Transcript Slide 1

Cathedral Primary School
Spring 2 2014
Year 3
Rocks and Soil
Striking Games and Gymnastics
This we are focussing on ‘Rocks and
Soil’, investigating what rocks are, what
they can be used for and where they
come from. We will also be
investigating the properties of soil and
how you can tell the difference between
soil types.
This term in RE, the children willlearn
about Easter. Children will work on the
events of Holy Week; Palm Sunday, the
significance of the Last Supper and the
reasons leading to the Crucifixion.
Children will be encouraged to express
their feelings about these events.
Ancient Egypt
Children will be designing their own
Cartouche with clay – the final product
will be painted. Children will explore
how to write their name in hieroglyphics
and add this to their Cartouche.
Children will also be looking at
designing Egyptian shapes such as
Please continue to help your children
with their times tables by practicing at
home. We will also be working on:
dividing – looking at different methods
to answer word problems, data handling
– tally and bar charts, telling the time
and working out fractions of shapes and
Adventure Texts
This term’s literacy topic will focus on
Adventure texts. This work will result in
children creating their own adventure
story set in Ancient Egypt which links to
our history topic. The children will work
on developing characters, creating
settings effectively and using dialogue.
Ancient Egypt
We will research the daily lives of
people in Ancient Egypt. We will also
focus on the Ancient Egyptian burial
customs and what the Egyptians
believed in. We will look at who the
Pharoahs are and the role that other
people played in the lives of Pharoahs.
Our P.E session is still on Tuesday.
During this session, pupils will be
working on ball skills including bouncing
and hitting with a bat. The children will
also develop their gymnastic skills –
focussing on travelling, jumping, turning
and balancing skills.
Going for Goals
Our new topic will encourage the
children to understand goals. For
example, this might relate to any
curriculum area, their social, emotional
and behavioural skills work, or to their
behaviour in class or in the playground.
Exploring Pentatonic Scales
Pupils will recognise and explore the
ways sounds can be combined and
used expressively. They will be
encouraged to sing in tune with
expression and perform rhythmically
simple parts that use a limited range of