Transcript Chapter 10

Training principles including intensity,
duration, frequency, overload, specificity,
individuality, diminishing returns, variety,
maintenance and detraining
A variety of fitness training methods
including continuous, interval, fartlek,
circuit, weight/resistance, flexibility,
plyometrics, speed, swiss ball and core
strength training to improve aerobic
capacity, anaerobic capacity, muscular
strength and endurance, speed, flexibility
and muscular power.
Plan, participate in and critique a six week
training schedule that displays correct
training principle application to appropriate
training methods in an effort to maintain
and/or improve designated health related
fitness components
Participate in, analyse and report on
activities designed to investigate pre and
post-test fitness levels.
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Training Principles – SIDOF and
•Detraining (reversibility)
•Diminishing returns
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During training, activities must replicate the:
•energy system usage
•work-to-rest ratio
•fitness components
•major muscles and movements.
Called upon during competition/performance
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Refers to the level of exertion applied during training – simply, how hard
training is performed at!
Intensity can be determined by using:
•Heart rate monitors
•GPS units
•Percentage of VO2 maximum (laboratory) or –
the easiest of all – Rate of perceived exertion (RPE) (e.g. Borg’s scale).
Sometimes activities lasting less than 30 seconds performed at maximal intensity
will not register as being at maximal levels using any of the monitors listed above
because the time is insufficient for the cardiovascular system to be activated to
maximal levels. This is where the RPE comes in handy for short training efforts
calling upon the two anaerobic energy systems. The monitors listed above are
better suited to aerobic training.
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Intensity and 'training zones'
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This can refer to:
•length of a training program (3 months, 12 months, etc.)
•length of the training session ( 20 minutes, 90 minutes, etc.)
•minimum amount of time required for training adaptations to occur
(flexibility can improve in a couple of weeks, muscular power and strength need at least 2
months and aerobic capacity needs a minimum of 3–4 months)
•amount of work performed during training, not considering rest periods
(particularly relevant to interval training).
Periodisation is simply organising a training program into manageable blocks of
time that include tapering/ unloading (reducing training volumes) and peaking
to ensure prime physiological and psychological states for major events.
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This means placing the body under new stress (loads) after it has adjusted
to previous loads in an effort to brig about improvements.
Overload should only:
•occur once training becomes 'easier' and thus signal adjustment/adaptation has
occurred and it’s time to move on (it does not occur on a weekly basis!)
•involve one training parameter/principle
•be in the range of 2–10% or risk overtraining and injury.
When overload is applied, appropriate and
adequate recovery is critical to ensure
adaptations occur fully and quickly.
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= the number of training sessions undertaken in a week
•Improvements are linked to three sessions per week.
•Maintenance of components, energy systems and adaptations
is linked to two sessions per week
In most cases, performers will only do 1 session per day, however as they
become more experienced or more elite they are better able to schedule
recovery sessions and may increase the number of sessions per week without
risking overtraining e.g.–
• marathon runners training every day (sometimes twice per day) – they build
into their program 'easier' sessions that are often referred to as 'recovery runs'
• resistance training may start out working the entire body on three
days/sessions per week and progress to split routines, working two different
muscle groups twice per week for a total of four sessions.
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This is sometimes referred to as reversibility
Detraining occurs when training ceases (injury, illness, training
break) and sees a rapid return to pre-training levels.
Adaptations are reversed a lot quicker than it takes to see them
NB – Detraining occurs quickest in people with immobilisation
injuries and hence the need to rehabilitation during recovery from
During 'off-season' blocks of a training year, athletes will undergo a
maintenance routine and train TWICE per week in an effort to avoid
detraining and loose fitness gains.
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Everyone is different (age, gender, fitness levels, genetic
predisposition, adaptive responses, skills, levels of motivation
and experience) and thus it is important that a training program
be 'tailored' to suit the individual’s needs.
Tailoring a training program might be very difficult or
impracticable where limited funding or limited coaching/training
support is available, e.g. A local football or netball club with one
coach and every player does the same training.
Elite athletes/team players undertake whole team training to
develop skills, set plays, etc., but have individualised
supplementary physiological training which is tailored to their
ever changing fitness profile and needs.
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Diminishing returns
Everyone has a 'pre-programmed' genetic potential for
An untrained person will show greater initial improvements
in response to training than their more trained counterparts.
As a performer gets closer to their potential, their rate of
improvement slows.
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Variety is all about introducing changes to a training program by
incorporating different training stimuli whilst still keeping the
training sessions specific to game demands.
Variety is useful in renewing training motivation, introducing new
interest and stressing muscles in new ways to elicit new
• runners may choose different terrains – track, road, beach, forests
• a bench press may be replaced with dumbbell 'flys‘.
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Training sequences
Training logs outlining the physiological and psychological states
before, during and after training are vital when reviewing a program
and looking for signs of overtraining as well as having
reference points to make modifications/improvements.
Warm ups
• last approx 8–10 min (or until light sweating occurs)
• start with light aerobic work and gradually increase in intensity
• involve actions that replicate those that are about to be performed in training/
• should include dynamic stretching /movements specific to the activity about to be
• need to consider attainment of optimal arousal levels.
Cool downs
• often involve the same muscle actions used in training at reduced intensities
• prolong EPOC to facilitate removal of metabolic by-products
• reduce future DOMS (delayed onset of muscle soreness)
• are the best time to perform stretching/flexibility work due to decreased joint viscosity
and warm soft tissue temperatures.
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Training methods should be chosen because of their specific
ability to improve fitness components and energy systems.
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Interval training has periods of work followed by periods of rest,
depending on the main energy system involved to make training specific:
Long Interval
Primarily trains = Aerobic energy system, but also some LA system benefit Work : rest = 1 : 1
Intensity = 75-85% HR max
Duration = 1  4 minutes
Recommended rest = 1  4 minutes (same as work period)
Commonly used for = team sports with high aerobic base; 800m  3,000 m track events; 100 m 
800 m swimming events
 Intermediate Interval
Primarily trains = LA system, but also some aerobic energy system benefit Work : rest = 1 : 2 or 1 : 3
Intensity = 85+ % HR max
Duration = 15 seconds  1 minute
Recommended rest = 45 seconds  2/3 minutes
Commonly used for = team sports which have frequent burst of anaerobic efforts lasting 5–10 seconds;
200m  1,500 m track events; 25 m  100 m swimming events
 Short Interval
Primarily trains = ATP–PC & LA systems
Work : rest = 1 : 4 or 1 :
Intensity = maximal
Duration = 5 – 15 seconds
Recommended rest = 15/20 seconds 1 minute
Commonly used for = team sports involving repeated short sprints; 100 m track event; 25 m swimming
The longer the rest period, the greater the amount of PC restoration that occurs, and the more training is
likely be of the ATP–PC system.
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Interval training terminology
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Continuous training
• involves running, cycling, swimming, etc., non-stop for a period of time
• is associated with improved cardiovascular functions (health benefit)
• must be completed within the 'aerobic training zone' = 70–85% max HR
• needs to be maintained for a minimum of 20 minutes (duration).
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Fartlek training
• originated in Sweden and means 'speed play'
• combines continuous work (running, cycling, swimming)
with bursts of speed and lower intensity activities
• calls upon both anaerobic and aerobic energy systems
• trains both aerobic and anaerobic fitness components
• hills represent ideal terrain for Fartlek because they lend
themselves to random changes in performance intensities
and 'coasting/ floating' recoveries during downhill sections.
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Resistance/weight training terminology
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Resistance/weight training guidelines for beginners and
intermediate performers
Resistance/weight training guidelines for advanced
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Resistance training – extra information
• muscle fibres are recruited according to intensity levels
• slow-twitch fibres are recruited at low intensities, fast-twitch fibres are recruited
as intensity increases to maximal levels
• strength, power and hypertrophy training are all anaerobic and focus on fast-twitch
• power is developed by working with 'light' resistances at 30–50% RM to enable the
actions to be explosive and performed rapidly
• strength is developed by working with 'heavy' resistances at 70–80% RM to enable
the actions to be performed at slow-moderate contraction speed
• LME is developed by working with 'moderate' resistances at approx 50% RM to
enable the actions to be performed quickly with high repetitions.
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Speed training
• short interval training combined with technique development will
contribute to improved speed
• strength development and plyometrics will also contribute to improved
• running speed is a combination of stride frequency and stride length and
speed will improve if one is maintained whilst the other is improved.
Stride frequency will be improved as
more contact is made with the ground and
typical training drills to develop this involve
downhill running, speed ladders and short
hurdle work.
Stride length is developed by improving
leg strength to allow longer strides to be
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Plyometrics training
• calls upon the stretch-shortening cycle of muscles
• a rapid eccentric contraction (stored elastic energy) produces a
stretch reflex followed by a rapid concentric contraction
• improves speed, agility and power by improved neural pathways and
more efficient fibre recruitment and firing rates.
• improves running efficiency by generating more 'bound' per foot
contact and hence increasingly being used by endurance runners.
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Circuit training
• performers rotate through different activity stations (usually 8–12)
• trade of between training multiple fitness components and larger
single component gains obtained via more targeted/specific training
• unless LME is being trained the circuit should be designed so the
same muscle group is not used at consecutive stations
• popular for people wanting 'variety' and looking to gain overall
'fitness' benefits and health-related improvements
• easy to accommodate large groups of people/teams at the same
• minimal equipment is required as many stations rely on body weight
to provide resistance
• other methods can be incorporated within circuits
(e.g. Weights, plyometrics, speed, etc., but not continuous training).
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Types of circuits
•This is the most common type of circuit
•Performers complete as many repetitions of an exercise at each station in an
allocated time (30 – 60 seconds)
•Short rest periods follow work at each station whilst performers move from one
station to the next = 'transition (10-20 seconds)
•If designed properly no-one should be waiting to complete exercises at and stations
need to be added for larger groups/teams
•Every performer completes a pre-determined number of repetitions at each station
(6 clap push-ups, 4 x 10m shuttle sprints; 15 tuck jumps)
•Individual strengths and weaknesses are not taken into account – some people
might find the activities easy and others might struggle (this would slow the circuit down)
Individual load
•This is individualised by first determining the maximum number of repetitions that
can be performed in 60 seconds at each station and then performing 50 or 75% of
these reps during the actual circuit
•Because everyone doing the circuit is completing different reps, some 'wait time'
might be experienced in between stations
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Core strength training
Improving core strength will:
• improve running efficiency
• decrease risk of lower back injuries
• improve transfer of power between lower and upper body parts
• improve balance and stability whilst performing skills
• improve acceleration/deceleration.
So what is it?
It is best depicted as a muscular box bounded by the abdominals at
the front, the paraspinals and gluteals at the back, the diaphragm
at the top and the pelvic floor and hip girdle musculature at the bottom.
The most common type of core training involves Pilates and Swiss ball
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Flexibility training
Improved flexibility will:
• enhance the development of speed, strength and power
• reduce the likelihood of injury
• improve posture
• reduce the impact of DOMS (delayed onset of muscle soreness)
• relieve physiological and psychological stress and tension.
Maximum flexibility gains are obtained when muscles/joints have warmed up and is
often focussed on at the end of workouts, although flexibility can also be the sole
purpose of any training session.
Static stretching:
A joint is taken through it’s range of motion and this position is 'held' for 10+ seconds
Dynamic and ballistic stretching:
• a joint is moved through its range of motion with controlled movement/momentum (dynamic)
• dynamic stretching should mimic some of the movements & actions soon to be performed
• ballistic stretching involves the same movements as dynamic stretching but with greater
speed/force applied.
PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation) stretching:
• a joint is moved through it’s range of motion until resistance/slight discomfort is experienced
• isometric contraction of associated muscles for 6–10 seconds before relaxing muscles
• the joint is taken to full range of motion again and isometric contractions repeated
• this sequence is repeated 6–10 times.
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