British values - Tower Hamlets

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British values
Following the Trojan Horse scandal Michael Gove said that
all schools would have to teach ‘British values.’
But what does this
In pairs come up with a
list of five ‘British values’
you think should be
taught in schools and be
willing to explain your
views to the class.
Not everyone agreed with Gove though, and many people
took to social media to ridicule him.
Being wary of foreigners while having a
Belgian beer with an Indian curry in your
Spanish villa wearing Indonesian clothes
# BritishValues
#BritishValues tackling
homelessness, one spike
at a time
#BritishValues Never
looking, speaking or
eating on the Tube.
So what did Gove actually mean?
Current guidance asks schools to “enable pupils to distinguish right
from wrong and to respect the civil and criminal law” and “provide
pupils with a broad general knowledge of public institutions and
services in England”.
Pupils are also encouraged “to respect the fundamental British values
of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect
and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs”.
Mr Gove also said that teachers will be banned from the profession if
they allow extremists into classrooms.
(The Telegraph 22nd July 2014)
For discussion:
Are these sensible suggestions?
Are there any problems with them?
Should anything be taken away or added?
Is Tower
Read the advice on the following slide given by
ISIS/Daesh to people in the city of Mosul.
Think about which British Values you would be without and
which one, if any you would miss the most and why.
British Values
• Democracy
• The rule of law
• Individual liberty
• Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different
faiths and beliefs
Guidelines for civilians
After the self-proclaimed Islamic State captured cities in Iraq, ISIS issued
guidelines on how to wear clothes and veils. ISIS warned women in the
city of Mosul to wear full-face veils or face severe punishment. A cleric
told Reuters in Mosul that ISIS gunmen had ordered him to read out the
warning in his mosque when worshippers gathered. ISIS also banned
naked mannequins and ordered the faces of both male and female
mannequins to be covered. ISIS released 16 notes labelled "Contract of
the City", a set of rules aimed at civilians in Nineveh. One rule stipulated
that women should stay at home and not go outside unless
necessary. Another rule said that stealing would be punished by
In addition to banning the sale and use of alcohol (which is customary in
Muslim culture), militants have banned the sale and use of cigarettes
and hookah pipes. They have also banned "music and songs in cars,
at parties, in shops and in public, as well as photographs of people in
shop windows.”
Christians living in areas under ISIS control who wanted to remain in the
"caliphate" faced three options: converting to Islam, paying a religious
levy—jizya—or death.
Your task
Come up with a list of ways you think ‘British values’ are
promoted in school.