealthful weight gain
Type 2 diabetes
Psychological Problems
Premature Death
Elements of Fitness
 Cardiorespiratory Endurance- the ability of your heart,
lungs and blood vessels to send fuel and oxygen to your tissues
during long periods of moderate to vigorous activity
 Muscular Strength- the amount of force your muscles can
 Muscular Endurance- ability of your muscles to perform
physical tasks over a period of time without tiring
Elements of Fitness
 Flexibility- the ability to move your body parts through
their full range of motion
 Body Composition- the ratio of fat to lean tissue in your
Evaluating Your fitness
 Cardio Endurance
 3-minute step test
 Muscular Strength & Endurance
 Partial curl-ups
 Right-Angle push-ups
 Flexibility
 Sit-and-reach
Getting Fit
 Aerobic Exercise- includes all rhythmic activities that use large
muscle groups for an extended period of time
 Swimming
 Running
 Hiking
 Kickboxing
 Dancing
 Cardio Endurance
 Bone Strength
Getting Fit
 Anaerobic Exercise- involves intense, short bursts of
activity in which the muscles work so hard that they produce
energy without using oxygen
 Sprinting
 Weight lifting
 Muscular Strength
 Muscular Endurance
 Bone Strength
 Isometric- no movement
 Isotonic- movement of the joint with muscle contraction
 Isokinetic- resistance through a steady range of motion
Principles of Building
 Specificity- choosing the right types of activities to improve
a given element of fitness
 Overload- exercising at a level that’s beyond your regular
daily activities
 Progression- gradually increasing the demands on your
 Regularity- working out on a regular basis
Stages of a Workout
 Warm-Up- gentle cardiovascular activity that prepares your
muscles for work
 Increases in blood flow to specific muscles
 Increases body temperature and heart rate
 Should work the same muscles you’re going to use in
your workout
Stages of a Workout
 Workout- part of an exercise session when you are
exercising at your highest peak
 Frequency of workouts
 Intensity of workouts
 Type of activity
 Time of workouts
Stages of a Workout
 Cool-Down- low-level activity that prepares your body to return
to a resting state
 Allows your heart rate, breathing and body temperature to
return to normal
 Resting Heart Rate- number of times your heart beats per
minute when you are not active
 To check your resting heart rate; sit quietly for at least 5
minutes, take your pulse for 15 seconds then multiply by 4